On the trail of excellence



On the trail of excellence

Why do we travel? No one has stopped to think about what leads us to have those anxious wishes to pack up and set off on a journey sometimes planned, sometimes unexpected. The only thing we know is that traveling is an inexhaustible source of experiences , perhaps that is why it is a tireless hobby.

However, both in the established and in the improvised, lies a key in which perhaps we have never relapsed. Traveling is much more than a hobby, it is a way of life . Moreover, our life is itself the longest journey we embark on, maybe also the most difficult, but certainly the most satisfying.

There are those who carry that intrinsic spirit due to their work, but that does not exempt them from the delight of traveling. An actor like Peter Vives he spends much of his time on a plane, but he doesn't hesitate to express that “Traveling is not only a necessity for my work, it is a vital necessity”.

We travel to lose ourselves, also to find ourselves, but, above all, to express our best version . We do it and so have the three travelers from the Scottish house The Macallan . A personal and complex journey, a pursuit of excellence , whose fruits are reflected in a more than pleasant result: the Double Cask Trilogy.


The hardest path always brings the best reward

Three globetrotters who embarked on a journey from the green forests of northern Spain and the French Pyrenees to obtain the European oak. But far from sticking to a single path, these three passengers also passed by the oaks of the forests of Ohio, Missouri and Kentucky.

You should never stick to just one path. There is always more to discover, to learn. Why settle for one place when you can travel the world? Peter Vives says that his dual Spanish and New Zealand nationality has endowed him with the quality of “citizen of the world” . Precisely, perhaps that is the essence of the trip. Like The Macallan, like the actor, being from here and there, from nowhere and everywhere.

The Macallan tour culminates when, After craftsmanship and good work, the famous barrels are manufactured , with a wood that carries as many miles behind as stories to tell. The motivation for this long journey, as in our own journey, lies in nothing other than in search of the sublime.

The journey of these three adventurers and his relentless pursuit of excellence is reflected in this trilogy, which brings together two new references of 15 and 18 years in barrel, together with an edition already with 12 years of experience . A denouement whose protagonist is a whiskey that goes out of the ordinary to embody the exceptional.


The Macallan, a journey through European and American forests.

And after all, life is that. A long journey with a great goal. Sometimes clearly marked, other times we blindly follow it, but all roads lead to the same outlet: the pursuit of personal success , our own realization and, like The Macallan, the choice of an intricate and laborious path, because only then will we achieve the best results and the greatest satisfaction.

The obstacles and obstacles seem to make the route worse, but really, what they achieve is to make it more profitable . The actor, like the Scottish house, is clear: “Sometimes, you have to choose the most difficult path, the least followed. Go beyond difficulties to achieve excellence”.

And, while we must not lose sight of the goal, neither should we neglect the journey . If life is our journey, every moment is a stop . And those pleasant moments help us to better resume the rest of the way. The opportunity to sit down and savor the delicate vanilla flavor , fruit of American oak seasoned with sherry, and the classic and spicy touch coming from European oak, it is as necessary as the final culmination.

The wood of The Macallan has already made that journey throughout its more than 200 years of life . With this latest creation, the Double Cask Trilogy , intend to guide ours, with an excellence that join us in the pursuit of one of our own and in those small stops, so necessary to gain strength for the rest of the itinerary.

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