Pilgrim, now you can plant your tree in Santiago to create the Bosque del Camino


Peregrino now you can plant your tree in Santiago to create the Bosque del Camino

Pilgrim, now you can plant your tree in Santiago to create the Bosque del Camino

Until the next April 13th , pilgrims who prove they have traveled a section of the ** Camino de Santiago ** will be able to take a further step in their connection with the Galician lands through which their last kilometers of march passed. planting a tree and n the City of Culture, a nucleus of buildings, streets and squares, located about 5 kilometers from the Cathedral of Santiago, in the Mount Gaias.

In this enclave where everything revolves around knowledge, culture and creativity, what will be the ** Bosque del Camino ,** will grow. a total of 250 trees that will be added to the Galician Forest , the 34 hectares of nature and 12,000 trees of native species that serve to connect the Cidade da Cultura with Santiago de Compostela .

Pilgrims who wish to participate in this activity should go, prior registration , to Pilgrim Office of Santiago de Compostela _(rúa das Carretas, 33) _, from where a bus will take you to the Cidade da Cultura.

There, there will be a tour from the Gaiás Center Museum to the plantation area during which an explanation of this architectural complex. After the planting work, the rest of the pilgrim will arrive with a hot drink at Cantina do Gaiás.

To participate in this free activity it is necessary to register through ** the Cidade da Cultura website ** and in the reservation section choose between the days that are available (Wednesday or Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).

Pilgrims will have to present a proof of having completed the Camino for which it will serve Compostela (document that certifies the completion of more than 100 kilometers for religious reasons), the visit certificate (certification of having completed a section of less than 100 kilometers or for non-religious reasons) or sports certificate (provided to those who do the route for sporting reasons).

During the registration process, you will have to indicate full name, telephone, email, origin, place where you started the Camino and if you plan to go by bus or on foot to the City of Culture.

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