Reasons why you should discover Ecuador aboard this boutique yacht


Discover the Ecuadorian coast with Kontiki Expeditions

Discover the Ecuadorian coast with Kontiki Expeditions

After months adrift, the suitcases have been dusted off, the passports have come out of their drawers again and the desire to cross the ocean has awakened for welcome the new normal.

For their part, destinations are beginning to welcome tourists with open arms and tourism companies are watching over, more than ever, the safety of travelers, who are beginning to commit to sustainable luxury and for those places that waste natural wealth , as is the case in Ecuador.

Can you think of a better way to explore this great treasure of Latin America that in a boutique yacht?

A boutique yacht with capacity for 18 people

A boutique yacht with capacity for 18 people

Will be crossing the waters of the Pacific , while the salty breeze caresses their hair, when the passengers of Kontiki Expeditions' first ocean adventure you will understand why we dare to sentence that this trip will mark a before and after in that long journey that we call "life". **

The wonderful commitment of Kontiki Expeditions -which is part of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World label- is specified in the original and recently released Toquilla Expedition and Spondylus Expedition.

The first makes the following stops: Manta, Bahía de Caráquez, Mompiche, Isla de la Plata, Machalilla National Park, Ayangue, Puerto Bolívar, Zaruma and Guayaquil.

While the other alternative follows this itinerary: Guayaquil, Puerto Bolívar, Petrified Forest of Puyango, Santa Clara Island, Salinas, Ayangue, Machalilla National Park, Isla de la Plata, Bahía de Caráquez and Manta.

yacht dining room

yacht dining room

Five provinces, eight days on the road and countless natural treasures . Traveling along the coast of Ecuador aboard a boutique yacht a priori already seems like the perfect plan for any globetrotter , but since uncertainty has no place in luggage, we quote you the reasons why you should leave your next great getaway in the hands of Kontiki Expeditions:

– Environmental commitment: Fighting against mass tourism and looking towards a more conscious way of traveling has become one of the main objectives of the sector in recent years, and Kontiki Expeditions has a business philosophy based on both well-being and sustainability.

Cabin for two people

Cabin for two people

To contribute to maintain the natural heritage of the visited destination, the luxurious company of oceanic expeditions collaborated with local communities , as well as it has implemented environmental care protocols.

– Exclusivity: enjoying a vacation in an intimate atmosphere and with personalized attention is the priority of many travellers. Thanks to this small expedition, where the number of passengers is limited to just 18 people , you can share a private getaway with your family or with your friends that promises not to leave anyone indifferent.

- Adaptation: the dimensions of the boutique yacht will allow passengers to opt for tailor-made activities. From kayaking to paddleboarding to snorkeling or yoga on deck , your wishes will be materialized by the crew.

Regardless of age, of course: Kontiki Expeditions break down generational barriers shaping experiences that adapt to the interests and possibilities of the different profiles that travel on the luxurious vessel.



– Cult of detail: that after two days of crossing they already know what kind of juice you like or what coffee do you drink for breakfast , are small luxuries that will make your stay a true Eden.

Open the door of cabin in which you are staying (9 total) after an intense day and find the bed made and the amenities ready , will make you rethink if the Organic Bar cocktails are succulent enough to get out of your contemporary design room (with a view, by the way).

You can do water activities on board

You can do water activities on board

And even though this experience requires your five senses so as not to miss anything that happens on site, if you wish, you can share the photos that you take during the trip with your followers or watch an episode of your favorite series thanks to the connection offered by the yacht.

– Cultural immersion: the small size of the group that will be part of this adventure along the coast of Ecuador It will allow to establish a closer contact with the population of the destination.

Immerse yourself in the local lifestyle, discovering its artisan relics, savoring its gastronomy and soaking up its traditions , is, without a doubt, one of the great attractions of this enriching expertise.



In addition, the yacht will dock at small ports where large vessels cannot access. This will give you the opportunity to discover off-the-beaten-path coastal corners and secluded islands , home to extraordinary species such as blue-footed boobies, howler monkeys, cuzumbos, manta rays, hummingbirds and endless exotic plants.

– Safety and comfort: Kontiki Expeditions guarantees you an impeccable and extra-personalized service both on land and on deck, where crew and travelers can establish close communication.

After having walked through historical sites, nature reserves and stunning virgin beaches , you will be able to recreate yourself in the jacuzzi of the yacht with all the beautiful postcards that the day has recorded in your retinas.

Sunset from the chill out

Sunset from the chill out

Other tempting options to delight body and soul are: a sports session in your Gym , a relaxing stop in your spa, a walk on the deck of this boat 40 meters long for watch the sunset from all possible perspectives -above all, we recommend doing it from the chill parlor - or a dinner to suit the diner. Without forgetting the baths on the high seas; blessed dips.

On the other hand, it should not be ignored that Kontiki Expeditions is a member of WTTC (World Travel & Tourism Council) , who has given Safe Travels accreditation for the implementation of health and hygiene protocols established, which will be applied before boarding and will be maintained throughout the journey.

bedroom with terrace

bedroom with terrace

“Visitors, today more than ever, are looking for smaller environments on board and on land, with fewer people and less exposure to risk . We are proud to offer our luxurious yacht and crew to create an experience with purpose, exciting and safe, which will be the source of many memories to share” , point Carlos Núñez, CEO and founder of Kontiki Expeditions.

So, dear traveler, if you want to break the routine or you need an intense dose of nature, you are the perfect candidate to become one of the protagonists of this wonderful journey that starts early 2021 and that not only promises to conquer you with beautiful marine postcards, but also it will also put your feet on the ground. And what land!

The nine cabins are designed with a contemporary aesthetic

All nine staterooms are designed with a contemporary aesthetic

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