Lisbon, you're already pestering me with your sardines!


Portuguese Life Market

Vintage designs and traditional wrappers

In the past food for the poor, today foodies seasoned have baptized the sardine As the caviar in Portuguese …and, as is often the case with these things. They have started to give the can! Why? Well, because for a few months -according to Condé Nast Traveler the head of security at Lisbon airport – It is forbidden to take canned food out of the country.

This could seem like a vindictive text for me _(and I say 'me', because I had paid five euros for her) _ design tin subtracted with the impetus of one who knows he possesses the authority granted by a uniform. Nevertheless, is an ode to the sardine in the purest style of the poetess Rosa Chacel . We do not want that "The net, how cautious is approaching and surrounds you" do it twice: first at sea and then in a yellow container at an airport they pass through 14 million passengers a year .

Can you imagine how many banks of sardines go straight to the trash because of the inability to react of those of us who, anguished, go through the 'ar(c) o' without stopping to send the preserves by mail from the airport? Because yes, they give you the option of send them by post or give them to a relative?

So, what should be a list of the most interesting places to buy canned sardines in Lisbon, will be the Post Offices from where they will have to leave –before you– for your home.

Canning of Lisbon

The cans of a lifetime, recovered


_(Santa Justa 17) _

that the wrapping The Fantastic World of Portuguese Sardinha _(Praça d Pedro IV, 39) _ looks like a postal envelope gives away what to know Do you know anything about this regulation? . Its circus theme, present both in the decoration of the store and in the design of the product itself, is so attractive that you will not settle for buying just one year. And I say year because the sardine cans are numbered from 1916 to 2017 and account for the most notable events in each of them. From the end of World War II to the birth of Rihanna in 1988 , the potential buyer's range is as wide as her own birth or that of a relative (who, if they lived in Lisbon, could keep our cans at the airport and thus save us the extra expense).

The Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardinha

Sardine can paradise

Canning of Trindade _(Rua Nova da Trindade nº11M) _ offers a tasting menu from €5.50 that includes a beer, a wine or a gin. Although, to tell the truth, the purists sardines they keep their cans for decades in the pantry waiting for the pairing between olive oil and oily fish meat become one indescribable umami explosion.

Canning of Trindade

Tasting menu of preserves with beer, wine or gin

If you are not so patient, you can buy the noble vintages of the brand the gondola (from the 2014 and 2015 campaigns) in the Canned Food Store _(Rua do Arsenal, 130) _ which proudly exhibits on its walls the history of some twenty factories and brands of Portuguese gourmet preserves.

Canned Food Store

Here meets the history of the Portuguese canned food


Forget about the great luxuries –but not the posture– in Sun and Fishing _(R. Nova do Carvalho, 44) _. It is a common tavern, the equivalent of a Madrid's old man's bar , on whose little terrace today modern people sit on colored vintage stools to chat , but that in the past they would have shared cobblestones – today painted fuchsia – with prostitutes and people of bad life. formerly a fishing shop, rods, hooks and floats They will be the props that you will have in the background while you taste musama, tuna ham, with artisan bread. and yes, too there are sardines

_(Praça Luis de Camoes, 20) _

In the other 'corner' of the quadrilateral we find to Portuguese life , but not the endearing store of the number 11 Rua Anchieta , but the improvised passage space in the middle of the Time Out Market of the Ribeira Market . The good thing is that there is so much variety of preserves, that when you are trying to choose one, with its colors, its vintage designs and their traditional packaging , you will forget about the crowd that is on the other side of the shelves fighting for some delicatessen dish to taste along with hundreds of people at the central tables with stools. You will instantly recognize the classic La Naval tuna packaging , but if you dig a little deeper, you will find jewels as interesting as the canned Jose Gourmet, whose patterned illustrations make them just as delicious on the inside as they are on the outside.

A Portuguese Life

A Portuguese Life

Next to the Praca do Comércio , which you will pass by no matter what, the ** Conserveira de Lisboa ** _(Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 34) _ is almost a nonagenarian and, nevertheless, remains a safe bet. It only has three registered trademarks: Tricana, Prata do Mar and Minor but never far behind. Only in La Tricana it has more than 34 varieties of sardines: in tomato, spicy, with garlic, with oregano, with cloves... In addition, on the occasion of its 80th anniversary, they surprised us with more delicate products such as sardine mousse or sardines in caldeirada , perfect to save work for picky eaters who "for no apparent reason" have the audacity to remove the skin and bones before eating them. you will love their original bookcases from the turn of the last century and that they wrap the cans in recycled paper and tie them with raffia ribbon (that's an envelope that you save).

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