PUNTO MX, five years enchilada Madrid


Vegetarian nopal ceviche

Vegetarian nopal ceviche

What was born as a restaurant where reinterpreted the Mexican gastronomic tradition , without the (garish) decoration to which we are accustomed and with a vocation to feed the people of the neighborhood, has become, against all odds, a pilgrimage point of foodies from all over the world. And not only from diners, but also from chefs who curiously request from Mexico to do the internship in Madrid with them. Now, with their fifth anniversary, they have changed course. They replace the menu with a selection of three tasting menus. What has changed in these five years? Let's get to the point.

MX Point Room

MX Point Room

“After all this time in Madrid, concerns and approaches have naturally arisen about what the future of the restaurant was going to be. It tickled us to be able to have a tasting menu”, comments Roberto Ruiz, head of the Mx and revolutionary of this kitchen. “With the previous formula of the letter, a lot of stress was generated around the table. What do we ask? Who asks for it? 'I don't eat cilantro', 'I don't like spicy food', They were phrases that we heard every day from our clients. This cuisine is complex if you don't know it. We also thought that a lot was lost along the way because it is not easy to return to ** Punto Mx ** regularly”

Guajillo shrimp and citrus

Carabinero, guajillo and citrus

If we add to this the personal emotion of the robust team that is part of this adventure (more than 150 people between Punto Mx, Cascabel Hall and Canteen period, their space in Colombia), the one that now has the best orchard they could have (their gardeners in Madrid got married and went on a honeymoon to Mexico to learn about planting and cultivation there) and, of course, the restaurant's own natural process, it was time to jump into the pool. It was time for 'Natural Evolution'

Three tasting menus with unpublished flavors and dishes . A short one, a long one and a third one that will be offered to you once you are seated at the table. The 'Natural Evolution' menu consists of eleven passes divided into four acts: snacks, starters, main dishes and desserts. Vegetarian nopal ceviche, beef salpicón, Iberian pork taco with green tomatillo or Juana Amaya's unique black mole with pigeon , are some of the dishes that make it up and will change with the passing of the seasons. Is there anyone who has a record, as far as eating is concerned, in Punto MX? Yes, the Cardinals. A family of revelers to whom the special menu has been dedicated that includes everything from the length plus a panucho of cochinita pibil, a black aguachile and its successful grilled marrow. For brave.

Iberico pork and green tomatillo taco in molcajete

Iberian pork and green tomatillo taco in a molcajete

“Although we have started to operate with a tasting menu, this is not a gastronomic dictatorship. The client is free to make modifications or additions to his menu”, flexibility and dynamism above all.

To celebrate this new stage, they have invited four flagship chefs of what is happening in Mexico. The last week of each month between now and September (except in August when they close for holidays), the restaurant will become the venue for a gastronomic trip around the country. Juana Amaya, the Oaxacan cook from Mi Tierra Linda, with a traditional and ancestral cuisine, was the first, followed by **Edgar Núñez de Sud 777 (Mexico D.F) ** with her modern cuisine with Nordic influences in the use of vegetables and Diego Hernández from Corazón de Tierra, exponent of the cuisine from the north of the country. To culminate with the celebrations, a return to the most contemporary Oaxaca by Juan Manuel Baños from the Pitiona restaurant.

Long live Punto Mx, 2017 is yours.


If it is difficult for you to make a reservation at the restaurant, you can always try it in its most casual area, the Mezcal Lab, another milestone that sails smoothly and independently but, in turn, shares the kitchen with Punto MX. There they have moved many of their iconic dishes for those who are homesick. Proof of this is their marrow or the most famous tacos, more than enough reason to visit them.


They are in the Olympus of genuine Mexican flavor. There is no one to compare them to. They are simply the best. Forget the uncomfortable feeling offered by some restaurants with a star that has been encased. Punto Mx shines for the humane treatment and the closeness of its creators. Roberto and Tatiana in the kitchen, María in the living room, Martin with his (infinite) collection of mezcal... You will enjoy an almost religious experience around a table. Booking. Already.


Address: General Pardinas, 40

Telephone: 914 022 226

Schedule: From Tuesday to Saturday from 13:30 to 16:00 and from 21:00 to 24:00

The MX team

The MX team

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