Amores de barra: ten mythical essential university temples in Madrid


bar loves

Bar loves in Madrid

EUSEBIO'S CORNER _(Caramuel, 16) _

Better known by "El Eusebio", because it is he himself who serves behind the bar. He became very popular for his cider glass beers and its trays of canapés the size of a Columbus caravel , a perfect claim for those students from other years, who wanted to fill their stomachs before a concert at La Riviera. Portuguese by origin, Eusebio has seen how the creation of Madrid Rio It has been a springboard for that area on the banks of the Manzanares, now very busy not only with students, but also with a tsunami of young people. And it is that the trays of canapés of all kinds fly over the bar. It is a mythical that in recent years has become a student feud again.

DOCAMAR _(Alcalá, 337) _

To speak of Docamar is to speak of one of the best fried potatoes in the capital , favorite delicatessen of the people of Madrid. And despite the fact that its location, in the neighborhood of Las Ventas, is not a prominent destination for university students, every weekend the place caters to a whole pilgrimage of students, attracted by the fame of its potatoes. Such is the demand, that even they have put the sauce itself on sale so you can make the bravas at home , at the college or wherever they leave you. Curious note, initially the bar was called Donato and was located in Argüelles. It would move to its current location in the 1960s and adopt Docamar, an acronym for the name of its founding grandfather: Donato Cabrera Martínez.

Docamar, the best bravas in Madrid

Docamar, the best bravas in Madrid?

MELO'S _(Ave Maria, 44) _

One of the sources of the university student earthquake in the capital. Located in the neighborhood of footbath , this tiny tavern has seen more than one smack between hungry youngsters who they want to get to the bar looking for slippers . Yes, shoe, because that is how the gigantic village bread toast with melted tetilla cheese and lacón is known, which comes out of their kitchen. Croquettes the size of a watermelon , padrón peppers and blood sausage from Burgos close the festival. It is rumored in the neighborhood that the marriage that runs the bar has been separated for many years, but that they continue to work together because the business is a gold mine. Be that as it may, he asks for it.

YATAI MARKET _(Doctor Cortezo, 10) _

Asian street food, nerve center of Madrid, market stalls, puri stockings swarming nearby, all have been perfect ingredients to attract the university public, mainly on Thursday and Friday nights. And it is that you only have to name two magic words so that the exams can wait one more day: ramen and bao . One of the things that has allowed the strong influx of the student public has been an adjusted price to enjoy a bite in a short time and start the night in conditions. Of course, on weekends it gets to bursting.

Bring out your most 'foodie' and street side in this gastronomic market

Bring out your most 'foodie' and street side at Yatai Market

POST BAR _(Posts, 13) _ VS. RUA HOUSE _(Rodrigo City, 3) _

Why do we name these two mythical places in Madrid? For the simple reason that they represent the most demanded squid sandwiches by the university public of the capital. Squid sandwich and beer, a perfect dinner . Postas, where you can accompany it with draft cider and a more than generous portion of fried fish; O well Casa Rúa, the cheapest option , on the outskirts of the Plaza Mayor, very busy with the university public on weekends. Two authentic sidereal options for an essential in Madrid.

bar posts

The usual bar and the sandwich like never before

PORTOMARIN _(Valencia, 4) _

Although it can be irritating to get a table and also have a waiter accommodate you with a smile, the Galician Portomarín is without a doubt the headquarters for the hunters of cool portions in Lavapiés . Over time, their homemade octopus or lacón croquettes, their Padrón peppers or their Galician tortillas have become meteoric. With three decades of experience behind it, Portomarín brings the Galicia del Albariño and coffee liqueur a few meters from the square of one of the quintessential university neighborhoods of the capital.

SAN ILDEFONSO MARKET _(Fuencarral, 57) _

Its urban London vibe and its privileged location in the effervescent neighborhood of Malasaña has turned this street food market into a pilgrimage mecca for university students from all areas of Madrid. Up to fifteen stalls delight the most gourmet students , those who want to feel for a day in a different place on the planet. From Pad Thai or Asian dim sun to the most typical Iberian . The space is divided into three floors with two terraces and, true to the Malasañero spirit, maintains its commitment to solidarity and cultural offerings through its activities.

petisqueira _(Churruca, 6) _

Another essential in the capital for university students . Finding a spot in this Galician tapas bar is like searching for geraniums in the Serengeti. The blood sausage scrambled eggs, the mini hamburgers, the hot sandwiches, the potatoes with ribs or the mincemeat They become the perfect claim for young people looking for a straw with its mammoth lid. Such is the success, that they extended their particular XXL cover party at Mejía Lequerica number 17 with Petisqueira 2 . The result has been the same; Every weekend looks like a New Year's Eve party where instead of grapes you can find some good sausages.

THE PALESTINE _(Fish, 8) _

Little more can be said about this icon of the capital, the one who inspired the great Alex de la Iglesia for his film El bar and which we have already honored in Traveler. Behind the bar, Loli has seen entire generations of students pass by who, year after year, remained faithful to their Saturday breakfasts first thing in the morning, after a night of revelry and debauchery . The therapy of coffee with churros. With unbeatable prices , a beer with a plate of bagged potato chips can bring together hundreds of young people and not so young.

The quintessential Madrid bar, the one with the long zinc bar, the well-drained and cheap beers El Palentino

The quintessential Madrid bar, the one with the long zinc bar, the well-thrown and cheap beers: El Palentino

GRANADA HOUSE _(Doctor Cortezo, 17) _

It is clear that this place has never been famous for its generous tapas or for having colored neon signs on the door indicating that beer is served there. To access you have to call a telephone and pray to find a place . The secret of Casa Granada lies in the amazing views offered by one of the most privileged terraces in the center of Madrid, if you have the patience to wait for the queue that you will almost certainly find upstairs. Since its interior facelift, everything seems to have changed, except the views and its mediocre gastronomic offer. But, who cares? The secret of the terrace of Casa Granada has always been the feud of the universities. Pure romanticism that, today, is being lost.

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