Universo Lorca: the great guide to Lorca routes to follow in the footsteps of the poet


"Granada is suitable for dreams and daydreams, everywhere it borders on the ineffable... Granada will always be more plastic than philosophical, more lyrical than dramatic." Federico Garcia Lorca.

Granada is Lorca and Lorca is Granada. No one has been able to portray the city like him: "You are the mirror of an Andalusia / that suffers giant passions and is silent / passions rocked by fans / and by the mantillas on the throats".

The indelible mark of the poet It is present in each of its corners, its streets, its houses, its aromas and its flavors.

To pay homage and bring the world of Lorca closer to the public, ** Universo Lorca ** has been created, a cultural, educational and tourist project that aims to link the life and work of the poet with the province of Granada.

Thus, on their website, we can find more than 40 places in Lorca organized in a series of routes explained in great detail and captured on a map.

Valderrubio family house

Valderrubio family house


Universo Lorca collects the places that marked the life and inspired the work of the poet from Granada: where he was born and died, where he found inspiration, what places marked and built his personality and the people who influenced his life and his work.

“Until now, the places were scattered and nobody had done a work of ordering and compilation”, they say from the Tourist Board of Granada to Traveler.es

Lorca Universe is one of the most exciting projects that we have launched from the Provincial Tourist Board of Granada”, they continue.

The initiative has the collaboration of the **five municipalities of Lorca (Alfacar, Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, Valderrubio and Víznar)** and the support of the Federico García Lorca Foundation, the Federico García Lorca Board of Trustees and the Federico García Lorca Center.


The gathering El Rinconcillo, in the current Chikito


Following in the footsteps of Lorca, have been collected and documented 43 lorca places in the province of Granada distinguishing four zones: Vega de Granada (8), Granada (27), La Alpujarra (2), Alfacar and Víznar (6).

According to their relevance and connection with Federico García Lorca, the places have been classified in Essential, Important and Complementary.

In the file of each one of them we can find a gallery of current images , a historical description with old photos, the inspiration that Lorca found there , quotes from the poet's work that refer to the place, as well as practical information for the visit , the bibliography used in the documentation and a map.

Hotel Espana Balcon de Lorca in Lanjaron

Hotel Espan?a - Balcony of Lorca, in Lanjaro?n


Although with the information on the page the user can create their own routes, the Universo Lorca website offers five itineraries , which can be done on foot, by bike, by car or even on a tourist train.

The Vega Route takes us to the childhood of the poet, to the peoples of Source Cowboys and Valderr ubio, where he lived until he was ten years old and spent the summers of his youth.

This route joins the museum houses where he was born and grew up and also the one that inspired one of his masterpieces, Bernarda Alba's house.

The Route of Víznar and Alfacar It can be done on foot, since it is a walk between these two towns visiting places associated with the last moments of his life and his murder.

Cisterns Square

Cisterns Square

The Granada Route , which can be done on foot or by public transport, runs through some of the most emblematic corners of the city, which are also related to the life and work of Lorca.

So we go through the Orchard of San Vicente (the country house converted into a museum where the Lorca family spent some summers), the Federico Garcia Lorca Center , the headquarters of the The Rinconcillo gathering (in the current Chikito restaurant), the Carmen de la Antequeruela house museum , the Cisterns Square and the Saint Nicholas' lookout.

The Water Route It is a circular itinerary on foot through the irrigation channels of the Vega de Font Cowboys and the river Cubillas. The road starts from Museum-Birthplace of the poet , passes by what was his first school and reaches the Martinete mill.

Lastly, the Tourist train route through Valderrubio offers a tour that passes through the House Museum of the town, the House of Bernarda Alba and the Cortijo Daimuz.

the routes they will be increasing as they are adapted and signposted in the territory.


Federico García Lorca Park, in Alfacar


the section who was who of the web is a compilation of 95 characters and their biographies.

Granada, Madrid, New York, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Barcelona… In this guide we will find people who crossed Lorca's path and with whom he dealt for both good and bad.


In the Biography section, we will find the life of the poet divided into 15 chapters: since his birth in number 4 of Trinidad street in Fuente Vaqueros, going through his stay in the Residencia de Estudiantes, his friendship with Dalí and Falla, his vital crisis, his trip to New York, La Barraca, until his execution in August 1936.

When diving into his work, the web distinguishes between several sections: Poetry, Prose, Theater and Various (which includes conferences and speeches) .

Aynadamar Fountain

Aynadamar Fountain, in Alfacar

A file has been created for each literary work in which we find the image of the cover of the first edition, the description of the content, the details of the publication or premiere, the relationship with Granada and relevant quotes or links to audiovisual content.

In addition to the literary work, we can also investigate musical work and film work of Lorca. Thus, we will discover the works that he composed and harmonized, those that others have composed based on his texts, as well as films and documentaries about Lorca released from the 1930s to the present.


In addition to all the information on the life and work of the author, the places and routes in Lorca, the website includes an agenda of events with the main cultural events related to Lorca that will take place in the province of Granada.

We will also find other useful information such as a travel agency catalog and companies that offer services related to Lorca and a list of main museums of the province linked to the poet.

Farmhouse Daimuz

Farmhouse Daimuz


The website and the Universo Lorca project in general is endorsed by an Advisory Committee of Lorca Experts made up of professors Andres Soria and Luis Garcia Montero , the teacher embody alonso (from the UGR, researcher on Federico's relations with the outside world), Professor Carmen Martin Granados (Institute of Atarfe, specialized in Lorca and la Vega) and the journalist Alexander Victor Garcia.

The difference with other projects about the poet lies in the link between his life and work with Granada, creating a network of places, works and people to form the vital and literary universe of Lorca.

All the companies involved in the development of the Universo Lorca website are local: the image has been designed by the agency Lemon Advertising , documentation and page structure by Nubia Consultants , the journalist has been in charge of writing the texts Alexander V. Garcia , the current photographs are of Juan Antonio Martin Jaimez , the design and development of the web is Trevenque Group and the promotional video has been animated by the advertising agency BabyDog.

Orchard of San Vicente

Orchard of San Vicente


“The Universo Lorca project is a tourism product that born with a vocation to be permanent” inform from the Tourist Board of Granada to Traveler.es

In addition to being permanent, it is a project that it will grow and expand. In this sense, it is planned paper publication of three tourist guides of Universo Lorca and an agreement has just been signed with the Cervantes Institute for international dissemination.

“European funds have been obtained through Red.es for the next intelligent signaling of places and routes and the adaptation of trails and paths; Y work is also being done on its translation into English” , they add.

Next destiny? ** Lorca Universe .**


Lorca's family home on Gran Vía

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