Discovering the world with Susi Caramelo


“Spain has outgrown Susi Caramelo”. This is how it is promoted the new series of the reporter, presenter and comedian with a stage name Susy Caramel. Especially after a year of pandemic and lockdowns, she saw that it was time to get out abroad for the first time, discover the world and meet totally new places and people for her. The result is the Susi Free travel series, which can now be seen on Movistar +.

"This project leaves my desire to go abroad ; of the desire to move in environments that have nothing to do with me and that I had never visited, because I had never left Spain and, suddenly, I found everything”, explains Susi from her house.

The first destination they have chosen has been United States, because it was a country that the humorist was especially excited about and for all those cultural and pop references that come easily to all of us.

Susi Free the traveling series by Susi Caramelo

Susi Caramel in Las Vegas.

“We started in Miami, then new york, Las Vegas, San Francisco and we end up in The Angels, the same order that the series will take and each city has two chapters, ”she summarizes.

in the first episode she starts by packing a suitcase that seems almost impossible , for a month in a country from which she doesn't really know what to expect. But she puts there sparkly dresses for Las Vegas, guides and her resume, of course, in case when passing through Los Angeles she can leave some and expand her career.

“I never traveled because I was afraid of flying, but in reality it is because he was poor”, she admits her upon reaching the plane. The trip, the project has not been easy to put into motion logistically in this year of pandemic.

Susi Free the traveling series by Susi Caramelo

In one of the most famous wedding chapels in Las Vegas.

“It has been very complicated, that they gave us the visa to the eight people of the team, They were giving them to us at the wrong time. It was a bit of a drama, that when it was approaching, we had to delay it twice , mine was missing… ”, she continues.

But they arrived, they land in Miami, go straight to miami beach and there the first of the traveling companions or guides that they will have awaits them, who will it be, will it be? Neither more nor less than Colate.

“We have looked for Spanish characters who are living there. Colate knows Miami by heart, he knows the whole world and he knows how to move very well, I couldn't find a better host”, says Susi Caramelo.

The series will be disassembling and testing all the clichés or stereotypes of american society and each of these cities. The Latin and, above all, Cuban influence of Miami. The most expensive standard of living and also the poorest.

Susi Free the traveling series by Susi Caramelo

In the purest ‘Manhattan’ style, in New York.

And, in the end, her journey has served to fulfill many dreams. Specific, one “very large that she had since she was a child” and that she does not want to reveal. “It will be seen in the last episodes, in Los Angeles. If you asked me before what was the happiest day of my life, until now I would not have been able to say it, but once I have returned from the trip, I already know what day it was”.

Susi Caramelo is 50% script and 50% improvisation. Although perhaps on this trip, with the usual unpredictability of travel, improvisation will win. “We have worked very hard on the script. , it gives me a very solid base so that I can move with ease later because you never know what you will find , or where the guests are going to come out, change the place we go to or a dancer arrives a little fart … ”, she says laughing, as it happened to them in reality, in the dance scene in New York.

“To me what I love dancing , she wore it so prepared and we had a beautiful stage with the Queensboro Bridge at the bottom, but hey, you have to laugh too”.

From Miami, she stays with Everglades and with Manuel Quijano, her other host and her friends. From New York, she with the Empire State, Carrie's neighborhood, West Village and she couldn't stand the anxiety that she gave her times square.

Susi Free the traveling series by Susi Caramelo

The series has awakened the traveling bug in Susi Caramelo.

From Las Vegas, she stays with the desert and from Los Angeles, with Venice Beach and all that teenage tour they did and had seen in the series and movies of her childhood.

Susie Free is a trip to the United States, but the idea is to continue touring the world. "Hopefully it works and we can go to Europe, Asia..."

Susie Caramel She has gotten the travel bug.

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