These are the gastronomic trends that will triumph in 2020


These are the gastronomic trends that will succeed in 2020

These are the gastronomic trends that will triumph in 2020

This beginning of the year is not like any other. Before us, a new decade in which we have ahead back to the roaring 20s , that if they were already brilliant in the last century, in this one they promise to be even more so. And what's in store for us gastronomically this new year that we have just kicked off?

Trends already created that arrive in an updated format , currents innovative who come ready to break with all the schemes, star products that will give a lot to talk about, a return to the origins , colors and furniture that we should not overlook and the best of the gastronomic proposals that will fill our stomachs, thoughts and -why not say it- Instagram profiles in this 2020 that promises to be T-O-D-O.

Ready Foodie (aka foodies ) to discover everything that gastronomy has in store for us over the next 365 days? Bon appétit!


1. Back to the origins: if there is a premise in which both gastronomic critics, restaurant lovers, prestigious chefs and connoisseurs of this world agree, is that if something is going to succeed in 2020 it is the return to the beginning of everything.

Say goodbye to the 'postureo', of appearances and pretensions when cooking and preparing dishes to bet on tradition, for the quality product and for the truly essential of gastronomy.

“From my point of view, we are going through a moment in which everything is going to be marked by a return to the traditional, to treat the cuisine and its roots with respect, where it comes from and how we present it to the diner”, indicates the renowned chef Javier Aranda at the head of the restaurants of La Cabra, Gaytán or Retama.

Vigil stew with cod and spinach in Pristino

Vigil stew with cod and spinach in Pristino

Something that **María Gómez chef of Magoga** (restaurant that obtained its first Michelin star in the last edition of the contest) also agrees with: “the 2020 trends that I think we are going to see the most are the restaurant openings and the menu proposals in which I know of one great importance to the product with a return to origins and tradition ”.

Today's customers demand quality dishes, with products treated with respect and accompanied by few nuances that can spoil it. The traditional cuisine as the key to a whole gastronomic trend that we should not confuse with the bland, boring or lifeless, rather it is the opposite.

Getting a no-frills dish that is deliciously irresistible and doesn't need anything else to become a hit, this is where the chef's professionalism lies . And that's where we are. New openings like the bighead _(Príncipe de Vergara Street, 8, Madrid) _ or Pristine _(Paseo de Eduardo Dato, 8, Madrid) _ they are already working on it.


Return to the product and origin

two. Robots and gastronomy in 3D : but just as the return to origins is a fact, we must not forget that we are in 2020 and that the future is here . That is why the new technologies and gastronomy they are holding hands. There are more and more restaurant projects that are committed to surprising their customers with dishes created with 3d printers or directly change the usual chefs or waiters for androids.

There are already some establishments in our country that have opened their doors with robots among your room staff (for example, the Asian cuisine restaurant Crensa in Valencia ). But this new year promises not to leave anyone indifferent and more and more restoration projects are betting on great technologies. At the beginning of this 2020 is expected to open in the capital -specifically in the Madrid neighborhood of Las Letras- of Impossible Restaurant , a space “c onverted into the first restaurant in the world where you will be able to try innovation ”.

What do they intend to surprise us with in this 300m2 premises, promoted by the company Food By Robots , in which we will find from automation , going through the Science fiction, up to the best virtual reality, robotics, software or gastronomy in 3D? Impatient to see this initiative become a reality where humans also have a place!

The robots are already here

The robots are already here

3. A twist to children's menus : every year, between the months of October and November, the American supermarket chain Whole Foods Market launches on its website the gastronomic predictions that they believe will succeed in the coming year. For this 2020 the children have a special mention within their selection.

Why? Gone are the basic menus that were served to the smallest of the house -composed of nuggets, frozen sticks, pizza, hamburgers or sandwiches- to offer you dishes only suitable for the most gourmets.

According to the portal, the reason for this mentality change around children's menus lies with their own parents. Most of these are millennials who have already grown up and started their own families, instilling in their children the true pleasure for gastronomy and culinary art . So the time has come for the chefs themselves to begin to take into account for their menus the smallest diners at the table.

It seems to me that nutrition education should be very present from an early age. It has always been said that 'we are what we eat' so imagine how important it is. The sooner we know the relevance of what we select for our body, the better, "says Javier Aranda to

The children protagonists also of a new gastronomy

Children, also protagonists of a new gastronomy

Four. Commitment to regenerative and sustainable agriculture : if there is a word that we have not stopped hearing in this 2019 both in gastronomy, fashion, politics or the economy, it has been the term sustainability . The resources of our planet are increasingly limited and we must start taking measures to take care of it and regenerate it as soon as possible. The damage is already done but it's up to us to change course to save it or let it die.

