Caught red handed! Family restaurants in Barcelona


The Bourgeoisie

Red-handed in Barcelona

** L'EGGS **

This chef's fun restaurant Paco Perez is specialized in egg dishes . Informal and comfortable, it is the place perfect for family dining. The children will enjoy it, and the parents will be safe because its cuisine is of quality and its selected products. It is open from breakfast to dinner and offers brunch on Sundays.


Fun microbrewery that older children will love because they will be able to see the authentic stills in which make this drink . It is a casual restaurant, halfway between a bar and brasserie and has multipurpose rooms where they take place cultural activities, presentations and parties all types.

L'Eggs restaurant

Their specialty: egg dishes


In the center of Barcelona, ​​next to Plaça de Sant Jaume, Buttifarring has been installed, a place where the classic sausage sandwich becomes something different and very special but at popular prices, between €3.90 and €4.50. More of 15 varieties rotate according to the season : classic pork sausage, roast chicken, classic frankfurter, escalivada sausage, calçots, mushrooms, Muntanyola blue cheese and even potato omelette... A delicious break that will delight young and old.


Restaurant located at the top of the Tibidabo , perfect to get out of the urban environment of Barcelona and enjoy the panoramic view. It specializes in Catalan cuisine and its menu has a place of honor for calçotades and grilled dishes . Both the food and the setting, in a pine forest, are very suitable to go with children.


Butifarring, the essential of the sausage in Barcelona.


Nice restaurant that on Saturdays at noon organizes cooking workshops so that children, ages 4 to 10, cook while parents eat relaxed.


His goal, that parents can eat quietly and the little ones are at ease. That's why there is a place for children to play safely. Although it is not a small park, there are no corners , the bar is rounded and there is space so that the carts can be easily moved. They offer salty and sweet options for meals or snacks, all made with organic products . For the elderly: good craft beer and very rich coffee. organize activities, theater, magic and Spanish classes for foreigners.


They offer cooking workshops for children


A fun and relaxed place, perfect for tortilla lovers , in which they prepare more than 50 types different. Among the favorites of the public: The baker, The one with the girls, The stew, La Vilafranca or La Margarita . A discovery that children will like... and also their parents.


The best views of Barcelona from the top of the mountain Montjuic . Rice and fideuás on a wonderful terrace where there is room for the little ones. The vegetables come from their own garden in Arenys de Munt.

flash flash

Flash Flash, for tortilla lovers


This place of Borne sushi , with a branch in Masnou, has the Kodomoo space, conscientiously designed for families with babies and small children, very welcoming. In addition, they prepare special sushi menu for children for €6.


A menu of informal dishes that delight children and adults in a local family-friendly. Nachos with guacamole, grilled meat, salads, patatas bravas … The stars are the burgers; the Peter Pan It is specially designed for them, as is the children's playground next to the local terrace.

La Burguesería family friendly

La Bourgeoisie, family friendly

** L'ERA **

It is specialized in celebrations, but also in meals for families. It has different spaces, including a large porch for good weather. On Saturdays they organize children's workshops and other activities . To celebrate family events they even have a circus. Children's and celiac menus.


Restaurant, rural hotel, farm …This is the perfect place for lovers of natural kitchen and authentic products. The The Rovira family raises chickens and poulards, pigs and other farm animals, and grows all kinds of vegetables with which Oriol, the cook, prepares his dishes: chicken broth, fried eggs with sobrassada… A great country restaurant where children are welcome.

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