A billion microplastics fly over the sky of Madrid (study)


Aerial view of Madrid

A sky always beautiful, but every day more insane

The amount of microplastics in the Pyrenees is similar to that of Paris or Chinese industrial cities, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience. An expedition reveals the presence of microplastics on Everest, we titled just a month ago. The presence of microplastics not only occurs on land and in the sea -and, therefore, in our stomach-; more and more scientists claim that it also travels through the sky.

This is what a study has shown with researchers from the University of Alcalá, the Astrobiology Center (INTA-CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Madrid, for which samples have been taken on board Air Force planes while they were flying over the sky. From the capital. As a result, specialists have confirmed the presence of concentrations equivalent to a trillion microplastic particles in the sky of Madrid.

It is the first time that the presence of microplastics in the atmosphere at high altitude has been directly justified - until now, their presence had only been proven a few meters above ground level. "Although the atmosphere is a much less studied medium, it is known that concentrations in urban environments reach values ​​of a few microplastics per cubic meter," explain the authors of the study. In the case of Madrid, this concentration reached 13.9 microplastics per cubic meter, which is about ten times higher than in rural areas.


According to the study, many of the microplastic particles settle in the first 24 hours not too far from the point at which they were sampled. We are talking about small fragments or fibers of plastic (from one micron to five millimeters) that, generally, they come from the disintegration of larger objects, such as synthetic clothing . But also from natural materials , such as cellulose, cotton or wool, which have undergone industrial processes that make them foreign to the environment by being treated with chemicals such as softeners or dyes.

However, one of the most relevant points of the research is that it has found that a significant number of these particles are capable of traveling long distances before being deposited. A) Yes, microplastics that leave Madrid one day can reach the Bay of Biscay in 24 hours , where the deposit rate would be between 0.1 and 10 microplastics per square meter per day. In addition, a significant fraction of these elements can reach the south of England, Belgium and northern France , more than 1,000 kilometers from where they were detected.

"Available data indicate atmospheric deposition rates of several hundred microplastics per square meter per day, even in alpine environments relatively far from large population centers. These data suggest that microplastics can reach considerable heights and be transported great distances by winds "explain the experts.

This explains the presence of this type of contamination in areas where there is no evidence of human activity: "Our team has identified microplastics in a seasonal stream in a specially protected area in Antarctica , (ASPA-126), where access has been strictly regulated since 1966", the scientists detail.


Microplastics are already everywhere: in the water you drink, in the food you eat -and not only in animals; also in salt, honey or milk - and, as we have just seen, in the air you breathe . Getting rid of them, right now, seems like an impossible mission, since a large part of industrial products contain these particles, even if they are not made entirely of plastic.

A) Yes, fabrics, ropes, paints, varnishes, cleaning products and even cosmetics emit them gradually, so that they are trapped in the particles of water or air. Y It is not yet known what effects its assimilation by the human body may have , although they are already causing visible damage to ecosystems, which even worms attest to: in a UK study, not only did they not gain weight in the presence of microplastics, but they lost 3% weight in a month.

For all this, the United Nations Development Program has proposed 20 actions that we can all take to minimize the enormous damage that these substances cause on the planet:

1. Use a biodegradable toothbrush Bamboo with natural bristles.

two. Use natural fiber dental floss coated with beeswax , because traditional dental floss is made of nylon or Teflon, which is the same material as a non-stick frying pan.

3. Avoid using Teflon-coated non-stick pans. . Teflon breaks down into microplastics, which are plastic particles smaller than five millimeters. So not only do they mix into your food, but these tiny particles pass through the sewage system into our oceans and waterways. It is very likely that the fish you eat also consumed these tiny particles.

Four. Say no to disposable plastic razors.

5. Use hair products that do not contain plastic ingredients like silicone and petroleum . Read labels carefully! Better yet, try not to waste. Try a natural shampoo bar instead of one in a plastic container, and style with natural plant-based oils. 80% of all industrial and municipal wastewater in the world is discharged into rivers without any treatment.

6. Leave microplastics out of your skincare routine. Look for products that are natural and do not contain microparticles. Alternatives include sea salt products and plant-based scrubs like crushed apricot kernels and coconut shells.

7. Use cotton, organic cotton or hemp fiber towels instead of disposable cotton swabs or wipes. Although cotton breaks down, the chemicals it contains can leach into our environment and harm wildlife.

8.If you like fishing, remember to come home with all your gear. The nets and nylon lines and hooks are dragged by the ocean , where they catch and entangle fish, birds and even large marine species, such as whales. These gear could remain in the water for up to 1,000 years after their owners lose them or throw them into the sea or rivers. 46% of the great garbage area in the Pacific, a large island of waste as large as the state of Texas, is made up of these 'ghost nets'.

9. avoid the balloons at parties and celebrations. Debris can drown and strangle marine animals and harm marine life.

10. Discard the glitter : attracts due to its brightness and size and can be mistaken for food for fish.

11.Take with you a reusable water bottle not plastic. Don't let your bottle be one of the million plastic bottles that are bought every minute around the world.

12. Use a reusable cup no plastic for your coffee or tea.

13. Store reusable bags at home, at work and in your bag. Also remember to take with you smaller reusable bags for fruits and vegetables. According to UN Environment, more than a million plastic bags are used every minute.

14. Pack your lunch in a reusable container not plastic. It's healthier and saves money. Why not ask your favorite restaurant to replace plastic packaging with sustainable alternatives?

fifteen. Forget plastic straws and change them for a reusable metal version to enjoy your soda or smoothie.

16. Opt for natural fabrics and textiles . Reduce the amount of clothing made from synthetic plastic fabrics in your closet, which release tiny microplastics that end up in our ocean and lungs. Even synthetic carpets release these types of particles.

17. Use ecological detergents , dishwashing sponges made of natural fiber and cleaning products that do not harm our rivers, coral reefs and oceans.

18. Opt for plastic-free packaging as much as possible. Recycle your existing plastic and reduce its use, keep in mind that biodegradable plastics do not completely degrade. Of the 14% of plastic packaging that is recycled globally, only 5% is retained for use after a long and expensive process of sorting and reprocessing.

19. Do not throw trash . Nearly a third of the plastic packaging used worldwide becomes litter that ends up clogging our city streets, sewage systems, and ultimately ending up traveling in our rivers and oceans.

20. Reducing plastic pollution will require big action by governments and businesses. But we can all contribute. Be proactive, assume your responsibility and change your attitude towards this problem. With small actions We can all make a difference!

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