La Rioja becomes Romanesque


Facade of the monastery of Suso in La Rioja

Facade of the monastery of Suso in La Rioja

Beyond its well-known wineries, its dynamic cities and its fascinating landscapes , La Rioja has a secret that is worth discovering. Its about Romanesque of its hermitages, religious sculptures and civil constructions that abound in the most unexpected places. As if their isolation were some mysterious event, these redoubts have remained almost unchanged, only modified when they required an extension or greater ornamentation due to the aesthetic whims of each era (mainly Gothic and Baroque).


But why so much romanesque? In what counties are there almost more monuments than storks? The first question is easy to answer. During the 11th and 12th centuries, the Navarrese and Castilian kings promoted this style in all their domains, and La Rioja was a privileged place. First, because it still had to be repopulated with Christians and there was nothing better than building monasteries and villages with religious communities for that. Second, because the road to Santiago, the great highway of knowledge and medieval tendencies in Spain, crossed this region from north to west, making the ideas, techniques and styles that came from France and northern Italy became a 'trending topic', making the Pre-Romanesque evolve and endowing it, also, with Mozarabic winks.

To resolve the second doubt, we must follow the path of two of the most artistic rivers in the Autonomous Community: the Oja and the Tirón. Around them are structured the two romanesque routes most outstanding of La Rioja in which his most representative works are concentrated. Of course, aside from these two microcosms, it is worth getting closer to Logrono , where the St. Bartholomew's Church as well as the Romanesque chapel of its cathedral and even Najera , in whose collegiate church some architectural remains and some masterpieces of sculpture of this style are preserved. Definitely, La Rioja is a Romanesque destination both for the number of buildings and for their quality, but also because of the variety of disciplines in which this style is manifested. That is architecture, painting and sculpture they are infected by a sober current that makes the visitor transcend a little more with their silence and recollection.

Treviana Romanesque Center

The best starting point is the Treviana Romanesque Center


In Treviana, in the heart of the Oja river Romanesque route, is the Romanesque Center, a space in which the main jewels of this style are documented and in which its main features are detailed. A modern complex, born with the aim of resolving all doubts and help the visitor draw an effective map so as not to miss anything. In addition, a projection is used to introduce the traveler in the context and give cohesion to the various Romanesque finds that take place in the following rooms. An essential point, both to reveal the best secrets of Romanesque Rioja and to encourage travel.


In addition to this interpretation center, ** La Rioja Turismo has launched a series of excursions ** to enjoy a Romanesque day. Departing from the Logroño tourist office, the brand new romanicobus will hold, throughout the autumn Saturdays, a series of guided tours of the most fascinating hermitages and churches. An activity that occupies an entertaining morning and that, in addition, includes lunch and dinner to make the discovery of the Romanesque as appealing as it is appetizing.

_And as an aperitif, don't miss out on some of the Romanesque jewels of La Rioja _

Romanesque paintings in Tricio

The Romanesque in La Rioja is also painting

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