Tell me how you are and I will tell you where to retire


They call it the golden age for a reason

They call it "the golden age" for a reason

and what do they do travelers like us when do they retire? Well, either continue exploring the world, unstoppable, or move our base camp to another place, probably to the one we see when we close our eyes. The question is: where will you do it? Seriously answer these completely _random questions _and you'll find out!:

What is your favorite Roman proverb?

**a) ** Carpe diem ('Seize the moment') **b) ** In vino veritas ('In the wine is the truth')

**c) ** Mens sana in corpore sano ('A healthy mind in a healthy body') **d) ** _Constantia fundamentum est omnium virtutum ('_Constancy is the foundation of all virtues')

**e) ** Tempus fugit ('Time flies')

The hashtag you use the most is:

**a) ** #Moments **b) ** #Chic

**c) ** #Soul **d) ** #PachaMama

**e)** #OnTheRoad

What contains your ideal juice?

**a)** Orange! **b) ** Grapes: I know of no better juice than wine

**c) ** Mango, papaya and other tropical names **d) ** Seasonal fruit

**e) ** Anything that sounds exotic

no more mondays no more bosses

No more Mondays, no more bosses!

The food you would kill for:

**a) ** Grilled fish of the day **b) ** A good stew

**c) ** An exotic rice dish with chicken, fish and coconut milk. Yes, you also add spice to it **d) ** A couple of free-range eggs with organic potatoes

**e) ** The one that always comes out better at home than in any restaurant

For a dip you prefer:

**a) ** A beach with turquoise waters **b) ** An indoor pool

**c) ** A lake in the middle of wild nature **d) ** A pool

**e) ** You don't care, if you're hot, you can bathe anywhere!

What relationship do you have with your family?

**a) ** I see them every Sunday **b) ** We meet one weekend a month

**c) ** I see them at parties, and sometimes not even that **d) ** It goes through times

**e) ** You communicate mainly by Whatsapp and Skype

Your feelings regarding the summer could be summed up as:

**a)** I love it! It's my favorite season! **b) ** I prefer autumn

**c) ** I like it, but I love the rain. **d) ** It is as important as the rest of the seasons

**e) ** It's ok as long as it has air conditioning

The perfect plan for a Saturday night:

**a) ** Bars, clubs, shots... Give me everything, daddy! **b) ** Quiet dinner in a nice place and afterwards, some champagne

**c) ** I stay home to recharge for the week **d) ** Meeting with friends at home or at a campsite, under the stars

**e) ** Road, blanket and we'll sleep wherever the night takes us!

What would you most hate to be called?

**a) ** Nervous **b) ** Vulgar

**c) ** Materialistic **d) ** Wasteful

**e)** Boring

The new exotic Marigold Hotel

We'll probably retire at 70 but...


When you are old, you will live in the ** Portuguese Algarve ... or on the Costa del Sol .** Miles of beaches, always fresh fish, movie sunsets and an endless leisure offer will make you feel like an eternal vacationer very close to your home.


Your dream paradise is ** the French Provence **, although it also throws you The Toscana. Quiet mornings having croissants for breakfast while you read the newspaper, bike ride to the market , glass of wine at mid-morning, good food, lovely architecture and more cheese than you could imagine - the perfect retreat.


Yours are the Edens in which find spiritual peace to which right now you can not devote all your attention. We advise you **get away from the madding crowd in Bali** and enjoy its lush landscapes and mysticism of its exotic culture.


your greatest wish is withdraw from civilization and return to the origins , to the simple. Working the land, collecting the eggs from the chickens and enjoying the little things without harming the environment is everything you want, and that is why we recommend two things: one, that you **spend your last days in a small town**, no more. Two: buy one for yourself and for whoever you want. In Spain there are several for sale!


You are one of those He sees a caravan in traffic and makes eyes at it. Go saving to buy one (or maybe a boat) and travel the world at your own pace , piling up destination stickers on the back window and landscapes on the back of the eyes. You will always carry your house on your back, and still, no day will be the same as the previous one. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

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