That is why, at the gastronomic level, a series of measures have been launched, such as the regenerative and sustainable agriculture in which through procedures with the land and animals soil health is improved.

As stated from the Whole Foods Market website , the term regenerative agriculture “describes the agricultural and grazing practices that restore degraded soil, they enhance biodiversity and increase carbon sequestration to create long-lasting environmental benefits, such as a positive impact on climate change.”

Commitment to regenerative and sustainable agriculture

Commitment to regenerative and sustainable agriculture

5. In 2020 food will come from West Africa : when talking about gastronomic currents that arrive from outside our borders in 2019, the predictions indicated that the one coming from the Pacific Ocean was going to mark our diet. For this 2020 we change not only the aquatic surface, but also the continent, to move to West Africa.

Their food is characterized by not having undergone manipulation or mutations in recent decades, such as the cereals such as fonio, teff, millet or sorghum ; or superfoods like moringa or tamarind.

Products that come from Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia and other West African countries that can claim to be made up of high doses of proteins, vitamins and beneficial minerals for our body.

In 2020 food will arrive from West Africa

In 2020 food will come from West Africa

6. The Classic Blue will flood everything in 2020 : since last December 5, 2019 we have a new fashion color in the forefront.

That is why after the reign of the Living Coral, comes the Classic Blue inspiring calm, connection, simplicity and elegance . "This enduring shade of blue highlights our desire for a reliable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era." indicate from the Colo Pantone Institute itself.


Alcohol is no longer what takes, at least not in the same way we used to consume it decades ago . streams like the mindfully drinking bet on a more responsible, conscious, healthy and rational consumption which shows that it is not necessary to drink large amounts of alcohol to enjoy an evening with friends, partner or family.

That is why some have decided give up spirits to give way to non-alcoholic cocktails.

Instead, others have decided to reduce their consumption . That's when they come into play exotic and innovative cocktails. “Without a doubt, in this 2020 we will continue in the line of the refreshing cocktails, adjusted graduation and creativity in presentations ”, indicates Diego Cabrera, renowned cocktail shaker at the head of Salmon Guru . “Our task is inform, educate and prescribe for people to drink well; not to stop drinking, but to do it correctly and sophisticatedly, ”he continues.

Salmon Guru

Cocktails have always been there, but never like this

As with gastronomy, environmental awareness It is also occupying the field of cocktails, so according to Diego Cabrera " the commitment to this will mark the coming years ”. Everything seems to indicate that he will bet for local and seasonal products, making them trend.

As has been the case for several years, flowers They will also be the protagonists of the cocktails that we drink. Apart from giving an impressive visual touch, They are perfect to accompany and garnish as an ingredient in any type of drink..

As for the wines, we will continue to consume them as always, but in addition we will add new and most innovative touches . For example we will see wines in cocktails (Sherry wine is very present), the Triumph of Garnacha, vegan wines or bulk wines.

And the beer? The launch of the craft beers In recent years, it has given the place that corresponds to one of the oldest fermented drinks of humanity. More and more brands are committed to launching new products or ranges with craft beers with its own flavor and a great story to tell. From now on you will no longer order just any beer, just as you do not do with wine, you will have your favorites and you will consume them either at home, at the bar or the restaurant on duty.


The spaces of restaurants and premises are no longer mere places to eat for be part of the experience . “This has led to multiple responses and create many environments and actions within the same space, with abundant and rich interiors (some call it maximalism ) . It is a time when they combine different styles, solutions, textures, materials and colors , we believe that there is no design trend. The trend is that there is a very fertile ground to experiment with styles and materials and that people are open to it”, they indicate from Tarruella Trench Coats .

For this 2020 they are working with genuine, natural materials that age with dignity. “And above all, something that customers demand a lot, are materials that are transformed during the course of the day to be able to adapt to the different times and services they offer”, they tell

Another big trend is the importance of living room-kitchen spaces understood as one or holding hands. Herein lies the importance of show the product, the elaboration, quality and presentation of the same . Gone are the closed kitchens in which the diner could not see what was happening between his stove.

"I think that over the last few years, customers are increasingly knowledgeable about the subject and enjoy gastronomic experiences. The room has to know how to convey all the nuances of the kitchen and, in all their aspects, they must go hand in hand. The kitchen/dining room understanding and the coherence of what a diner sees with what they will later taste, it is essential for the restoration to work correctly ”, says chef Javier Aranda.

“There is a tendency to keep the product in view and bet on sustainable ingredients from kilometer 0, more authentic...”, indicates for its part Tarruella Trenchs Studio.

And, of course, we must not forget the already mentioned Classic Blue of Pantone among the decoration proposals for new openings that are to come in this new year. There is a reason why it is a color within the color palette that will undoubtedly mark the next 365 days.

And now without further delay... shall we eat 2020 bite by bite?

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