25 Things About London You'll Only Know If You've Lived There


Like a 'londoner' more

Like one more 'londoner'

Eight million souls, some in pain, have chosen London to live, which makes it the most populous capital in Europe. The londoners, native or adopted, are distinguished from the rest of the human fauna by their fast walking and his apparent laziness first of all what a newcomer notices. Because his first and greatest obsession is not to look like a tourist. Never. That's why a true Londoner would never take you to Piccadilly Circus. His obligation is to know them all, get off the most common routes and discover the extraordinary of the city on a daily basis. They are the vigilantes of the vanguard , the best collectors of unique experiences. This is your bible: the 25 things about London that you only know if you live there.


1. rain is a legend

regardless of who weighs, statistically it rains more in Brussels and in Rome , a fact that those in London also know, who, tired of complaining and listening to how others complain about the weather, release it from time to time to degrease. In spite of everything, they usually carry an umbrella hidden in their bag. and they listen with almost sickly avidity to the forecast on a daily basis. Of course, when the sun rises do not count on them.

Sunbathing under the Lloyds building

Oddly enough, the sun also rises

two. Get an Oyster Card

It doesn't matter if your visit is lightning. Public transport prices are prohibitive, even for them, and that is why the Oyster Card must be your best friend from the beginning of the trip. Without it your rate is multiplied by two and these are not the times for useless waste.

3. The subway

Almost a second home for the Londoners, who move underground like fish in water. Pay attention to your behavior: it is highly penalized go slowly, stop suddenly, stand in awe, or stand on the left side of escalators . Also, according to an unwritten rule, the only time you can speak loudly or maintain eye contact with your peers is when you are drunk – Curiously, that is not so badly seen..

Some things you have to do: walk the longest staircase in Angel Station (60 meters) ; look at the ceiling Sloane Square (the tunnel you see carries water from the Westbourne River) ; see how the pigeons sneak into the station hammersmith ; observe the mosaics dedicated to Hitchcock in the station Leytonstone; do not mount any number when you see mice (It is normal) .

Victoria Station

The unwritten rules of the subway: don't stop

Four. minicab my friend

Black taxis -black cabs- are the favorites of Londoners, because they are much more stuffy, they randomly select their clientele and they seem to know where they are going. Yet sooner or later everyone has to opt for a minicab, those second-hand taxis driven mostly by immigrants who hardly understand driving. This linguistic disagreement increases the possibilities of human interaction but in many cases you must agree on the price in advance and in all of them it is recommended that you know where you are going, or else you will be at the mercy of the benefits of the GPS.

Black Cabs

Black Cabs? And mini cabs to cascoporrillo

5. get a bike

It is much cheaper and cooler than conventional transport and all Londoners like to brag about being environmentally conscious athletes. Thanks to Barclays, the boris bikes, some nice blue rental bicycles that you can enjoy during 24 hours for 2 pounds. Remember that they are perfect for short journeys because the first half hour is free.

By bike London wins

By bike, London wins

6. The fog was actually pollution

A pity if you are an incurable romantic and you are still in love with the famous postcard of foggy London , but reality is irreducible. It wasn't fog it was suspended dust from the coal that used almost everything in the city for fuel, including chimneys . One afternoon in 1952 it got so loud that Sadler's Wells Theater had to stop playing because fog crept onto the stage. That said, London, like any other city, is subject to inclement weather, so you might catch a day when you can't see the end of your nose. If so, try to catch you in cover.


Fog, or rather, pollution?


7. Harrods sold ... substances

The legendary Harrods department store, the one where the queen shops, sold a certain exciting substance until 1916.

8. Weird buildings of obscure origins

The smallest house in the city is very close to Marble Arch, right across from the Serpentine, the little lake in Hyde Park. You'll find it in the 10 Hyde Park Place and, as you can see, it is only one meter wide. Apparently its existence is due to the interest of the authorities in preventing the theft of corpses from the nearby St. George Cemetery, a widespread practice back in 1805. The house acted as a parapet because mini flats had not yet been invented.

The smallest house in London

The smallest house in London

9. Tower Bridge, censored

The top of the famous Tower Bridge was open to the public until 1910 . Then the authorities closed it because it had become the preferred point for prostitutes to attract their clients.

10. mass executions

If you like morbid details, remember that at the crossroads between Marble Arch and Edgware Road a plaque commemorates Tyburn Tree , where over the centuries 50,000 executions were held.

eleven. The last execution in the Tower of London

Although the imposing building takes you on a journey through time and you easily visualize a very medieval setting, you should know that the last execution is not so far away. The unfortunate protagonist was the German spy Josef Jakobs, executed in 1941, in the midst of World War II.

