The beach of the Cathedrals can be visited with prior authorization from July 1


This summer a free service of visits to the beach will be available

This summer a free service of visits to the beach will be available

That the beach of the Cathedrals be considered one of the best in the world is not trivial, and if you wonder why, we recommend that you let your retinas soak up her wild beauty. and you can do it from July 1 , date from which you can visit this sandbank located **in the Galician municipality of Ribadeo (Lugo). **

Your access requires that the visitor requests prior authorization from the Ministry of the Environment, Territory and Housing, what to mid-June reactivated the reservation website for the summer season, which had temporarily closed due to the crisis caused by Covid-19.

High tide on the beach of the Cathedrals

High tide on the beach of the Cathedrals

In this way, the request for permits to visit the beach of the Cathedrals at Easter , one of the periods of the year during which access to the beach is limited in order to preserve this natural space, has been stalled until now.

Apart from the activation of this reservation application, The Xunta has also designed a protocol of prevention measures against coronavirus , among which stands out an ascent and a descent to the beach to be held by turns and will be regulated by workers, who will read the QR code that allows the visitor to enter -always respecting the required physical distance-.

On the other hand, visitors are advised to walk to the right on trails and walkways, wearing a mask as long as it is not possible to maintain the meter and a half of safety distance , except for those situations established by current regulations.

The device deployed by the Xunta to ensure that these measures are strictly complied with will consist of four service assistants-informants, who will be responsible for requesting and verifying visitor authorizations at the accesses to the beach; four attendees who will remain in the parking area controlling vehicle access; and four environmental monitors who will give guided tours of the monument.

Low tide at the Beach of the Cathedrals

Low tide on the beach of the Cathedrals

These free visits , restricted to a maximum daily limit of people, will be organized in two groups of 25 people each and will be carried out every half hour , coinciding with the time of day Low tide , so the number of passes will vary depending on the sea level.

Both guides and participants must adopt the **recommended hygienic-sanitary measures at all times. **

At the same time, an environmental agent will be present in the area coinciding with low tide to warn visitors about existing risks and, in case of detecting any reckless behavior or conduct, she will inform them about the possible penalties they face.

Due to the massive influx of visitors to the beach of the Cathedrals, especially in high season, the Xunta agreed to establish a regulation of the public use of this space at certain times of the year. The conservation plan came into force in June 2015 , setting to 4,812 people the daily limit.

Beach of the Cathedrals

She is romantic, wild and one of the best in the world

Since then, permission can be requested with 45 days in advance on the reservation website.

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