You know you are from Malaga when...


You know you're from Malaga when...

Things you will only understand if you were born in the land of Picasso


- Did you know the skewers at six euros are a scam, and that in the Paseo de Pedregalejo they are two euros all year round.

- The best thing you can order for breakfast is a cloud and a smurf.

- You like crazy . Also those that come in the form of a cupcake.

- Do you think that the campero is a miracle. How else to explain that it is so rich even mixing such disparate ingredients?

- You know that finding a place in a sale of the mountains (or in El Chorro in summer) after 2:00 p.m. it is practically impossible, even if it is pouring rain outside and going up that road is a feat close to suicide (but what would we not do for those picadillo soups and those dishes with loin, eggs and chorizo !)

- Summer was made to eat pipirrana, gazpacho, fried fish and ice cream from Casa Mira and la Inma.

- You have come out blind from the Pimpi saying "is that the wine is so sweet that you don't realize it".

- When someone exclaims " Oh, how delicious!" you automatically think of almonds.

The best skewers in Pedregalejo

The skewers, better in Pedregalejo


- Did you know any day, any time, you can find a procession in any part of the city.

- The day that the Virgin of Carmen goes out to sea, the Paseo Marítimo becomes an impassable place, and taking a table, a feat only within the reach of the most experienced.

- The Holy Week marches are part of the urban soundtrack all year , especially if you pass near the Rosaleda or the Perchel. Or if you have them playing in the car.

- If you do not intend to see the processions, don't even think about stepping into the center during these days until after midnight (and you know to avoid the streets where you get stuck on your way to the bars) .

- If you intend to see the processions, this is your favorite time of year , and you are not weighed down by the hours on your feet, nor the wait, nor eat roast potatoes and sandwiches for seven days : Holy Week in Malaga is the best in the world, and it deserves that and more.

- You know that, before and during this important date, the probability that you will be fined for parking where you normally do (although not prohibited) increases by 50% (maybe more) .

- When the wheels of your car make a suspicious noise when passing through the center after Easter, don't be scared: a true Malaga native would recognize the sound of rubber against wax even in Antarctica.

Crossing the Alameda like this is an impossible mission

Crossing the Alameda like this is an impossible mission


- The wildest thing you can say about a night out is: "We ended up eating churros at Casa Aranda"

- You have taken a picture with the **Happy Mocito,** you have hugged the couple with the "Free hugs" sign in Uncibay, you know by heart what "Bartender from Cuba, Cuba, Cuba" , you have danced with the man who always wished you a good day even if you didn't give him anything, The lady from calle Larios has insulted you, have you seen traffic light jugglers and you have bought tissues for the boy who wears the flamenco dress over clothes even in August. you see more to the man who sells roses than your father.

- The center, more than a neighborhood, is a way of life.

- You know that the center is divided between "the neighbors of the center", who are the ones who appear in the newspapers complaining every time there is a party or a bar is noisy, and those of the "I live in the center" who have moved there precisely because of parties and bars.

The marbles of Larios

Downtown is a way of life

- You always stay in the balls of Calle Larios (or in the "_Woman Secr_e") , the Uncibay, the Constitution or the Merced. You know that the center really ends in the English court.

- If it does not happen in the center, it is far , even if your favorite group comes to give a concert at Polígono San Luis and you live in Teatinos.

- When people come from outside, you take it to the Inkwell.

- You know there is Entire areas of Malaga where you could live without speaking Spanish: They are taken over by foreigners (and you love to go bichear in their supermarkets).

- You think it's super romantic history of the Monica Tower.

- You don't understand why people queue to see the town hall nativity scene (although when you went as a child you freaked out).

- Christmas officially begins when they turn on the lights in Calle Larios and open the stalls in the Park.

- Did you know the white building in front of the Picasso Gardens used to be black.

- you counted on reverence and legendary airs stories of King's Path (before they fixed it) Pimpi Florida and of Sworn farmhouse. Yes, of all with the same veneration.

- Malaga has 28 museums, and you haven't set foot in most of them. Is now The White Night arrives and you hurry to see them all (even if you have to stand in queues for hours).

