The Palace of the Dueñas of the Duchess of Alba is now open to the public


The Palacio de las Dueñas is now open to the public

Interior of the Dueñas Palace

The Duchess Cayetana de Alba maintained a pulse with the institutions to avoid visits to what was her home for many years, cataloged as ** Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) **. tug of war between Cayetana and the Junta de Andalucía who reached a cordial understanding of cessions and concessions: no visits, but yes punctual entries to concerts and conferences; no visits, but yes painting assignments for occasional exhibitions... they explain in the newspaper ** El Mundo **.

Built between the centuries XV and XVI , the palace receives its name from the now disappeared monastery of Santa Maria de las Dueñas , located on an adjoining lot. Your mix of Gothic and Mudejar styles dotted with Renaissance reminiscences is one of the main attractions of the visit to the palace, which in its first week with the doors open has already sold 6,300 entries , reports the Seville Journal .

Throughout the almost 2,000 square meters of route , the visitor will discover the stables , the works and decorative elements of the main staircase , the Gypsy Hall , around which the social life of the house was articulated, and different rooms that, as a whole, will allow understand Sevillian culture and life.

The Palacio de las Dueñas is now open to the public

One of its attractions is the mixture of styles

Of course, a visit to the patio of lemon trees , where on July 26, 1875 the poet was born Antonio Machado . "My childhood is made up of memories of a courtyard in Seville, and a clear orchard where the lemon tree ripens...".

The Palace of the Duenas can be visited every day of the year (except January 1 and 6 and December 25), between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from October to March, and 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. the rest of the year. The tickets, which are priced at 8 euros , can be purchased through Ticketea or the Palace website .

The Palacio de las Dueñas is now open to the public

The Gypsy Room

Located in the center of the city, the end of the route opens before the visitor endless possibilities in the form of tapas and beers . Because of its proximity and because it is an exponent of Andalusian gastronomy, it deserves a visit the little corner . The House, founded in 1670 , offers a menu based on gazpacho, salmorejo, prawns, fried fish, Iberian... Delicacies that can only be eaten accompanied by a good beer or a came to help them have a better time. _(Gerona Street. Telephone: 954 223 183) _

The Palacio de las Dueñas is now open to the public

A classic of Seville tapas

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