Baobab: where does the superfood that everyone talks about come from?


Baobab where does the superfood that everyone talks about come from

Baobab: where does the superfood that everyone talks about come from?

The genus adansonia , popularly known as baobab It is a tree that can boast of having a total of eight species, six of which can be found in the madagascar island , another one in ** Continental Africa ** and the last one in ** Australia **.

Before it flooded our Instagram feed with the most appetizing recipes and the most suggestive properties, Travelers from all over the world have been captivated throughout history not only from the name of this tree that grows on the African continent and whose fruit is also called the same, but also from its imposing presence of large trunk , considerable height, full of knots and leaves that only sprout in the rainy season.

the famous writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , known worldwide for his novel The Little Prince mentioned this creation of nature in chapter V of his novel and Gustavo Adolfo Becquer he did the same in his work The leader of the red hands.

At present the fruit that grows from his tree has become one of the superfoods that are so much the order of the day But this time for good reason. Its benefits, properties and nutritional value comprise such a wide range that it is very difficult to resist it.

But before going fully into talking about his positive qualities , it is necessary to know in depth where it comes from and why this African tree and the fruit that emanates from it are so important.

The baobab has eight species, six of them in Madagascar.

The baobab has eight species, six of them in Madagascar


We are not facing a common tree. On the African continent, each and every one of the baobab species are revered, loved, protected and cared for by the inhabitants from the areas where they grow because, as legend has it, we are dealing with 'the first tree created by God'.

"It has been considered a sacred symbol since its inception, proof of this is that only 'the wise' can get on it to collect its fruits and leaves", they indicate to from Baïa Food Co ., an expert platform in healthy eating and in charge of distributing all kinds of proteins such as cocoa, matcha, maca, açaí and, of course, the baobab.

"For centuries it has been used as a place where African communities meet, and important decisions are made around it. It is a symbol of resistance, tolerance, community life and longevity , valued as a manifestation of vitality, and endowed with magical properties”, they add.

Legend has it that these trees were so presumptuous that God himself turned them over to put the branches in the ground and the roots in the upper part of the trunk, hence their origin. peculiar shape and arrangement that seems to grow upside down.

It has been a sacred symbol since its inception

It has been a sacred symbol since its inception

“It is a sacred tree for all the religions that have come into contact with it: Muslims make the containers they use to break their fast with it; the Christians carve with its wood the bowls that they use for baptisms ; the Bushmen of South Africa believe, for their part, that the flowers offered by the baobab house spirits. That is why they affirm that whoever dares to pluck any of these flowers will be devoured by a lion”, they inform Baïa Food Co.


"The natives use the oil that is extracted from its seeds and the pulp of the fruit as a regular diet and even the trunk of the tree serves as food for cattle during the dry months thanks to its high water content”, they indicate, for their part, from Nutt Valencia (experts in nutrition and dietetics).

So it is not surprising that the properties of this food are crossing borders and more and more people are introducing it into their dishes or recipes.

The baobab is rich in vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron and potassium.

The baobab is rich in vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron and potassium

Both Baïa Food Co. and Nutt Valencia agree that this African giant has the following benefits thanks to being especially rich in vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron and potassium :

- Contributes to normal functioning and strengthening of the immune system.

- Protects cells against oxidative damage antioxidant ) .

- Help to decrease tiredness and fatigue.

- Improves iron absorption so it helps protect our cardiovascular health.

- Contributes to the formation of collagen for the normal skin function , cartilage, gums, bones and blood vessels.

- Contains a high fiber content (50%) which helps to control and balance our digestive system as well as intestinal transit.

-It's anti-inflammatory.


From Nutt Valencia they affirm: "the fruit of this tree has interesting nutritional properties, the pulp that is inside is left to dry and It is consumed in powder as an ingredient in different recipes. . It arrives at our table in the form of powder as a supplement, seeds and even as an ingredient in products such as vegetable drinks”.

The seeds can be perfect to accompany all kinds of dishes from salads to biscuits and the powders are mainly used in our breakfasts and snacks. in the form of sweets, shakes, juices, ice creams, smoothies or any recipe that comes to mind. Creativity is the key!

So the next time you get into cooking mode, don't hesitate to add this superfood to your recipes, your body and mind will thank you. Of course, always keeping in mind that we are dealing with a nutritional supplement that at no time does it come to replace all the nutrients of our daily diet such as a tomato, an onion or a pepper.

In our breakfasts and snacks in the form of sweet shakes, frozen juices and smoothies

In our breakfasts and snacks in the form of sweets, shakes, juices, ice creams and smoothies

"It's no use taking the last trendy superfood if then we don't eat well and lead an unhealthy lifestyle", they indicate from Nutt Valencia.


In recent years, at the same time that the fame of this fruit has been growing outside the African borders, the oldest trees have been dying little by little for no apparent initial reason.

An article in The Guardian newspaper published in June 2018 notes that “nine of the thirteen oldest trees (between 1,100 and 2,500 years old) have died partially or completely in the last decade.” According to the researchers in this study, the main cause of these sudden deaths may be climate change , but more research and study is still needed.

The oldest trees have been dying

The oldest trees have been dying

Experts assure that all those affected were the oldest trees and the areas in which they were found were in the southern Africa such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia . A sacred tree that in theory can reach up to 3000 years of life and that is suddenly disappearing earlier than expected.

Currently, experts continue to investigate the official causes and possible solutions to this massive problem.

What can we do from a distance to turn this situation around? First of all take care of the planet we live on and that we are damaging so much being aware of it; and second, consume the baobab as long as it comes from an ecological and sustainable way because in this way it helps to maintain the population of these trees in Africa and the health of the ecosystem where the ancient giant grows is guaranteed.

And now why don't we start thinking delicious recipes with which to take this superfood so nutritious and beneficial?

Consume the baobab as long as it comes organically

Consume the baobab as long as it comes organically

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