What will the beaches in Spain be like this summer?


Benijo Beach Tenerife

Benijo Beach, Tenerife

are over beaches crowded with sun loungers and umbrellas At least for this year. With the new regulations that the Government has put in place due to the coronavirus crisis, we will be able to roll in the sand and bathe in the sea, but the experience will be different. Each municipality will decide how we should do it based on the characteristics of its beaches.


Access rules : each zone will define the opening and closing hours of the beaches , to clean and disinfect the area. We are asked to let's not stay more than four hours to avoid crowds . In the event that the beach has its full capacity and we have to wait to access, we will have to stay in the shade keeping a minimum distance , the recommended one in any situation is two meters. will be hired 3,000 Baywatch to remind us of the rules.

Hygiene measures : the Board recommends that we shower before and after going to the beaches In addition, we will not be able to have them in the bathroom areas. The toilets will be used only if it is really necessary, we must wear shoes and at the entrance there will be hydroalcoholic gels to disinfect our hands.

capacity : the capacity will be calculated according to each beach, but the average space per person will be approximately four square meters. Some city councils are studying using an application to calculate the occupation and our length of stay that will work, if approved, with a QR code . In Fuengirola they already have an app for this purpose.

Access rules : in Asturias they are still studying security protocols , somewhat more complex measures because in the Bay of Biscay the beaches do not have the same characteristics as those in the rest of Spain and the islands. From Department of Tourism and Culture indicate that for now “they only know that we can go to the beach and swim” . In Gijon , they say, for the time being, a plan has not been established and the authorization to the bathrooms will be in phase three, not before June 8.

Hygiene measures : No extraordinary measures have been specified, for the moment, beyond the hygiene and cleaning of the beaches, the season begins in mid-June.

capacity : they are yet to be defined, although the Principality says that most Asturian beaches do not have crowding problems . It is known, for now, that in the three beaches of Gijón it will be possible to know the capacity in real time thanks to a multi-device tool (it will not be necessary to download an application and it will be possible to consult it from a computer, a mobile phone or a tablet).** The intention is that by June 8 there will already be a viable product**, which will be improved over time.


Access rules : the initial protocol of the Balearic Islands suggests delimit areas in the sand to allow the necessary social distance, but the municipalities are not up to the task because they say that makes cleaning chores difficult . There will be a greater separation between the umbrellas, up to four meters in some cases. Some municipalities, such as Alcudia and Calvià, in Mallorca, or Sant Josep, in Ibiza, even consider limiting their capacity.

Hygiene measures : from the Government of the Islands they indicate that we can “ individual use of outdoor showers, bathrooms and changing rooms ”, except people who need assistance who can have a companion. Personal items, such as towels, "must be disposed of leaving a free strip of six meters from the shore and guaranteeing a security perimeter of two meters" from other people or groups.

capacity: Mallorca studies implementing an application to guarantee safety distances , but its use has not been confirmed, nor has a minimum number of people on the beaches been stipulated yet. At the moment there is no tourist activity and it does not seem that there will be large crowds until the way forward is defined. In the event that there are many people on the beaches of any of the islands, the competent authorities would act to solve it.


Access rules : As in the rest of the autonomous communities, in the Canary Islands we will have to keep a minimum safety distance of two meters, and failing that, as your Government says, "we must wear a mask". The number of hammocks and umbrellas will be reduced, and they must be separated from each other. Groups of two hammocks for couples or families living under the same roof must be separated by the bedside table and guarantee a distance of 50 centimeters between the bedside table and the bed, and at least two meters from the next group or individual hammock.

Hygiene measures : the showers and facilities for people with reduced mobility , will only be open in municipalities that have sufficient means to disinfect them every day.

capacity : on the beaches where many people usually go, the accesses must be arranged, capacity control and a division by time slots is proposed. The Gran Canarian palms It is studying the implementation of a monitoring system for Las Canteras beach, one of the most important on the island, which will allow its situation to be known in real time. We can find this information in an application.

Access rules : in Cantabria, for the moment, they only ask us respect a social distance of two meters and not be more than 15 people maximum Unless we live together. we are allowed surf and play shovels , but not the rest of team sports. All personal items, such as towels , they must remain within a perimeter of two meters avoiding contact with other people. From the Cantabrian Regional Society for Tourism Promotion , they say, “ They do not know if there will be new regulations for the months of July and August”.

Hygiene measures : In the beach toilets, cleaning and disinfection will be reinforced, with a maximum occupancy of one person, except in the case of people who may need assistance. It will be verified that these places are always equipped with soap and hydroalcoholic gels. We will not be able to use the showers.

capacity : It is unknown whether or not there will be capacity, except in Santander, which will use a system to control the number of people on its beaches with "regulated" entrances and exits to allow us access in compliance with security measures.


