What defines the character of a Galician or how to spend July 25 in Galicia


Santiago de Compostela

Let's celebrate Galicia like a Galician

If this summer you have thought about visit Galicia during their most famous parties , those of the Apostle for some, Galician Homeland Day for others, it is important that you know what you are dealing with.

There is a preconceived idea that Galicians are closed people, but the reality is different, since something that defines us perfectly is the hospitality.

You'll be surprised, after all the topical that surely you have heard about the sour character and edge, how open we can become, especially if the wine and coffee liquor they are present.

There is nothing more Galician than a fente

There is nothing more Galician than a fente

From the outset, our mistrust may be obvious, but it is no more than a defense against the unknown and if you manage to pass the first litmus test, you will meet generous people and very faithful to their friendships.

Because although we want to escape from stereotypes and break them , there are things that cannot be denied; And if we talk about the Galician character something that defines us very well is the lack of definition . And rebellion is not part of our essence either. The great Castelao already said it: "The Galician does not protest, he emigrates". But above all, breeching.


This Galician expression would come to mean something like 'Party like there's no tomorrow' . Knowing this, you can spend the day of the Apostle in any part of Galicia and make yourself a ** gastronomic menu based on parties**.

And if so much partying overwhelms you and indecision takes hold of you (like a good Galician), we help you choose. You have other more **jaunty (authentic, traditional) quotes ** like the one from Santiaguiño do Monte in Padron , but the largest and most spectacular, the party of parties, you have it in Santiago de Compostela , where music and revelry are guaranteed until dawn or until the coffee liqueur keeps you going.

Santiago de Compostela street

Eating tapas, what if an octopus, what if a coffee liquor, is religion


So to all, start your festive route through the capital of Galicia a July 25 (high summer), it can be quite an odyssey. It may or may not rain, as the great Pemán says (TVG's weather superman who accompanies the Galicians come rain...or rain), you might get up and the sky is cloudy and that, for that matter, you have to leave the house with a raincoat or an umbrella, who knows . But don't worry, this opens, bad it will be *.

The psychology of a Galician can be better understood when you know how does the weather work there (something very complicated, of course) . Hence, they are not supporters of black or white, they like greys, like the sky they see every day.

Let's not fool ourselves in Compostela it usually RAINS

Let's not fool ourselves: in Compostela, it usually RAINS

And even once in a lifetime, what a Galician would do is go to inhale the incense that emanates from the Botafumeiro of the Cathedral of Santiago.

Skip the pilgrimage step and take the opportunity to see the newly restored Glory Portico , one of the most fascinating sculptures in the Galician capital, since this year it is not possible to cross the holy door.

can only be done in Jacobean Year, when July 25 falls on a Sunday, which will not be until 2021 . And forget about not doing it because you are not a believer, any Galician would do it just in case, because speak them hailas (This expression refers to the cautious attitude of Galicians towards death and the mystery of the afterlife).

The botafumeiro whether you are a believer or not will impress you

The botafumeiro, whether you are a believer or not, will impress you


Another thing to do if you are Galician at least once in your life is to do the Paris-Dakar route from Santiago . A journey through the bars of the Rua do Franco already converted into a mythical itinerary that tests the endurance of the most stubborn drinkers.

Although if you visit Santiago with more room for maneuver we give you another alternative much more enxere and appropriate for July 25.

A good Galician custom to discover on such an important day is go to a furancho (or, failing that, any tavern) to drink red wine in a cunca and eat a good steak , always, after the octopus and a cap of padron peppers . Oh, and without forgetting the millet bread with eggs , a highly appreciated recipe in traditional Galician gastronomy and very recurrent in homes of yesteryear.

coffee liqueur

'The coffee liqueur is a Galician invention to exterminate the rest of the peninsula'

Accompany this succulent paprika menu and a foliate. Bagpipes and drums playing while you almost reach the empacho will be something difficult to forget. Order a dessert pota coffee and as! a shot of coffee liqueur or herbal liqueur for digestion.

As you have just verified, you should love everything that involves sitting at a table to taste any gastronomic product and you cannot be at all **repunantiño (picky, grumpy, annoying, "ball knocker" or... a mixture of all.) * *, so forget that “I don't like this, I don't want this”. This is how a Galician enjoys a good party, in a very simple but very complete way.

*** This Galician expression will get you out of trouble ;-) **

Rua do Franco

Rua do Franco

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