The lighting of the lights big day for Instagram

Turning on the lights: big day for Instagram


- You have an almost joke coat for Malaga and a real coat out of Malaga.

- But be careful, that " here with the humidity it doesn't matter what you wear, you have the cold inside your body. In Granada they will have fewer degrees, but you put on a coat and fly".

- If it rains, you don't leave the house So be it on your wedding day. NO-SE-SA-LE (unless you go to Los Montes to eat, that's where you risk your life if necessary). Now, those who go out had better not be in a hurry, because "Nove how apamplá people are when four gotah of náh fall!" There is always someone who says: "Well, in London it rains all the time and people do their things." Yes, I can, but THIS IS MÁLAGA and when it rains, half the class doesn't go to school.

The average temperature in Malaga is 20 degrees. Cry cry northerners

The average temperature in Malaga is 20 degrees. Cry, cry, northerners

- Summer It is what happens between April and October.

- Hell It is what happens between June and August.

- You know that, even if you are about to boil, if you run Terral it is best to close the windows.

- Winter comes when the Alameda begins to smell of chestnuts.

Hell is what happens between June and August

Hell is what happens between June and August


- You talk to all the people in the bar as if you knew them forever, even if you just saw them for the first time.

- You talk to all the people in the pharmacy as if you knew them forever, even if you just saw them for the first time. And from the greengrocer. And from the dentist. It will be for talking.

- And since you speak, you do almost in a language of its own .

- The foreigners and those who come from other parts of Spain say that we are the friendliest in the world. And not only do we spend crazy nights with them, we also become their friends. Or whatever comes up.

- Nothing unites more than a "Sevillano the one who doesn't bounce, oe, oe".


- You have seen Dani Rovira's monologue on the beaches of Malaga and you feel that he is describing your childhood.

- You know that if you want to relax by the sea, You should never go on a Sunday.

- You are a rare if June 24 you don't leave moraga, you burn a júa, you bathe at 00 :00 and you jump the bonfire.

- You dodge like a ninja the wave of the melillero (even the new one...)

- You were born with a jellyfish and "cream" detector.

The Sunday man is the enemy of beach rest

The Sunday man is the enemy of beach rest


- Ad of the poster, the cover and the town crier of the fair are the most important news of the city. EVERY YEAR.

- The fair begins with the fires in the lamppost And finish with the pots half-price.

- Did you know El Cartojal and the heat don't get along at all, but you feel like a fair without this concoction It is neither a fair nor is it nothing.

- If it weren't for the fair, there would be friends and acquaintances you wouldn't see all year.

- You belong to one of these two sides: one of those who want "a fair like the ones before" or those who believe that "it's fine as is" and that the problem is that those on the other side are getting older and becoming mihita.

- You know that a melon full of rum is joy, and you are able to drink more mojitos during this week than all of Cuba in a year.

- you have carried t-shirts with funny messages or have you laughed at those who wore it.

- You have dressed as flamenco and have tried (or succeeded) in dancing sevillanas, but you have no idea how to dance a malagueña nor have you put on a verdiales outfit.

- The biznagas they seem very expensive. but you haggle with the biznaguero, and in the end one always falls.

- You feel that when the fair ends summer ends Even though August isn't even over yet.

Why have you never dressed in verdiales?

Why have you never dressed in verdiales?


- If you were born in the mid-eighties, you spent many Saturdays walking around the Erosk Yo. And you call it Eroski, not Larios Centro.

- If you were born in the mid-nineties, during the Film Festival have you waited for the fashionable artists at the Málaga Palacio, or do you know someone who has.

- Merced's times were the best.

- Your childhood wet dreams starred them the Tivoli, the Aquapark and the Ferris wheel of the fair.

- Do you have a photo with the burrito of the park , and with Mijas donkey taxi.

- You have climbed the Gibralfaro , and not precisely to see the views...

- You know (you always knew) that the colors of the sunsets in Malaga are the most beautiful in the world. Especially in winter.

Have we forgotten something? Tell us about them in the comments!

This is nice but it's not even one of the best we've seen...

This one is nice, but it's not even one of the best we've seen...

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