Why you should travel with your friends


Why you should travel with your friends

Why you should travel with your friends

Ask anyone who has tried it: there is nothing like traveling with friends . You feel such brutal complicity with them you can do anything, no matter how eccentric; encourage you to test your limits (no boring day started with a "Isn't there any eggs...?") ; they incite you to let out your most playful self and you know that no matter what happens, the crazy things you do while you're away from home they will remain forever among you (and, whatever time passes, a gesture will suffice to remember them and automatically laugh ) .

They say it until The experts : "Friendships, presupposing that they are good and true, They have a positive impact on our physical and mental health. From these relationships we obtain benefits such as increase in our self-esteem , because we feel valued and useful to others. Also, friends reduce our anxiety in stressful situations , they offer us help, understanding and companionship and generate in us positive emotions and moments of happiness, thus contributing to increase our emotional well-being".

Between friends you dare to do anything

Between friends you dare to do anything

who explains it Eva M. Almansa López, co-director of Family Psychologists, and only with that definition we could already finish this article: Friends are a source of happiness! Who wouldn't want to spend as many hours as possible by his side? However, it is not what happens most often, because, in our leisure time, we usually put other companies first such as the couple or the family. Why?

The fact that it is more common to travel with your partner could be due, according to Almansa, to "The construction that society has made about what to do or not to do as a couple. There are many people who do not plan leisure outings with friends because they don't want to leave the other person alone or to the family. Likewise, the economy as a couple and as a family is something shared and meeting the travel expenses of one of the members independently is impossible for economic reasons or because it is perceived as a selfish gesture, opting for family trips", details the professional.

Friends a source of happiness

Friends, a source of happiness


However, the benefits of traveling with the family you have chosen are many, so many that it may be time to stop and not get carried away by the usual: "Traveling with friends means share experiences and situations that, otherwise, would not have been experienced together, so with this we achieve strengthen ties and the possibility of getting to know other people and groups better", explains Almansa.

And that's not all: What about those friends you haven't seen for a long time because they live in another city, or in another country? Or that group of yours that was inseparable but now, between one thing and another, can't find time to see each other for more than two hours at a time? Traveling is an excellent way to reconnect with all those important people that we haven't been able to spend so much time with. as we would have liked the rest of the year, and to create new connections and experiences with them. In addition, by choosing them as travel companions you will be changing not only the environment, but also the company, while you take a break from your partner or loved ones . It will be a respite from everyday life, the perfect cure against stress !

Traveling in a group can be really useful

Traveling in a group can be really useful


Of course, all this good-sounding stuff will only work when the members of the group are compatible travel buddies : "In principle, and based on the previous experiences we have had with the people who belong to our circle of friends, we can get an idea of who can be more akin to make a trip . Even depending on the trip you want to do, one companion or another will be preferred, although, clearly, there is always the friend with whom we would go anywhere. Try to go with people who share our rhythm and restlessness in the chosen destination will give us more guarantees", argues the expert.

In addition, Almansa gives us ** a few tips ** so that our adventures, hilarious for sure, have happy ending : "It is interesting to have defined the destination of the trip; organize it together; distribute the tasks among the travelers to later share and decide; knowing how to yield in the departures, visits or routes that you want to program without imposing our criteria at all costs ( sometimes the most unexpected is the best ) ; agree on certain rules (with dialogue and communication) and have a lot of patience and humor : do not forget that the ultimate goal is have a good time and have fun ", he concludes. Nothing that a good group of friends does not always do, right?

*This article was initially published on 02.15.2017

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To enjoy!

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