Happiness at the table: Galician menu


Mmm... the Mesón O Pote tortilla

Mmm... the Mesón O Pote tortilla


These tortillas differ from the rest because they do not have onions; the potatoes are cut into very thin slices , which are fried in oil at a high temperature until they are golden brown and almost become potato chips; and the egg is curdled on the outside but runny on the inside , which provokes the rejection of a good number of people and unleash the controversy . Some chefs maintain that the best potatoes for making tortillas are those of the Kennebec variety , which are grown in the town of Coristanco.

Among the most famous places in Betanzos for their tortilla are Mesón O Pote (Travesía del Progreso, 9; tel. 981 77 48 22), the box (Avda. de Castilla, 90; tel. 981 77 01 61) and Miranda House (Traverse of Progress, 5; tel. 981 77 00 08) . In A Coruña stand out Meson O'Bo (Menéndez Pelayo, 18; tel. 981 92 72 37) and The Penela (María Pita Square, 12; tel. 981 20 92 00) ; and in Vigo, the bar Carballo (Manuel Núñez, 3; tel. 986 22 94 97).

Mesón O'bo and its classic tortilla

Mesón O'bo and its classic tortilla


The chestnut is one of the trees with those that are most identified with the leafy Galician forests . Its fruit enjoys a protected geographical indication (I.G.P.) Galician Chestnut , a hallmark that differentiates the one produced by the European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), with a sweet flavor and a firm texture instead of mealy. From the chestnut trees, good honey is also obtained, dark, floral and intense. , which together with eucalyptus (soft and amber in color), queiroga (from the scrub areas, reddish and bitter), and silva (strong, sweet and fruity), is also distinguished as I.G.P. Galician honey.

Although the almond is not produced in Galician lands, this fruit is part of its traditional confectionery. Santiago's cake is its greatest exponent, since it is nothing more than an almond cake, very widespread throughout Spain thanks to the Camino de Santiago . The cross that adorns the surface of the cake was added in 1924 by the Casa Mora confectionery in Santiago de Compostela. It was a success and now the famous dessert is no longer conceived without this silhouette.

Santiago's cake

The Santiago cake, a real temptation


The soft pastures are the cause of the recognized quality of Galician cow's milk. With it, the four types of cheese that have a designation of origin in Galicia are made. DO. Teat cheese : it is the most famous for its pyramidal shape, which in the past was modeled by hand by artisans, and is a benchmark for the Galician table.

It is buttery, with a dairy flavor, somewhat acid and salty. DO. Arzua-Ulloa Taste: fine texture, slightly acidic and slightly salty, it smells like butter, with nuances of vanilla and nuts. The cured version requires a maturation of 6 months. DO. Cebreiro : its shape resembles that of a mushroom or a chef's hat. It is soft, white and pasty, with a slightly acid taste, and is eaten fresh or cured. DO. San Simon da Costa : it is a pointed, smoked, low-fat and not salty cheese, which mixes the milk milked at two times of the day (in the morning and at night), and is made following very old techniques.

PDO San Simon da Costa

PDO San Simon da Costa

* Published in the second edition of the Condé Nast Traveler Gastronomic Guide 2016. Y__a is on sale in digital format at Zinio, at Apple and Google Play Newsstand.

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