The Tower of London full of gruesome and bloody stories

The Tower of London, full of gruesome and bloody stories

12. What hides underground

Incredible but true. Over the years, excavations in London have turned out to be an inexhaustible source of surprises. Among the animal bones found is a crocodile in Islington, a mammoth in King's Cross and a hippo in Trafalgar Square.

13. Take in the views from St. Paul Cathedral

There are many places to enjoy a good view of London, but the ones you will discover climbing the 530 steps of the St Paul's Cathedral They are less crowded by tourists. That is why a good Londoner chooses without hesitation the Gallery of Sighs when he wants to think without altercations.

14. very british gestures

When we talk about Britain being the oldest democracy in the world, we also talk about its gestures. Here is a very curious one. In 1950 anyone could call Prime Minister Winston Churchill, his phone number was listed in the phone book.

fifteen. Big Ben's punctuality is not infallible

It's comforting to know that they too can be delayed. And also, for the most absurd reasons. In 1995 a flock of starlings landed on the minute hand of the famous clock in the Houses of Parliament and turned the time back 5 minutes.

Views from St. Paul's Cathedral

Views from St. Paul's Cathedral


16. Discover a secret dining room in Soho

This is very morbid because if you think about it Soho is the busiest, most sought after and most exploited public area in the entire city. So having dinner in a secret dining room is not without its charm. At number ** 29 Greek St ** you will find a pub that through a narrow staircase offers you the possibility of enjoying a meal in absolute privacy.

17. Live an authentic tea ceremony in the heart of Notting Hill

In the Teanamu tea room you will enjoy the whole ritual and what is better you will learn to reproduce it. You can also choose the tea that best suits your mood and without a doubt after the experience you will leave much more relaxed.

18. first class seat

If you want go to the movies in style nothing like trying on The Everyman by Hamsptead . You will have a sumptuous velvet armchair and you will be able to order what you most want a la carte.

19. Enjoy a concert at Union Chapel

This old chapel has recently been voted as the best london club to listen to live concerts. And yes, it really is, an incomparable setting. Although it has its small disadvantages: you cannot consume alcoholic beverages outside a restricted area, but enjoying a concert while having tea is the coolest thing that can happen to you. Especially if you like to tell it.

twenty. Disconnect in the channels

L The canals are a paradise if you want to fall in love with the calm . The water relaxes and the views entertain. The path that starts at Little Venice and takes you to Camdem Town along the Regent's Canal It is memorable and if you want to complete the experience you can stop at the zoo and spend the morning. If you are more for the task of giving yourself a good lunch, try TheSummerhouse, an open secret among the most gourmets.

summer house

A secret with voices

twenty-one. You will honor the parks

Do not hesitate, as soon as a ray of sun comes out, get undressed and go to the first park you catch . Only then will you show that you are a true Londoner. Better if your underpants are branded, of course. The truth is that the weather is so miserable that the heat seems to go straight to the heart and these public spaces unite a lot. You will immediately discover that the inhabitants of the city are much more friendly and humorous when they cheer in a park.


22. Get yourself a copy of A to Z

It's essential. You can carry it in your hand or in your bag, and drop it casually when they're about to look at you like a tourist. His impression will change in seconds, you can check it. If he A to Z it is the definitive proof that you live in London and therefore you do not have to know the name of its more than 20,000 addresses.

23. Don't just stare with your mouth open

It doesn't matter if she wears a cage on her head or if her lips can't be seen because of the piercings. That is not done. You have seen it before and you are not surprised.

24. Here it goes on Thursdays

The weekend is for dinner with friends, shopping, waxing, or strolling through the current exhibition. But if what you want is to live elbow to elbow with London in the trendiest restaurants and in the most popular clubs, you have to go out on thursday . It seems that on Thursdays tourists prefer to go to the hotel earlier.

25. Don't get stuck with names

They are there to hook you up, to make your experience that much more interesting. A challenge go. Do not look for logic because they do not have it. And don't try to reach Gloucester Road pronouncing Glo-u-ces-ter. No one will understand you and they will look at you with an annoyed face for wasting their precious time. In London everyone is in a hurry and time is money. Glouster is said and period. The same as Greenwich, if you feel like going to see the meridian. Greeeenich. It is done. Prick up your ears or ask your londoner friend to give you some clues so as not to embarrass him in public. Do not give it more turns.

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green park london

You will honor the parks of London

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