Why should you give a trip as a gift?


The perfect gift a trip

The perfect gift: a trip

Most of the time we do not travel to destinations, but we travel to people or with people. The place doesn't matter: company and experience are more important. And, of course, the experiences above everything material. Thus, what better than giving a trip?

There comes a time when you look at the list and curse that there are so many Christmases, birthdays, saints, etc. There comes a point when, instead of deluding us, a single thought appears before us: and what gift this time?

Even if you have already given it away on another occasion, traveling is never enough . It doesn't matter where. The question is to travel.

Because traveling is saving time with another person, with yourself and together. And what better way if what we continually do is waste time, if we are always subtracting, what better than doing something with what we add. traveling is run away from routine that everyone hates, gain experiences, culture and experiences.

Two people prepare the trip

Two people prepare the trip


For the clinical psychologist Alberto Bermejo, from the EIDOS Psychology Cabinet : “Traveling makes us more transparent. It's a litmus test for the relationship, as there are no places to hide alone. Or very few."

Sharing hours and hours will bring out those topics of conversation that you would never have imagined. Helping you, doing the route combining what you and the other person like, also allows you to discover those tastes that were hidden.

If the person you want to give the trip to is a little more reluctant, “the perfect option to convince them is schedule a less complicated trip, to create hook”, also affirms Alberto Bermejo.

over all recommended for young couples, but also when there problems to spend time and solve them. Traveling has fixed more crises than we imagine.

Destinations in an airport

Destinations in an airport


It may be that that other person has to end up dragging you and has secretly included a place to go in the planning, and you end up getting angry but, in the end, it is very likely that you will end up eating your pride and thanking him for having taught you that place.

For the clinical psychologist Alberto Bermejo, from the EIDOS Psychology Cabinet , “it is a very good therapy; a trip brings out everything that we are”. Because at the end of the day, traveling It is time to think and reflect. Something more than necessary.

Four friends enjoy a trip together

Four friends enjoy a trip together


Likewise, the psychologist Bermejo assures that "We would find a different trip for each mental health problem." Contrary to what was believed until a few years ago, our brain is changing and is capable of producing new neurons and new connections between them throughout life (neuroplasticity) .

And to feed this process it is necessary provide our brain with new stimuli. How? traveling . “To train it, there are three key elements: confront our brain with the novelty, variety and challenge. Travel meets all three” , points out the Dr. Jose Manuel Molto, member of the Spanish Society of Neurology.

Traveling requires, mainly, learn and memorize everything strange until everything is normal and known. First of all, expand your own vision and of the culture and the world. When you travel nothing is yours, that's why it's important, everything is unknown.

Two people look for a place on a map

Two people look for a place on a map

According to Mª Amor Espino Bravo , teacher of the European University of Valencia: “Given that the people you are going to meet along the trip may be unknown people with whom you will probably never have contact again, this can contribute to generating attitudes and social initiatives that in another context would not have occurred ”.

Traveling helps reduce some fears, prejudices and insecurities. It is not trivial that for Mark Twain, “travel is fatal to prejudice, fanaticism and intolerance”, nor what Gustave Flaubert sentenced that "Traveling makes you modest, because it makes you see the small place you occupy in the world."

Professor Espino agrees with the two intellectuals and also affirms that traveling is especially about know other realities : “take distance from your own life and can see your own problems in their true dimension. Often, after a trip many people value much more what they have and they stop complaining (or do so less) about what they lack, which also leads to a greater emotional well-being".

Two friends on a trip

Two friends on a trip


Sofia, Erasmus, 22, tells funny stories about when he gave his boyfriend a trip to London and one to Amsterdam for his mother. In London, they fell asleep on the ferry and will remember all their lives what they had to run to avoid being left in no man's land.

The trip with her mother helped him to listen to stories of yesteryear, and to unite them more, to be able to spend time that they needed so much and did not have, or did not take. Because to travel, after all, you need to find time by force, you ask for it, at work, in your agenda and yourself, and you leave. Disconnect time.

Ramon , a windsurfing teacher in Fuerteventura, away from his family, part in Murcia and part in England, confesses that he would give a trip to meet new cultures and open your mind as much as he has. Because in the first person he knows how good it has been for him to fly.

And because, he really confesses to us that “the trip itself is not the gift. The gift is everything that happens before, during and after the trip and how that makes you and the other person grow, a trip is a gift for life for the memories".

According to data from the INE, the Spanish during the second quarter of 2017 made 50,386,995, and in Spain we are 46,468,102 inhabitants.

"Anywhere else" like Dorian's song. Because traveling will always have something that you won't even be able to explain for sure. It is only demonstrated and experienced by doing it, traveling. Simple: "Not all who wander are lost" – J.R.R. Tolkien

a couple traveling

a couple traveling

You travel to escape the routine

You travel to escape the routine

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