From the Ionian to the Tyrrhenian: the new hiking route to get to know Calabria


Tropea in Calabria

Tropea, in Calabria

Maybe Calabria do not boast of the monumentality of Tuscany nor have the wow effect of the Amalfi Coast . It may not have the glamor of Lake Garda that pushes many celebrities to turn it into their second residence and it is a fact that it has not yet lived its moment of splendor as Puglia , the fashionable destination (in pre-covid times). But the toe of the Italian boot has a special charm l, that of those remote, little-trodden and authentic places that offer an unprecedented and little-crowded side of a country about which it seems that we already know everything.

Pizzo one of the most beautiful villages in Calabria.

Pizzo, one of the most beautiful villages in Calabria.


Furthermore, Calabria is loaded with a ancient history (Magna Grecia was founded there) and adorned by amazing landscapes , untouched villages, mountains, good beaches and assured sunshine almost all year round, and the not insignificant advantage of being able to swim in two seas on the same day.

Not to mention its gastronomy, a kitchen of simple products , rich flavors and deep aromas, where the posso pepperoncino and olive oil are almost always present, such as olives, raw ham, aubergine and with local products such as the famous nduja , a kind of delicious spicy sobrassada, or the famous Cipolla rossa di Tropea (the red onion of Tropea).

Like dishes, the Frittuli and Curcuci (ambis based on fried pork), the Lagane and Cicciari (pasta with chickpeas) or the sardella either rosamarina , a kind of sardine pate known as the "poor pate". All without skimping, it would be missing more.

Calabrian gastronomy we have come to play

Calabrian gastronomy: we have come to play


To make the region known, inviting travelers to discover that Italy "side B", and to do it in the most sustainable and safe way, that is, by walking, Kalabria Treking, a non-profit collective, has created the KCTC, Kalabria Coast to Coast, a hiking route that runs through the 55 kilometers separating Ionian from Tyrrhenian in the narrowest part of the isthmus, accompanied by local guides and with the support of volunteers in each of the destinations.

The KCTC part of Sovereign , one of the main tourist centers of the Costa degli Aranci , in the Gulf of Squillace of the Ionian, famous for its lively life, its pleasant climate even in winter and its good sandy beaches, and ends in the beautiful Pizza , one of the most picturesque towns on the coast, on the slopes of a promontory that rises to the Tirreno, which is the birthplace of the delicious chocolate tartufo.


The route is divided into three stages, between 15 and 23 kilometres, with a medium difficulty, except in some sections that are high, with pronounced slopes and on foot or by bike . It crosses landscapes with beech forests, vines, fields of centuries-old olive trees and prickly pears and passes through picturesque villages such as Petrizz, monterosso, San Vito sullo Ionio, polia either Capistrano.

Sovereign Calabria

Sovereign, Calabria

To make the tour more accessible, signposted throughout its length with red and white stripes every few meters. Also created a passport for the hiker , which you will have to stamp at each of the stops, and which will give you access to facilities and discounts during the trip, such as the traveler's menu, or special rates in the accommodations.

Due to the climate of the area, outings are made throughout the year (although the best time, according to the organizers, is from April to June and from September to November) and the dates are announced on their website, although it is also possible to request custom groups from eight people . I mean, seven and you.

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