Why absolutely nothing happens if you stay home this New Year's Eve


You can choose to get away from everything and everyone on New Year's Eve like Cameron Diaz in the movie 'Vacation'.

You can choose to get away from everything and everyone on New Year's Eve, like Cameron Diaz in the movie 'Vacation'.

I haven't been out on New Year's Eve for two Christmases. The first time I have to admit that it was more out of obligation than pleasure because my 38-degree fever almost prevented me from eating the grapes, much less going out to party. But it seems that I took a liking to that of staying home and last year I did it again, this time of my own free will. And what was it that I discovered? That January 1 can be better without a hangover drilling into your brain and without regrets for everything that happened the night before.

Because let's be honest New Year's Eve is –probably– the most anticipated night of the year... which then do not come to pass. And, although in the end we may end up having a good time, it always ends up disappointing us for a multitude of reasons. The exorbitant prices, plans that do not appeal, cold in the street, alcohol of the worst brands, queues at all times, fights that make your night bitter, people who are too drunk, theft of coats or cell phones, silly discussions and flirts that will disappear before of breakfast. Seeing it this way, why do we still go out on New Year's Eve?

Bridget Jones chooses in the movie to leave FOMO behind.

Bridget Jones chooses in the film to leave FOMO behind.


One of the factors that most come into play during this night is the social pressure of our environment (also the invasive marketing of holidays and happy days and society in general) and, consequently, we must add the concept known as FOMO, which comes to mean 'fear of missing out' (fear of missing out on an event would be the Spanish translation). This expression already existed in each one of us and in our personal relationships, but it grew and was put on the table a few years ago with the arrival of social networks.

Why this fear of missing an evening that we really don't feel like? "Many times It represents more of a social obligation than a pleasure.” tells Traveler.es Judith Viudes, an expert in psychology and also specializing in sexology.

Nothing conventional is Christmas for Ros.

Nothing conventional is Christmas for Ros.

Each person is a world but we tend to, during this night of the year, social expectations play tricks on us. “This is where the FOMO, the exacerbated fear of missing out on something so 'important' and not posting it on social media, and that on top of that there is that comparison by believing that other people are doing more interesting things than you and, even more so, on New Year's Eve”, continues Judith.

According to a study presented in 2018 in the publication Motivation and Emotion, “some of the consequences of what the feeling of FOMO produces in us is the increased negative affect, fatigue, stress, physical symptoms, and decreased sleep.

The arrival of social networks in our lives was one of the great drivers of this concept being magnified, controlling on numerous occasions our way of acting and making decisions, especially among young people under 30 years of age. So the difficult thing, on an occasion like the last night of the year, is Don't be influenced by social pressure. How to do it?

New Year's Eve in an elevator It all depends on the company?

End of the year in an elevator? It all depends on the company...


The first thing is to decide what plan we most want to do: go out to party, stay at home, go on a trip, have dinner with the family... We must understand that all options are equally feasible and acceptable!

As Judith Viudes recalls: “Christmas is a key date that is a delicate moment for emotional disorders. For example, cases of depression and anxiety increase on these dates and they do it for different reasons, but when we talk about New Year's Eve, all thoughts and emotions tend to center on a judgment towards ourselves.

that's where it comes in the dreaded Christmas Blues or the 'white depression', in which thoughts come to mind about how we have spent the last 365 days, reviewing moments and situations in which we make a mental summary of how we have focused and faced this year that is ending; and therefore is also linked to how we will welcome the next 12 months.

Don't be afraid to confess it to the family.

Don't be afraid to confess it to the family.

All this added to society invites us –not to say 'forces'– somehow to be well: this is a fun night, in which we must be positive and make plans 'approved' by the social strata. "And of course, if this does not coincide with our thoughts and emotional state, we still feel that we are worse off, we compare ourselves with social expectations," says Judith Viudes.

Thus we must try to be as rational as possible and look back at ourselves on what we really want and that absolutely nothing happens for not going out on New Year's Eve. "We must keep in mind that our happiness will never depend on what others expect or dictate, but on what really makes us happy and gives us pleasure," the expert recalls.

Perfection is being oneself without social conventions.

Perfection is being oneself without social conventions.

