They discover a secret network of tunnels under Naples, used during the war


They discover a network of underground tunnels in Naples

What Naples hides

"An elderly Neapolitan wrote to us describing incredible stairs and huge rooms that no one remembered," he explains to The Times Gianluca Minin , one of the two Italian geologists involved in the discovery. This finding comes to increase the tunnel network that was already known under the Italian city, reports The Telegraph.

And it is that a decade ago Minin, together with his colleague Enzo de Luzio, already discovered a route that included an unfinished escape route from the Royal Palace , which after being restored would open to the public as Bourbon Gallery , publishes Atlas Obscura.

These tunnels, in which there are tanks to collect water from springs (one dates back to the 17th century), bathrooms and rooms , were mainly used as r shelter during the bombing of World War II but also to celebrate religious ceremonies and, in some cases, as landfills , adds The Telegraph. Some of the recently discovered tunnels have already been opened to the public and can be visited.

They discover a network of underground tunnels in Naples

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