Forbidden to fix posters: the exhibition that reinvents the ugliest poster in the world


Banned to post posters

The posters of Andrea García, Naroró and Lucía Morales

what started as a digital initiative to reinvent what is possibly the ugliest poster in the world has been so successful that its creators have decided to give it a physical entity in the form of exposition.

#Prohibidofijarteles was born from the hand of Helena Bravo, Mario Carrillo and Paula Reverte, a group of creatives from the Brother Creative School, who invited designers and artists to review the legendary poster.

Social networks were filled with a multitude of original designs and now, the sample Forbidden to post posters collects more than 50 of those advertising posters made by authors such as Artur Galocha, Ausias Pérez, Serial Cut and Isa Muguruza, among others.

The exhibition can be visited (previous registration) from Friday, May 14 at the facilities of Brother Escuela de Creativos at number 17 of Madrid's Gran Vía.

Banned to post posters

The designs of Artur Galocha, Loreto Manzanera and Sara Alonso


How many times have we seen the words "Banned to post posters" dotting the facades of the city?

Although it is surely the ugliest and most unsightly visual format of all those seen on the streets, this type of signage is still present in the urban jungle, but Helena, Mario and Paula, three young creatives based in Madrid, decided to do something about it.

“The idea was born in class, working with Mario we came to the observation that the sign that prohibits posting signs is also the ugliest sign in the world. We found it fun to redesign it: since they don't let us put up any other poster, let's play with the only one that can be there”, the creators of the initiative told

Paula Reverte and Helena Bravo are students at Brother School of Creatives and Mario Carrillo he is support at the same institution and creative editor at the advertising agency El Ruso de Rocky.

Banned to post posters

The proposals of Asis Percales, Ausías Pérez and Elisabeth Karin


The initiative was born in class, yes, but the true inspiration of this creative trio has its origin in the street: “It sounds typical but it's real. #Prohibidofijarteles is born from an observation that you find yourself walking down the street and looking at everything that makes it up”, they explain to

“We wanted to play with something that was always there, These posters have been part of our streets for a lifetime, in any city, in any town… it was about time someone did something with them. In addition, if there is something more cool than doing something prohibited, it is to find a way to do it and that everyone likes it”, they continue.

Banned to post posters

Unbuentipo, Cuernolobo and Marina Benítez

For Helena, Mario and Paula, the social networks They have been indispensable when it comes to spreading the idea: “People from all over Spain have joined the project, but also from countries like Argentina and Uruguay. Being able to share everything that comes to us with anyone in the world makes the collection alive and grows naturally, without limits”, they say.

The #Prohibidofijarposteres project will remain open digitally, serving, as well as a permanent curatorship of the versions of the aforementioned poster.

“There are many posters that we have not published yet. Also, Every day we get new versions, so we do not see an end to the growth of this virtual gallery to extol what was once the most low-down poster in the world” , add the architects of the idea.


As the finishing touch to #Prohibidofijarteles, Brother Escuela de Creativos y Cervezas San Miguel, together with the authors of the initiative, have an exhibition in which you can see many of the works shared by artists and designers.

Specifically, the exhibition will host more than fifty posters made by authors such as Artur Galocha, Iván Castro, Ausias Pérez, Serial Cut, Adriá Cuernolobo, Sara Alonso, Unbuentipo or Isa Muguruza.

When he was offered to participate in the project, Artur Galocha thought it was a very good idea. However, "I couldn't think of anything that was up to the proposal, as always happens to me at the beginning," he tells

"From that moment I began to notice the signs that prohibit, that surround us and are everywhere, sometimes more beautiful than others, other times less invasive and, shall we say, less bossy or paternalistic. And in the advertising that invades us, on the street and on the networks. That is not prohibited", says Artur Galocha.

Regarding the current situation of design, the artist believes that "it is at its best and more and more cool things are being done. All the information we receive through social networks is immense and you see things that people from the other side of the world or people from your same neighborhood are doing that are amazing".

For Galocha, the challenge is "Maintain a uniqueness of our environment to flee from standardization and the fight for the rights of the designer as a worker. Good salaries, proportional self-employment quota, conciliation, paid internships... the same as any worker."

We ask him for some advice for young designers just starting out in the industry: "I don't feel like I have much authority to give advice, but I guess I'd say work hard. Join colleagues and start projects whether journalistic, musical, artistic... in which design and communication can be contributed. Or create them yourself. Invent a magazine and try. Investigate the past and the present and copy from many places, because in the end something of your own will come out" Arthur concludes.

“Each artist has taken the interpretation of the poster to his field. In the collection there are pieces made using the collage technique, acrylics, illustrations, 3D, gif...”, Helena, Mario and Paula tell

And they conclude: “The set of all of them is what makes the idea strong. Seeing all the works together helps to understand the infinity of possibilities that the art of design offers us, even when we start from something as simple (and ugly) as the sign prohibiting putting up posters”.

Admission for the general public will be from 5:00 p.m. prior registration through this form.


The project #Prohibidofijarteles has only just begun, since it is about an open and lively collection that hopes to receive the contribution of as many as want to join it.

Do you dare to design your own version and join the project? To do so you just have to share the design through the hashtag #banned to post posters in social networks. Thus the piece will become part of the collection.

Address: C/ Gran Vía, 27, 6⁰ Izquierda, 28013 Madrid See map

Telephone: +34612278409

Schedule: First shift from 5:00 p.m. (prior registration)

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