This map of Europe shows the most famous paintings of its countries


The map of the most famous paintings in Europe

The map of the most famous paintings in Europe

Paul Nguyen is 25 years old and a data analyst; he is from Vietnam but lives in the United States and is currently studying for a Masters in Data Analytics. Also, in his spare time, he feeds the thread with wonderful maps. MapPorn of the reddit website . one of his maps , in which it shows Europe painted with the most representative paintings of each country, has gone viral (so evident).

Guernica in Spain

Guernica in Spain

Paul finds, through Reddit , that he started this project (so "outside" his work environment) because he "he wanted to make the maps more interesting ; Traditionally, maps are used to locate and guide us, show us possible transportation, different nationalities, deal with political or meteorological issues; being a data analyst, I wanted experiment with different ways to represent data on a map and, in this "artsy" case, I wanted the audience to be able to learn something new". Blessed altruism.

The Mona Lisa the great of Italy

The Mona Lisa, the great of Italy

In the case of Spain, Guernica paints our coastlines and our plateau, very representative of the year we find ourselves in, 80 years after the creation of the painting. But, How to deal with the choice of paintings? Why not Goya's 'May 3 in Madrid'? Or 'Las Meninas' by Velázquez? In the (currently) 305 comments on the map thread, the different readers propose their alternative tables (which are not exclusive). Paul confirms that the selection process was tough "because art is not a number and cannot be quantified using figures ; the experience of art comes from a personal preference". Even so, he tells us what his methodology has been, his selection criteria, which is given by the following parameters:

A. Is it an internationally recognized painting? For example, the Mona Lisa

b. Has this painting played a significant role in the art world? For example, Monet's 'Impression, Rising Sun' which gave rise to Impressionism'

c. Does the artwork represent the country or the culture in a particular period? For example, our 'Guernica'.

d When all this is verified, a more aesthetic part is missing: checking that the map fits the geographical shape of the country (this is the reason why he chose 'The girl of the pearl ' before ' The night watch of Rembrandt to represent the Netherlands (something that has sparked some hatred).

AND. He has had to do without smaller countries (such as Malta or the Vatican) for purely practical reasons.

nordic art

nordic art

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