The best theater festivals in Spain


Spain is a country that loves good theater . Since the famous Golden Age of Spanish culture, it has not stopped pampering and cultivating a genre that has given both great works and lofty actors and actresses.

On the tables of comedy corrals, at first, and beautiful and ostentatious scenarios, later, tragedies and comedies have been told of the most diverse nature.

For a few hours, the theater takes us to another world in which everything is possible . We identify with the hero, or heroine, of the story. We suffer, we suffer, we rejoice and we fall in love with them. In short, it makes us dream intensely.

To experience that sensation in the first person, there is nothing like attending one of the wonderful festivals and theater fairs that exist in our country.

Most of them match the arrival of good weather , but this is not the case in all cases.

Actors on stage at the Mérida International Classical Theater Festival

The Mérida International Classical Theater Festival is one of the most important of its kind.


The Mérida International Classical Theater Festival is considered to be one of the most important of its kind, not only in Spain, but also in Europe.

This is helped by its emblematic and unique main stage, which is none other than the Roman Theater of Merida , spectacular legacy of the former Emerita Augusta.

During the months of July and August, on this and other stages throughout the city (such as the María Luisa Theater), adaptations of Greek and Roman works in which top-class actors and actresses participate.

Since its first edition, in 1953, names of the stature of Concha Velasco, Maribel Verdu , Paco Rabal, Pepe Sancho, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Ana Belén and José Luis López Vázquez.

In 2022 it celebrates 68 editions a festival that already has venues spread throughout other cities in Spain and South America, such as Madrid and Medellín.

Almagro Comedy Corral

In Almagro we find the best preserved comedy corral in Spain.


Every year, during the month of July, the Almagro International Classical Theater Festival.

This small town in the province of Ciudad Real was the epicenter of the Golden Age of the Spanish theatre.

In Almagro we find the best preserved comedy corral in Spain , which serves as the central stage for the performances of the festival.

Other venues of the event are also not far behind in packaging and beauty, as is the case with the Palacio de los Villarreal, the Casa Palacio de Juan Jedler, the National Theater Museum or the Municipal Theater, in addition to various hermitages and the iconic Plaza Mayor of the city , whose historic center was declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1972.

Just six years later, in 1978, this festival was inaugurated, renewing the commitment that this city has always had with the performing arts and whose creations focus in the baroque era of Spanish theater.

On its stages we can relive works of Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega, Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla or Tirso de Molina.

Olite Castle

The (tale) castle of Olite.


In Olite (Navarra) there is one of the most beautiful castles in Spain , but one of the best-known theater festivals in the country is also celebrated.

The Olite Theater Festival -which takes place in the second fortnight of July- presents a different commitment to the performing arts.

In their poster they usually opt for the contemporary and classical theater , but also for dance, circus and music. Also, artistic parity is deeply defended and women are very protagonists, both in the direction and in the staging of the events.

Dramaturgy and creative writing workshops are some of the extra activities that usually accompany the festival.

Theater scene at the Fira de Tàrrega

People come to Fira de Tàrrega not only to observe, but also to learn.


The Fair of Tarrega (Lérida) is much more than a theater festival.

Actually, it's about an international market for the performing arts , considering itself a meeting, debate, exchange and transaction point, which has exhibition stands, as well as a wide range of events and performances.

So here we can discover innovative companies and groups dedicated to theater, dance, circus or music, but we will also have the opportunity to learn in dozens of workshops and, if we are interested in becoming an active part of that world, establishing relationships with artists from different countries.

In the last editions of the Fira they were accredited more than 800 affiliated professionals to more than 300 entities related to the international performing arts.

An event that takes place at the beginning of September and in which support for young artists , while culture is democratized.

Theater scene at the Grec Festival

46 years of history behind the Grec Festival.


The Barcelona Grec Festival gets its name from its main stage, the greek theater , built in Montjuic for the Universal Exhibition of 1929.

It is one of the most important performing arts festivals in Europe and it has room for both the theater, such as the circus, dance and music.

Over time (has 46 years of history) has become the main cultural attraction of the summer in Barcelona.

In addition, the festival has spread to other venues in the city – such as the National Theater of Catalonia, the Flower Market, the Auditorium or the Teatre Lliure – and has been internationalized remarkably.

Today, the Barcelona Grec Festival represents one of the best opportunities to enjoy innovative shows from Catalonia, the rest of Spain and Europe.


When you want to enjoy a children's, family and teen theater , the city of Gijón, with its FETEN festival, is a true reference.

The European Fair of Performing Arts for Boys and Girls in Gijón usually takes place, every year, between the months of February and March, and has established itself as the main meeting point for professionals in the children's sector of the performing arts in Spain.

However, it must be remembered that this event is not only aimed at professionals in the sector, but also at family audiences, who here can enjoy endless theatrical performances and various shows.

In the last edition participated more than 600 professionals from 72 companies , which staged more than 160 performances.

Some of these companies came from countries such as Ireland, France, Finland, the Netherlands, Argentina or Chile, giving a marked international character to the fair and making different and captivating shows available to everyone.


The Castilla y León Theater Fair is held every year in Rodrigo City.

For five days at the end of August, this town in Salamanca hosts dozens of companies, hundreds of professionals and tens of thousands of spectators in fifteen different venues, with a strong influence of the Portuguese market and companies.

With a general poster -specializing in premieres and innovative shows with a certain social commitment- devotes a third of its programming to children and families, and another al fresco street theater.

When held in an old quarter as special as that of Ciudad Rodrigo , this event is not only one of the most important theatrical and professional fairs in Spain, but it is also a very attractive tourist and cultural opportunity.

So far our route through the best theater festivals in Spain. Let's support culture and let it make us dream and travel with the imagination . Let the curtain open!

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