Five unknown places in abandoned Berlin


Relax in front of the abandoned ship of the Landwehr Canal

Relax in front of the abandoned ship of the Landwehr Canal

If something denotes the convulsive history of ** Berlin ** -we will not tire of saying that it is one of the most agitated in Europe in the last century- it is the large number of abandoned places that still exists in it . In the years after the fall of the wall, a forest of gigantic cranes reflected the spectacular architectural reconstruction in which the German capital was submerged . Even so, it was not enough for the result of that effervescence to coexist with areas that seem typical of ghost towns.

The exciting life of what was once a splendid amusement park, the spreepark , was told to us in the first person by the man who elevated and destroyed the so-called Disneyland of communist Germany. To the devil's mountain, Teufelsberg , David Lynch is already in charge of promoting it, obsessed with the place. And the civic engagement of Berliners ensures that Tempelhof , an old airport with history and an enviably central location, will not remain inert. They are the best known places in abandoned Berlin, but they are not the only ones.




With the promising name of Berliner Luft- und Badeparadies (Berlin's leisure and bathing paradise) , this was opened more than 30 years ago water park , the first and last of a city full of lakes where you can have fun in a much more natural and spontaneous way. Perhaps because of this bet that did not prosper. Ten years ago it closed its doors and only its sauna, called Al Andalus, remained open until a few months ago. Located in the Britz neighborhood, in the Neukölln district It is not difficult to get into it. There is disused gym furniture, swimming pools and walls converted into a graffiti museum.

Buschkrugallee 64. Subway Grenzallee U7

Berliner Luft und Badeparadies

Berliner Luft- und Badeparadies


Technically, this forbidden city is not abandoned. Lenin lives in it permanently and twice. A pair of statues of the Russian leader stoically endure the fate of this place . It was the headquarters of the Red Army in Berlin, the largest Soviet military camp outside the former USSR. The nickname of Waldstadt means the city of the forest and it is in one of them where it is located. The forbidden city refers to the fact that not even the inhabitants of East Germany could access it, to the so-called " little moscow ”, which housed a sophisticated zeppelin and of which now only the empty structure remains.

A regional train from the central station Hauptbahnhof connects the city center in half an hour.

Wünsdorf Waldstadt



It must be recognized that this Berlin destination is especially morbid. The anatomical institute continues to maintain some essential elements, such as signs, spaces and even the autopsy table, cold and aseptic as the metal it is made of. Even the amphitheater-shaped classroom is unsettling. Who knows if the place is actually inhabited by the souls of the corpses that one day passed by. This building, built in 1949 and closed ten years ago, could well be the setting for an American Horror Story-style series. To enter, it is best to go to the Peter-Lenne-Strasse access.

Königin-Luise-Straße 15. Subway Rathaus Steglitz or Botanischer Garten.

Free University Morgue

Free University Morgue


Countless lives have had this place, although these days it seems to be in limbo, waiting for its new reincarnation. First served as boat garage , due to its proximity to the Dahme River. The arrival of the Second World War caused the facilities to act as military hospital. It then went on to become a radio house for the Soviets. Station and radio training center, its political importance made it go from being a great leisure center to a strategic point in the city. One of its main halls served as a rehearsal space for the German television ballet, but again misfortune cut the beauty short: its owner went bankrupt in 2007. **A group of artists in search of a low-rent studio they colonized the area five years later, in the style of famous squats like Tacheles**. Finally, it was abandoned again, waiting to be sold to create apartment blocks. At the moment, its best-known inhabitant is a small raccoon that delights photographers and visitors... oh, raccoon!

Regattastraße 277, Grünau

Funkhaus Gruenau

Funkhaus Gruenau


Nazi and Soviet military complex. Since the end of the 1930s it was a German barracks, but with the defeat of Hitler in the 1940s, the Russians did not wait more than a day to take over the place, although they did not bother to change some details of some of the buildings. In the end it ended up abandoned in 1992 and, despite the time of inactivity and the visitors -in no case en masse-, it continues to maintain details of its two pasts. Graffiti on the walls with symbols of the CCCP and the occasional eagle on the roof coexist in the same architectural complex.

Regattastraße 277. Subway Grünau





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