Toulouse, the first trip we want to do in 2021


Toulouse the first trip we want to do in 2021

To 2021 we ask, of course, a lot of health, but, especially, more trips . We want to walk through streets where our language is not spoken, get excited by the intricate architecture of a palace, discover unknown flavors. We want to relax and feel that everything will be fine, while taking care of ourselves and those around us. And for this reason, the first trip we will make next year will have as its destination Toulouse.

The reasons are many, but let's start with the most obvious: it is very close , and, at the same time, it is a completely different and wonderful universe. After an hour by plane from Madrid -and about four on comfortable highways from Barcelona-, a historic, monumental and friendly city, easy to navigate on foot, optimistic and full of plans for everyone . You'll see!


Toulouse will make you fall in love if you go as a couple: nothing more romantic than getting lost in the pink streets this historical-artistic city de France, a recognition granted by the Ministry of Culture as a reward for its commitment to heritage conservation. Thus, on your walk, you will be admired by monuments such as the Saint-Etienne cathedral , the imposing neoclassical building of the capitol -seat of the Town Hall and of the Theater of the same name- and the many Renaissance mansions scattered around the city, built thanks to the flourishing woad trade during that time. The plant, before the arrival of indigo, was the only one used to dye fabrics blue, the color of royalty and nobility.

The Asszat mansion one of those unique corners that you want to portray forever

The Assézat mansion, one of those unique corners that you will want to portray forever

You will also forge unforgettable memories touring some of its fabulous 160 parks -three, with the distinction of Remarkable Garden of France - and sharing a fénétra in charming pastry shops such as Maison Pillon or La Bonbonniere, where the oldest sweet specialty in the area is made, whose origin dates back to the Roman Empire. And, of course, the visit would not be complete without stopping at Nº5 Wine Bar, awarded as the best wine bar in the world.


This city in the south of France will also fascinate you if you travel alone, and not only because of the outgoing and hospitable character of its inhabitants, but also because it always offers something interesting to do. You could, for example, dedicate yourself to knowing their three UNESCO heritage sites : the Canal du Midi, a natural setting perfect for cycling, the Basilica of Saint-Sernin and the Hôtel Dieu (Santiago Hospital). These last two, moreover, are stages of the Santiago's road . Would you dare to start it from here...?

Toulouse also has 12 very interesting museums , among which is Aeroscopia, dedicated to aeronautics, which has so much weight in the city: the city is the headquarters of large companies such as Airbus thanks to its traditional savoir faire, as the origin of commercial aviation in the 20th century is located here. It is also home to other scientific outreach centers such as El Quai des savoirs, where science is combined with architecture, modernity and heritage, as well as art galleries such as Les Abattoirs, focused on contemporary art.

On the Canal du Midi you will immerse yourself in nature without leaving the city

On the Canal du Midi you will immerse yourself in nature without leaving the city


If you are thinking of making a getaway with friends, this could be your perfect destination. The reasons? In the capital of Occitania it is venerated good drinking, good eating and good living . The proof is that it has more than 30 great musical events a year , among which Les Siestes électroniques stands out, dedicated to emerging culture and held in gardens almost completely free of charge; Toulouse d'été , which combines concerts of classical music, jazz and traditional rhythms, and Toulouse Plages, in which the riverbank becomes a great space for games, activities for all, fun and relaxation.

In addition, Toulouse has 15 delicious food markets in which to try specialties such as toulouse sausage or the cassoulette , the typical stew of Toulouse. And the most cheese lovers will find their paradise in Xavier. There they will be able to taste, for example, the exquisite pave cheese , created by François Bourgon, meilleur ouvrier de France. But, in addition, the pleasure continues in its nothing less than! ten Michelin star restaurants ! Go reserving now at the great chef's eating house michel sarran -with two stars- to try its Capitole gourmet menu, created with products from the region.


If you go as a family, you will end up absolutely delighted with the many plans that the capital of the beautiful Haute Garonne region has for all ages. You will never forget your discoveries in the interactive City of Space, made up of 4,000 square meters of exhibitions spread over four floors, two planetariums, an Imax® 3D cinema, a simulator to walk on the Moon and more than 250 objects, from spaceships to meteorites and stones brought directly from the Moon. And neither is the amazement you will feel when you see what the atypical characters and inventions of La Halle de La Machine are capable of, a hangar converted into the incredible showroom of the peculiar show company La Machine.

The City of Space hides everything you have always wanted to know about the cosmos

The City of Space hides everything you have always wanted to know about the cosmos

In addition, the aeronautical tradition that we talked about before is explained in a particularly fun way to the little ones in L'Envol des Pionniers, a museum built next to the historic runway from which, among others, the writer and aviation pioneer took off Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . It even has a legendary Breguet XIV airplane in which to get on and experience the sensations of a 1924 flight: the wind, the smells, the noise, the movement, the landscape...


To all these reasons, one more must be added: that Toulouse, in 2021, will have hundreds of new plans to make the most of its charms -which are expected to be carried out normally from the middle of January-, always in the maximum security conditions. We tell you all!

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