Access rules : Lloret de Mar city council has planned that the beaches of Lloret and Fenals, the most popular, will be divided by sectors (seniors, families with children and adults without children). It has also been proposed to restrict bathing in the Fòrum de Sant Adrià de Besòs beach, in Barcelona, ​​and the Molí de L'Escala rec beach, in Girona , for being of "insufficient category". The possibility arises of restrict bathing for 24 or 72 hours if it rains or specific incidents occur in any of the beaches of Catalonia. in the app PlatgesCAT we will find the information on the status of each of them.

Hygiene measures : the cleaning measures in the toilets are the same as in other autonomous communities: hygiene, disinfectant gels and the entrance of a single person to the toilets, with exceptions.

capacity: Tarragona and Palafrugell will use an application to report the capacity , while Lloret de Mar and Platja d'Aro They will set a maximum number of people on the beaches that is just being calculated . On the Barcelona beach, the dimensions of the terraces of the beach bars will be exceptionally extended, but the venues must have their planned capacity of 30 tables and 120 chairs.


PlatgesCAT, the application with updated information on the beaches of Catalonia


Access rules: in Ceuta the bathing season starts June 15 and from that date, its six main beaches will open at ten in the morning and will close at nine at night, due to the daily work of parceling out. The sandbanks will be divided into plots of 3 x 3 meters (9 square meters) , with spaces and corridors to access the sea and give way to other services. In Melilla at the moment we cannot go to the beach, pending the approval of a definitive plan.

Hygiene measures : no exceptional rule has been highlighted for the moment, beyond the common indications of cleanliness and hygiene. In any case, they will be exhibited with posters on the beaches when they are finished.

Capacity: in Ceuta, to know the capacity in advance, we can download a mobile application that is under development and it will indicate the zones that are free. The green color will indicate that there are few people, orange or yellow medium influx and red if it is full.

Access rules : as pointed out by FEGAMP, Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces , the responsibility for the implementation and compliance with the measures depends on the municipalities, as in other communities, which are still studying different possibilities depending on their costs and available means.

Hygiene measures : they will be the same as in the other autonomous communities, no outstanding features, for the moment.

capacity : the regional government raised a system to request an appointment as a way to regulate access and capacity to the community beaches , but as the FEGAMP says "it was discarded". In Sanxenxo, a town in Pontevedra, as well as in the two large urban beaches of Vigo, Samil and O Vao This summer, they will adopt a system of colored tapes that will establish grids and paths so that we keep the social distance of two meters.

Access rules : the Murcia Tourism Council will mark signaling, accesses and exits to the beaches . It is requested that if we feel symptoms of Covid-19, we leave the beaches. At the moment there are no other requirements, beyond the safety distances.

Hygiene measures : we must use the enabled equipment complying with the sanitary recommendations, wash our hands as much as possible and use our own towel . They recommend that we do not buy unauthorized street food, drinks or textiles. Also, avoid using kayaks or pedal boats with people who are not from the same group.

capacity: access control will be limited in Cala Cortina and El Portús , beaches that due to their small size and proximity to the city could be overcrowded. The season will officially start in mid-June with all services.

Access rules: each beach will have its own protocol, The practice of sports activities will not be allowed and even some "could close if the high tide 'eats' them," according to the Department of Tourism of the Basque Country . In Guipúzcoa the season will begin on 1st of July and the stay on the beaches will be three hours to avoid crowds and allow more people to use them.

Hygiene measures : there will be beach staff, who must go with mask and gloves , as well as special reinforcement of cleaning and disinfection in showers, footbaths, bathrooms and changing rooms or sports facilities.

capacity : the Department of Tourism say what “there will be capacity” and taking into account that on many Basque beaches, at high tide, there is very little dry sand left, “other decisions can be made” later. San Sebastián develops a tool that will monitor the beaches with high-resolution cameras to control capacity. This information will be made public on the Internet . There will also be physical signs of color at the entrance to the sand pits. Red if complete.

Access rules : the protocol prepared by the city council provides for the signage of entrance and exit walkways on the beach, with signage in all bathing areas. It is also proposed to delimit safe passage corridors so that we can walk calmly through the sandbanks.

Hygiene measures: a specific cleaning and disinfection effort will be made to eliminate any eventual contamination.

capacity : the Valencian Generalitat suggests 24 hour information screens as an informative measure for the most remote beaches, smart turnstiles on mainland beaches or coves and the use of drones. Cullera Town Hall , where the longest beaches in the community are located, will control the capacity of its beaches through its own application with the information provided by the drones . They will be piloted by the local Police who will fly over their more than fifteen kilometers of coastline to ensure that the beaches are not saturated , although they doubt that it will happen, because it has not happened even in the best summers.

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