Violet Ice Cream Defense


Violet Ice Cream Defense

Violet Ice Cream Defense

Little to no ice cream requires defense; the of violets , Yes. This dessert is controversial: either you love it or you hate it. What soulless beings can hate a mauve ice cream that smells like a garden and nostalgia.

They accuse him of being cheesy and obnoxious without knowing that his virtues are there and that makes him an unfashionable rarity. It is not democratic like chocolate, loving like vanilla, exotic like sesame or trendy like tomato ice cream . Nor does he need.

purple ice cream It's as Madridian as saying "los boulevards", like the vermouth that starts at 1 and lasts until 6 and like White Towers.

dear violet ice cream

dear violet ice cream

Hard to find, not all ice cream parlors have it next to the strawberry and hazelnut. It is not an ice cream for lazy; It takes some effort to locate it. It's a icy-destiny, as there are destination-hotels and destination-museums.

In Madrid there are more destination desserts; so is La Duquesita's chocolate palm tree (wait a minute, let's capitalize it: La Duquesita's Chocolate Palm Tree) which is well established in Olympus of gourmands.

If you have to go to Maison Glacée, next to the Retreat, to try the artisanal ice cream that he prepares in Ricardo Velez with your own violet candy it goes. An ice cream slowly made (caramel takes a day to make) is a good excuse for a walk that should be too.

Yes it is an ice cream for the extravagant , because an ice cream made with candies is; who improves that nonsense. Some recipes also talk about jams, violet paste, extracts or even flowers, but the Madrid fetén is made with crushed violet candies.

First stop Maison Glace

First stop: Maison Glaceé

The normal thing is that they are bought, but some people, like Vélez, are encouraged to make them themselves. If we already want to overflow with Madrid, the ice cream must be prepared with La Violeta candies.

Much has already been written about this establishment in Plaza de Canalejas; whenever this is mentioned small store who has his patent candies it is spoken of kings, actors and politicians who have come to buy them.

Those of La Violeta are the most emblematic candies in Madrid and those with the most associated mythology, their fame is such that it silences the rest of those who dare to challenge it with other violet candies.

They are advantages of carrying since 1915 making something so concrete. There they cultivated the market niche before there was talk of market niche.

The great paradox of this Madrid dessert is that… He is not from Madrid. There is violet ice cream wherever there are violet candies, which usually exist because there are violet flowers nearby. This is actually a very European dessert.

At the beginning of 18th century it was already taken in Vienna. The legend says that Sissi, that she didn't eat too much, she did like them. In England they had a certain popularity during the it was victorian on the blog Homemade Desserts Recipes is published a recipe from 1920 in which the dessert is made with real violets.

The author, Don Bell, specifies that if we dare to do so we must wash them well, make sure they are edible ; this data is important. Though tasted in England and Austria this ice cream is appropriated, of course, by the French.

Violet and her candy

"Violet and Her Candy"

In Toulouse, the violet is part of the identity of the city : So ice cream is one of the many applications found there.

Toulouse is sprinkled with violets in all its formats. A visit to La Maison de la Violette, a curious museum located in a boat on the Canal du Midi gives clues to the dozens of uses of the flower, which it is grown in very small productions and it is protected as much as the churches of the city.

There it is easy for common ice cream parlors, such as O Sorbet d'Amour, to sell this ice cream and for restaurants and hotels include it in their menu.

In Madrid it is not a common ice cream, but it is not impossible either. Among his supporters (those who do not need to read this defense) the information on where to eat is spread as if they were state secrets.

Let's reveal some clues. Sienna's is quite popular among the violetophiles; also that of Labonata, in the Plaza de Chueca. Its owner, Aris, says that "the older ones like it because it brings back memories and the younger ones because of the color." to your ice cream parlor people come from all over Madrid to look for it and, according to him, if that day he doesn't have it, "they get angry." And he makes a dramatic face.

Hyatt Centric Gran Vía Dessert

Hyatt Centric Gran Vía Dessert

Ice cream usually appears, increasingly, in the form of desserts. It can be found at Pristine's letter under the name of "Violet and her candy"; It is served in a glass and it is finished off with a flower.

Its freshness closes well any powerful meal, such as a stew; To casticismo nobody wins that menu. In other places the dessert is complicated. At the Hyatt Centric Gran Vía. At this hotel (what views it has, by the way), they prepare a dessert only during San Isidro.

Is about "Soft, slightly smoked cheesecake with strawberry sauce from Aranjuez, violet ice cream and crumble". Eating it while looking at Gran Vía seems like an interesting option. In Inclán Brutal Bar they mix it with chocolate.

The full name of this pump is: "Chocolate Costrado with violet ice cream and salt" ; and it is not just any chocolate: the dessert is made with Pacari chocolate, winner of the World Cocoa Award. It is one of the most demanded desserts and it was included in the menu because violet ice cream combines very well with chocolate.

In the restaurant they claim that “they wanted to give something so “our Madrid” a try to customers who came from abroad and didn't know it”. When we recover travelers, it will be interesting that we surprise them with native products and creations that include products such as violet ice cream.

Crusted chocolate with violet ice cream and salt

Crusted chocolate with violet ice cream and salt

From here we claim this ice cream as a soft power or soft power tool. Only knowing how to sell with charm what makes the city unique we will be a (more) genuine place with (more) charisma. These are the places we like to travel to.

Now what we have recovered the snack we can include violet ice cream in it in a nostalgic and, at the same time, very contemporary gesture. Few places better for it than the Commercial Cafe. pepe rock has on the menu, in addition to ice cream, a more complex dessert that includes: It is a French toast with violet ice cream.

Roch says that with him he wanted “Look for the flavor of violet candies, which are so traditional and from Madrid”. This sensation is achieved by combining the ice cream with a caramelized brioche French toast. The sum of the textures transports the moment of eating a candy. This dessert is, in addition to being a delight, a round trip to the origin of the ice cream

Pepe Roch conquers us with his torrija at Café Comercial

Pepe Roch conquers us with his torrija at Café Comercial

This ice cream tastes like flowers, it is strange and hard to find; Consequently, we have no choice but to take to the streets to savor it. Perhaps this defense was unnecessary.

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