The new Barceloneta: anatomy of a change


La Barceloneta popular and seafaring tradition

La Barceloneta: popular and seafaring tradition

Barcelona is a charismatic popular and bustling neighborhood that has known how to live apart from the big city that engulfs you Of maritime and industrial origin, its streets ordered in the 18th century by the engineer Juan Martín Cermeño are developed around the Barceloneta square -presided over by the church of San Miguel- and that of the poet Boscá, a contemporary of Garcílaso de la Vega. .

In the middle of the 20th century the first signs of renovation were observed. But it is in 2007 when another step is taken. MiAS Arquitectos projects the renewal of the market as a great sculptural object with various metallic layers superimposed, as if it were an ancestral animal that swallows the animation that it propitiates. Since then, shops have been slowly but surely being renovated, with few concessions to radical design.

The Ben Plantat a lot of charm in a small space

The Ben Plantat: a lot of charm in a small space

In this context, the establishments of always do not lose camber. the glass of gold , for instance, a traditional tapas bar always full , hasn't changed its ultra-varnished light wood bars and tables and its German beer mug decorations. To keep up to date, it sponsors all kinds of sporting events in the two nearby swimming clubs, the Club Natació Barcelona or the Club Natació Althetic Barceloneta, neighbors and great rivals.

In what used to be the arcade at the entrance to a bullring, you can find **the Els Mas del Arcs greengrocer**, which still has the sign for the Passatge de la Cadena passageway. In this huge, somewhat chaotic greengrocer, you can find seasonal fruits and vegetables and dried fruit. Marius, the founder's son, has taken over and organizes concerts and exhibitions as a way to promote the excellence of its products . You have to try the tomatoes, they are delicious.

The avant-garde is found in places like Bulwark, one of the reference bakeries in Barcelona , with queues at all hours. According to Anna Bellsolá, the owner and master baker, whose book is already a bestseller: “Bread at Baluard is made little by little, respecting the rest of the dough and the ingredients, without adding anything that is not necessary; and by necessary, we mean flour, water, salt and yeast”. And she adds: “All our bread is baked in a wood oven. Oak, beech and oak”, he adds

SegonsMercat opened a few months ago. Its fish and its tapas are as fresh as the sensation that the space itself gives. Open kitchen, dominance of the color white and suggestive photographs . The multiple blackboards that show us the dishes indicate that it is a market offer.

Baluard traditional bread in Barceloneta

Baluard: traditional bread in Barceloneta

the logo of Vioko is a beautiful white reindeer. Seeing its façade on Paseo de Juan de Borbón, it is difficult to suspect that inside you can live an entire **experience of ice cream, chocolate and sweets with drawings of whimsical shapes**. The whiteness of the interior design takes you to the purity of the ingredients. Its showcases, supports and packaging place you in a jewelry store.

Cheesecake ice cream with berries from Vioko

Cheesecake ice cream with berries from Vioko

The Xiringo it is a very small wine and tapas bar , but this has not prevented the Financial Times from choosing it among the five best places in Barcelona . Select wines of the country, some exquisite patatas bravas and some delicious artichoke hearts, among their claims . It is advisable to be advised by its owner, Xavier Maymó.

A Catalan and a Mexican have mixed the flavors of their origins and have opened the doors of Ben Plantat , another small space, but with great charm. Designed by Natzaret Querol, it owes its familiar and intimate character to the recycled light wood, the ceramic lamps designed by Xavier Mañosa and the industrial chairs.

And to go shopping, the surfing world of Box220SurfShopBCN , in a building facing the sea with a gabled roof and wood inside. There coexists the training of sailing, water skiing, wakesurfing, wakeboarding and other “Xtreme” marine disciplines with names that are hard to remember, with live concerts, wonderful saunas and even an ice cream parlor.

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