All San Sebastian fits in the Musical Fortnight


Organ in the Good Shepherd of San Sebastian.

Organ in the Good Shepherd of San Sebastian.

After the limitations suffered in 2020 due to the pandemic, the Musical Fortnight floods San Sebastián between August 1 and 27 with 75 concerts, which will overwhelm the Kursaal headquarters to spread to museums and churches of Guipúzcoa, Álava and Navarra.

The oldest festival in the country It came about to offer vacationers one more reason to go to San Sebastián. Then there was the Orfeón Donostiarra, the Conservatory and the fans that the European interpreters who took refuge in the city during the First World War.

Today, the festival has grown and multiplied its activities in cycles of dance, organ, ancient and contemporary music. Its locations offer a tour in musical key beyond the city.

Metamorphosis Dance.

Metamorphosis Dance.


The Kursaal Auditorium, designed by Rafael Moneo, stands at the mouth of the Urumea. In the same place, the Gran Kursaal Marítimo de San Sebastián, built in 1921 next to the Zurriola bridge, was already framework of the first concerts of the Fortnight. In the style of the great European casinos between the wars, it included restaurants, a gaming room and a large theater. Its deterioration led to the construction of the current building, conceived by Moneo as two stranded rocks.

The Kursaal hosts this year the to Orchester Philharmonique du Luxembourg, which will play works by Mozart and Beethoven, at the Euskadiko Orkestra and the Orfeón Donostiarra, with a program that includes the Fishermen's Mass, and the Budapest Festival Orchestra, under the direction of the great Ivan Fischer.

Its rooms will present the daring cycle of contemporary music , and pianists such as Mitsuko Uchida, Grigori Sokolov or the violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter will meet in its auditorium. A luxury.

The Kursaal Auditorium

The Kursaal Auditorium, the cultural hub on the other side of the Urumea


The Victoria Eugenia Theater remains as an icon of the golden age of San Sebastián. Inaugurated in 1912 by Alfonso XIII and his wife, it was built under the project intended to provide the city, converted into the main summer destination of the Spanish bourgeoisie, a great hotel, the María Cristina, and a great theater.

in the fortnight will be the stage for the dance section, starring Lucia Lacarra and for the company Metamorphosis Dance, led by Iratxe Ansa. At the antipodes of the classicist aesthetics of theater, the Tabakalera Cultural Center will host experimental dance proposals.

The Victoria Eugenia Theater an authentic jewel

The Victoria Eugenia Theatre, an authentic jewel


The San Telmo Museum was built in the 16th century as monastery for Dominican friars. It suffered great damage during the War of Independence and the disentailment of Mendizábal, which led to the expulsion of the monks. From rehabilitation in 1932 as the Museum of Fine Arts It houses a collection that includes works by El Greco, Tintoretto, Murillo, Sorolla, Zuloaga and Oteiza. His most emblematic piece are the murals painted by Josep María Sert for the headboard and the walls of the church that is part of the complex.

Ancient music will be the protagonist in its cloister. Forma Antiqva, the formation of the Zapico brothers, recovers Renaissance and Baroque pieces, and interprets them with period instruments with a radical and playful character. In this case they will offer the public a concert entitled Farándula Castiza, with pieces from the 18th century.

For its part, Anachronia Ensemble raises its call with a question: Haydn baroque? Bach will receive due attention in the Goldberg Variations and in sacred works that will be performed in Saint Mary of the Choir

San Telmo Museum San Sebastian

San Telmo Museum, San Sebastian


In the most famous organs of Guipúzcoa 15 free concerts will be offered. The Gothic nave of San Vicente or the Neo-Gothic naves of San Ignacio de Loyola and the Good Shepherd will serve as a sounding board for what has become one of the **most popular sections of the festival. **

El Salvador in Usúrbil, San Martín in Ataun, San Pedro in Zumaia and the Basilica of Loyola will complete a tour of works ranging from the sixteenth century to the present. Thierry Escaich will star in one of the most original shows at the Buen Pastor in San Sebastián, where he will perform the soundtrack of the silent movie Breaking Dawn (1927) by F.W. Murnau.

Pianist and director of classical music Mitsuko Uchida.

Pianist and director of classical music Mitsuko Uchida.


The Aránzazu sanctuary It is one of the most relevant works of 20th century architecture in the Basque Country. There, according to legend, a shepherd named Rodrigo de Balzategui discovered a small image of the Virgin with the child in her arms hidden among a bush of thorns, next to a cowbell. seeing her he would have exclaimed: "Arantzan zu?" ('in the thorns, you?', in Spanish).

Wars and fires destroyed the buildings built in this place of pilgrimage. Today the Franciscans occupy the complex created by the architect Saénz de Oiza. The sculptor Jorge Oteyza took part in the design of the façade and Lucio Muñoz in the pictorial decoration of the apse. The doors are the work of Eduardo Chillida.

In contrast to this brutalist environment, Carlos Núñez will adapt **Beethoven's works to the bagpipe. **

Chillida Leku fuses art and nature.

Chillida Leku fuses art and nature.


Chillida-Leku is another of the venues of the Walking Fortnight. The sculptures are integrated into the landscape dedicated to the work of Eduardo Chillida. In the garden, beeches, oaks and magnolias coexist with monumental works of steel and granite. In this setting, the Gerhard Quartet will perform two quartets from the Russian composer Dimitri Shostakovich.


The Walking Fortnight goes further: the pianist Judith Jáuregui in Zumaia, the sacred music of the Czech ensemble Capella Mariana in Leire, and ten more concerts in towns in Guipúzcoa, Álava and Navarra. All of them free upon reservation.

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