Wedding trends in 2021: everything you need to know if you are getting married soon


Wedding trends in 2021 everything you need to know if you are getting married soon

Wedding trends in 2021: everything you need to know if you are getting married soon

Last March, the coronavirus burst into the lives of each and every one of us, completely disrupting us in one way or another. And in the bridal field it was not going to be less. Some wedding they have managed to celebrate with the current restrictions, but there have been many unions that were already on the table that have had to postpone for this next 2021 , in addition to those that have been added along the way. And now the big million dollar question: How is the bridal panorama presented in the short, medium and long term?

Three experts in the field (the portal, the content editors A todo Confetti and the wedding planners Weddings With Love) give us the keys to the wedding trends to keep in mind in 2021.

And remember that if things are done well, saying 'yes, I do' safely is possible.


“If there is something to be thankful for this pandemic, it is that from now on experiential weddings have acquired value beyond everything material,” he indicates. Patricia Gomez of Weddings With Love, wedding planner in Spain and experts in experiential and sustainable luxury weddings.

Will weddings be sustainable or not?

Weddings will be sustainable or they will not be

That is why a new paradigm has come into play when it comes to organize a wedding in Spain , taking into account and protecting all the people who in one way or another are going to be linked to or present in it, in addition to minimize the impact that this great day going to have in the environment trying to leave the minimum footprint. And how is this possible? Much of the answer lies in the sustainable links.


For the new generations -and even more so taking into account the current scenario-, there are a number of factors such as solidarity, diversity and sustainability that future brides and grooms have very much in mind.

"The eco-friendly weddings In most cases minimize the impact of emissions and waste generated, reduce unnecessary costs and, above all, it helps to contribute to the local economy, a factor to take into account in the situation we find ourselves in”, comment Anna and Alba, editors of the wedding blog to all confetti.

Lidia and Arthur's wedding at Casa no Tempo

Zero plastics, proximity products, dried flowers...

Deciding if you want to organize a sustainable wedding should be agreed in the first steps of the organization . Sometimes we ourselves are the ones who directly make the proposal and on other occasions it is not decided at first, but little by little we are including contributions of value in favor of sustainability and in the end it comes out ”, they comment from Weddings With Love.

So it should start with:

Outfit : the simplest thing would be to bet on a vintage dress, second-hand or made with organic materials such as cotton, polyester or even silk and natural dyes, produced in local workshops where the people who make the garment work in optimal conditions .

The online invitations

The invitations, online

Gastronomy : catering is one of the factors that can contaminate the most and is highly relevant within the event. You could start with selecting km0 products, organic food, seasonal and local producers . “We have also observed a reduction in meat consumption . Customers are much more concerned about our planet and are discreetly minimizing the intake of dishes that contain beef or pork”, they indicate from Weddings With Love.

In the presentation of the dishes you must eliminate plastic and opt for materials that can be recycled or reused . And of course not to waste food! Calculate the approximate amounts of what is going to be consumed to avoid wasting as little food as possible . And in relation to the coronavirus, "the single-dose portions so that each guest can choose what to eat, both at cocktail time and at dessert time, will become essential," acknowledges Miriam Carrasco, from the portal. The same will happen with the candy bar that will be presented individually and packaged.

Flowers: both for the bouquet, the crowns or the decoration in the link, dried flowers -in earth tones such as beige, wood, greens, maroons and browns- that can be recycled over and over again would be the best option, in addition to wild flowers collected in the environment.

Sustainable weddings where plastics have no place

Sustainable weddings where plastics have no place

Invitations : a complete declaration of intentions for the type of wedding that is intended to be celebrated. Send them virtually or choose a plantable or recycled seed paper It can be a wise option to start presenting the sustainable wedding to our future guests. “In the case of creating it from an App, it allows the couple to update the information on hotels, transportation, activities from the previous days, gifts…”, admits Patricia, from Wedding With Love.

Make-up : use products cruelty-free Y with natural pigments . Looking radiant is possible without the need to test on animals.

Gifts : in the event that gifts are made for the guests, it is best to opt for details that have a special meaning or that are going to be used or consumed (such as a jam from a local producer or second-hand books). Solidarity gifts where there is an association behind that fights for social causes or the environment are also a trend.

Lighting, sound and transportation : daytime and outdoor weddings take advantage of more hours of daily light becoming the best natural source of energy and a decrease in electricity consumption . If they are held at night resort to low consumption . The same with the decibels of music, limit them as much as possible. And the transport? Bet by the public, such as buses and leaving the car at home . In addition, try to celebrate the weddings this 2021 in the same venue for both the ceremony and the banquet, thus avoiding unnecessary transfers.

Lasting sustainable gifts with meaning

Sustainable, long-lasting, meaningful gifts

“The world is sending us visible signals that the current rate of consumption is unsustainable. It is everyone's responsibility to contribute to changing this trend and return to a zero waste lifestyle. , in which our passage through the planet has the maximum enjoyment but the minimum possible impact”, they sentence from to all confetti.

If being aware of our surroundings is already part of our daily routine, then why not apply it to one of the most special days of your life? Remember, we only have one planet.


The health crisis added to the fact that the generation that predominates in current weddings it is almost 100% digital has led to technology around such a celebration being the order of the day.

“For this reason, it will be common to see how couples use technology more to communicate with their guests, be it virtual invitations, wedding websites, online wedding lists or streaming platforms great allies . In addition, the l ivestreaming gain strength. The retransmission of the B day for loved ones from other countries or those who have not been able to travel becomes a good resource that is most in demand”, comments Miriam Carrasco from

The online invitations

The invitations, online


According to data collected by the platform, “ Under normal conditions, 84% of honeymoons in our country are international , but due to the coronavirus crisis this trend has completely changed.”

That's where the definition of ' nanomoons ' of honey or ' minimoons ’ locals before the big trip. Nearby destinations within our borders to which couples will escape right after the link, such as the Basque Country, the Canary Islands, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands or Catalonia. Who can resist an express trip to Lanzarote which enjoys excellent weather conditions most of the year?

Alava Suites

Nano honeymoons and nearby paradises

“In any case, it will only be the prelude to the great trip that the couple will take some time later, and as we all know, If there is something that the new generations like, it is to travel and the honeymoon is considered one of the most spectacular experiences of their lives. s”, they indicate from

When the situation improves and traveling to exotic or distant destinations becomes more common, it will still be necessary to consider travel insurance in case of possible complications, Greater flexibility when changing dates or destinations and having trusted providers that guarantee a safe and 100% satisfactory honeymoon.

Ready? 2021 promises to be a year full of weddings!

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