Yes Future: this is the first 'zero waste' supermarket in Barcelona


Facade of Yes Future

Facade of Yes Future

Bamboo toothbrushes, natural toothpastes in glass jars , household cleaning products biodegradable and bulk , reusable coffee capsules… And not a container to throw away . Wines, kombucha, craft beer, infusions, and so on. 500 daily consumption products and without a plastic that wraps them . The place exists, it's called 'YES FUTURE. Positive Supermarket' , Y It is the first zero waste supermarket in Barcelona.

Their creators, Olga Rodriguez and Alejandro Martinez , enrolled in this pioneering initiative in the city aware of the large amount of garbage we produce every day. And they were right. The world generates **3.5 million tons of plastic and other solid waste every day**.

In the United States this translates to 844 kilos per person per year. In Spain the amount is not so high but it is also scary: 440 kilos per year per inhabitant (1.2 kilograms a day) . And one more fact: every year there are 500 billion plastic bottles and in our country 50% ends up in landfills.

The Yes Future Manifesto

The Yes Future Manifesto


There are those who see the solution as a utopia, but others have been taking small steps for a long time, aware of what is at stake. “It is a very broad movement – ​​explains Olga – and it is true that progress is being made little by little. But there is more and more interest and the initiatives are followed with more force ”. Phenomena such as that of the young activist Greta Thunberg they help to make room for the environment among the agenda of current affairs.

But back to the supermarket. Let's go back to the lentils, the chickpeas, the tagliatelle with turmeric, the whole rye spaghetti, the infusions, and even the hazelnut and cocoa cream that comes to mind for all of us and that in Yes Future It exists in its eco variant. Because everything here is like that. Of ecological production, proximity, and from providers who work on a small scale or in cooperatives and who also have an interest in doing things a little better.

In bulk and in glass containers, this is Yes Future

In bulk and in glass containers: this is Yes Future

And this is more expensive? Well it depends on how you look at it. “The bulk sales format does not have to be more expensive, since supplier avoids packing in small quantities , and the supermarket buys in large formats, thus saving packaging costs that have repercussions on the consumer - explains Olga -. but what yes you have to put in value is the product . Is not the same eco, artisanal and local than industrial production.

Alejandro gives more arguments. “Initially, it may be that products like shampoo seem a little more expensive, but in practice, being of higher quality, a smaller amount is needed than usual and it ends up lasting much longer ”.


For most, taking the first step and changing these habits can seem very complicated. But here they also lend a hand. Olga and Alejando tell us that there are many customers who enter at first out of curiosity and asking for advice . "In the end, many of them become experts and explain to us solutions or alternatives that they have found."

Yes Future

The first 'zero waste' supermarket in Barcelona

Some bring their containers from home , but here they also offer many options to start organizing ourselves: they sell glass jars, soap dispensers , containers for detergents, soap dishes, mesh bags for shopping, and even a organic cotton bag to keep vegetables fresh in the fridge for more than 2 weeks! A good solution for reduce food waste.

At the moment they are very happy with how things are going and the interest that people are showing, while they they continue to investigate every day new products that can incorporate.

And although for now they do not think about opening other branches in the city, they do have a date for their next novelty: Last summer they will open an online store so that more people can take that step.

Address: Calle Viladomat 66, Barcelona See map

Telephone: 935 328 509

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