Thinking of a change of scenery? This is the most sustainable country of 2020


landscape of finland

Finland the most sustainable country of 2020 for expats

Its natural surroundings, air and water quality, and good sanitation infrastructure are some of the reasons that have raised Finland to the first place of the sustainable countries according to him Environment and Sustainability Report (Report on Environment and Sustainability).

Specifically, 98% of the expatriates residing in the Nordic country positively valued the nature of Finland, 95% the quality of the air and 96% that of the water. They also exceed the world average obtained in these fields after carrying out more than 15,000 surveys and which are set at 82%, 62% and 72% respectively.

More sustainable countries map

The map of the most and least sustainable countries in the world

These adopted Finns are also satisfied with environmental care policies implemented by the government (89%) and waste management and recycling efforts (90%).

These data are obtained from the first edition of the Environment and Sustainability Report prepared based on the data extracted from the report Expat Insider 2020 for whose creation he interviewed more than 15,000 expatriates of 173 different nationalities residing in 181 countries or territories. The fact that only 60 countries are included in this report is due to the fact that the response of a minimum of 75 people is required in each one.

After this global study is found InterNations , an international community of expatriates that includes some 4 million people in 420 cities around the world, and it has analyzed what was the degree of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 7 with factors like air quality, the natural environment, water and sanitation, the availability of food and ecological services, energy supply and waste management and recycling infrastructure. They were also asked about their perception of government policies to protect the environment and the interest of the local population for these topics.

The rest of the TOP 10 is characterized by a strong European presence run by Sweden (2), Norway (3), Austria (4), Switzerland (5), Denmark (6), Germany (8) and Luxembourg (10), and that is only altered by the appearance of New Zealand and Canada in positions seven and nine respectively.

The Marrows

Natural environments, one of the factors most valued by expatriates residing in Spain

Spain, For its part, it is not among the 10 most sustainable countries in the study, but it is not necessary to go down much in the ranking, only to rank 20, To find it.

The strong point that has allowed him to climb to this position is the quality of their natural environments, a factor with which 91% of those surveyed declared to be satisfied compared to 82% in which the global average is fixed. Also notable for air quality, where it obtains the satisfaction of 70% of expatriates residing in Spain compared to 62% world average.

The weak point of Spain in this area? The perception of the policies undertaken by governments and the interest of the local population in environmental issues. Despite exceeding the global average (55%), only 58% of expatriates residing in Spain consider that the government supports policies to protect the environment. In addition, only 51%, compared to the world average of 48%, consider that the population is concerned about these issues.

Regarding the rest of the factors analyzed, 70% of those asked in Spain value positively the local management of waste as well as the recycling infrastructure and 68% are happy with the availability of green food and services.

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