
Image Instagram account Spain Says

In Spain we don't say...

Take one of the internet trends and bring it to your field. that's what they've done Charles and Mike, two friends from Alicante, who adapted the viral "We don't say..." to the Spanish cultural idioms and metaphors to create the Instagram account Spain Says!

In six months it already adds up in your feed more than 300 sayings, taglines and expressions very ours that generate debate, accumulate thousands of shares and mentions to friends and cause laughter.

To this idea they added “a worked image, with ambitious intentions for the future that promote tourism and culture, but above all, made from affection towards what is ours”, Carlos tells

Because Spain Says! born from the concern that Carlos and Mike, lovers of travel, began to feel for the tourist future of Spain as a consequence of the pandemic.

“Between so much free time in quarantine We thought that the best way to contribute our grain of sand was to use what we do best: networks. That's what we're millennials for,” he explains.

Thus, when diving into this Instagram account we find very, very colloquial translations from English to our language, such as, for example, that a "I like her" would come to be our "I like a pencil more than a fool" or that an "I don't care" could well be translated by the mythical "I don't care eight than eighty"; but one also comes across very local expressions that arouse our lexical curiosity. Or aren't you left wanting more when you learn that in Burgos they don't say it's cold, but rather “it's good, but the problem is the wind”; that in Ceuta jellyfish are called “aguaviva”; or that “he's not handsome, but he's nice” in Galicia is summed up in “how delicious he is”?

They assure that the reason for the success of Spain Says!, which already has 27,000 followers, is that whoever reaches it meets something “very own, very ours” and that it is precisely this feeling identified that makes "The followers feel confident to send us their phrases, at the same time that they tell us how much they laugh with them".

"If we manage to change someone's mood by making them smile with these phrases, we will have done the job well." They laugh especially with the phrases that are “very from the people”. “They are definitely the ones that surprise us the most, because they think about how eloquent and nonsensical they can be.”

And so they have been for half a year, diving and having fun with the lexical richness of Spain. “This gives personality to each region and adds value to the territory as a whole by blending in, living together and identifying with each other. The grace of the south with the temperance of the north; the sun and beach of the Mediterranean with the mountains of the Pyrenees and the Picos de Europa; the chulería from Madrid with the tenderness of the Galician language... That all of this is capable of identifying us as a country is what makes us so great. And what makes us continue with Spain Says!”.

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