How to say what not? “If you find yourself in the situation of having to explain yourself to your friends or your family, the most appropriate thing is to be assertive and openly say that you want to make other plans that you like more And, if they want to respect and understand you, fine, and if not... well, too, because we can't control what others want to think or say, much less should we act based on what others want. That is not our responsibility”, says Judith.

It's time to arm yourself with courage, put ourselves as a priority and be aware of what truly makes us happy. From there we will make decisions of our own free will that will make us move away from social pressure. “In addition, it has been shown that as we get older, we teach ourselves to say NO more easily to those things and people that are not good for us, and we do it because we learn to value our time more and we decide to choose what and with whom we invest it”, explains the psychologist. Now that you know how to do it, it's time to put it into practice if that's what you really want!

Cold heels modeling tails... can be an unnecessary waste of money and energy.

Cold, heels, models, tails... can be an unnecessary waste of money and energy.


In case you are still hesitating and social pressure does not stop playing tricks on you, here is a list of reasons why this year it may be a better idea to stay home:

· You will save yourself unnecessary trouble and expenses. We all know the social fame he has tonight and that raise the money we are going to spend, from the cotillion to the drinks, the discos, the taxis, the shift outfit... Maybe you prefer to invest that money in something else that fills you up more!

· These kinds of nights too lead to excessive drug and alcohol consumption, which translates into a high probability of meeting people who are very susceptible to getting into fights or disputes. And, in the end, this results in a toxic environment in which, perhaps, you do not feel comfortable and safe. Did you know that New Year's Eve, according to studies, is the day that most cocaine use occurs? This is due to the young people who decide to try it for the first time or those people who normally do not do it and are encouraged to do so on such a 'special' night. MISTAKE!

The next day comes surprises and regrets...

The next day comes surprises and regrets...

· you will avoid living embarrassing situations caused by euphoria of the moment or alcohol, such as writing to the one who was your partner one day to tell her that you miss her while congratulating her on the new year. E-R-R-O-R twice!

· Crowds are also a key factor, if they overwhelm you or if they do not allow you to enjoy of your activity. This is not your best night to go out and have a good time.

· Has anyone said the word COLA? If you go out on New Year's Eve you will do them for everything. From ordering a taxi to entering the club, leaving your coat in the closet, waiting your turn in the bathroom, ordering a drink, leaving the party and even buying breakfast churros. Arm yourself with patience to return home!

· Cold. How many nights have we dared to go out without stockings, without a coat or with our best outfit and then we have repented with our cold the next day? On the last night of the year, low temperatures are guaranteed and may be accompanied by wind, rain or snow. One more reason to stay home warm!

You can also choose to stay home with friends.

You can also choose to stay home with friends.

· If we don't go out, the hangover the next day doesn't exist, so we can take the opportunity to get up early and go have breakfast somewhere 'cuqui' and take a walk in the sun January, or let the sheets stick to us until noon. In addition, for once you will enjoy the New Year's stew prepared by your mother, your mother-in-law or your grandmother. So yes!

· You won't have to see people you don't really feel like saying hello to, whether it's your ex, your co-workers, your college friends, your boss... Say "goodbye" to social impositions!

· Say goodbye to the FOMO for welcome the JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out).

· if you stay home you can enjoy solitude or the company of your choice.

You can welcome the New Year on a plane.

You can welcome the New Year on a plane.


Now, once you have decided that the party plan + disco + party is not what you want to do this year, you should consider that staying at home is not the only one of your options.

The expert Judith Viudes has it clear: “The alternatives are based on the premise of 'what things would you like to do?' The most important thing of all, will always be your ability to decide to do what you really want without feeling any obligation to participate in other plans that you do not like or do not feel like. You yourself have to dare to launch several proposals that adapt to what you like”.

A movie night with your friends? A relaxing bath with candles? A night of board games in company? Stay with family? Some pizzas, an ice cream in the middle of winter and a series? An erotic game night with your partner? Dinner at your favorite restaurant? A walk to welcome the new year? Dinner and karaoke with your cousins? A trip to the other part of the world? Celebrate New Year's Eve inside a plane? A getaway to a rural house? The options are endless!

this new year's eve don't let social impositions control your decisions and enjoy the little things, of those reasons that will make the passage to the new year the best of welcomes.

Start the year having breakfast in a cuqui cafeteria.

Start the year having breakfast in a cuqui cafeteria.

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