Shall we visit the Soria of the Bécquer brothers?


Soria gets poetic

Soria gets poetic

What better way to remember that they are fulfilled 150 years since the death of the Bécquer brothers than immersing ourselves in the landscapes of Soria that **inspired the romantic poet and the costumbrista painter. **

The Becquer brothers were born in Seville and they grew up between canvases and brushes, since his father was a painter. That was the beginning of the artistic trajectory of both. Later Gustavo opted for the lyrics , while Valerian he decanted for the painting.

Portrait of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Portrait of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

Later, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer met in Madrid, where he moved at the age of 18, to the one who would be his future wife. Casta Esteban was the one who made Soria feel that strong roots , since it was from Torrubia , a small town in the **region of Gómara. **

The poet traveled by the hand of his beloved through the province, discovering his oral tradition, and he located in the aforementioned region two of his legends: The green eyes and The promise.

To several of these crossings his brother Valeriano joined , who shaped the essence of Soria's customs and landscapes in oils, engravings and etchings. The brothers chose as settings for their works the banks of the Douro River, the monasteries of San Juan de Duero and San Polo , the hermitage of Saint Saturius , the church of Saint Nicholas...

The population remembers how the Bécquers traveled the province documenting themselves for their jobs. Ólvega, Borobia or Ágreda Cave were some of the towns visited.

Therefore, this 2020, Soria wants to honor the legacy of both artists to celebrate the anniversary , and for this it has designed two routes, one dedicated to Gustavo and the other to Valeriano, which follow in his footsteps through the province.


On the one hand, there is the Legend Route , which covers the Moncayo area until reaching the capital , drawn in honor of the poet; and, on the other hand, it has been designed Picturesque Route , which covers the places that inspired Valeriano, focusing on El Burgo de Osma and Almazán.

Drawing by Valeriano Bcquer of the hermitage of San Saturio

Drawing by Valeriano Bécquer of the hermitage of San Saturio

Apart from Torrubia, the town where his wife, Casta Esteban, was born, these are ** the coordinates in which Gustavo Adolfo left his mark: **

Moncayo. This mount is land of legends. Gustavo wrote numerous stories about this enclave, where he claimed that magical creatures like gnomes hid in the woods and where haunted villages could be found.

Castilruiz Soria.

Castilruiz, Land of Agreda

Noviercas. In this municipality, where Casta's family home, the marriage spent seasons of rest, besides being the birthplace of one of her third child. In this town you can visit the medieval keep from the 10th century, where the Interpretation Center of the Towers and Fortresses of the Rituerto Valley and the Becquer Museum.

Another option is to follow in the footsteps of the poet and stroll through the Route of the Green Eyes. In turn, it should be noted that in this area Valeriano painted the painting Procession in Noviercas , with the famous tower in the background.

Crenellate. the spectacular 10th century castle of this town, one of the best preserved in the province of Soria, is the scene where the legend of The green eyes.

Castle of Almenar

Castle of Almenar

Berato. It is a small town of the region of Agreda where another of his iconic tales unfolds: the white doe . Both this location and the Agreda Cave , are the best points to perform the ascent to the summit of Moncayo.

Agreda. In this city resides the legacy of three cultures, appreciated in its architecture: from the synagogue to the churches, passing through the Arab wall.

Arches of Saint John

Arches of Saint John

Burgo de Osma and Amazan. Stroll through its stately streets, some of them with arcades, and contemplate architectural gems such as the Romanesque cathedral or the University of Santa Catalina , will be enough to fall in love with El Burgo de Osma.

In addition, it was in this area where** Valeriano Bécquer** painted the oils Lumberjack near Burgo de Osma Y Spinner in the vicinity of Burgo de Osma. For its part, Warehouse , which can also boast Romanesque constructions as beautiful as the church of San Miguel , was a source of inspiration for the engraving ***La Panadera de Almazán. ***

Soria (capital). Bécquer liked to walk along the banks of the Duero, near the hermitage of San Polo, where they told him the shocking story that gave life to the legend of the moonbeam : each November 1st , the souls of the templar monks roam the one he's been baptized as Mount of the Souls.

Also, next to the Douro, is one of the most beautiful national monuments of the Spanish Romanesque: the monastery of San Juan de Duero. Gustavo Adolfo dreamed of acquiring this place for turn it into a provincial art museum.



The route of Valeriano Bécquer runs through the center of the province, where he found costumbrista prints which later became paintings and engravings: from the town of Almazán, with its medieval wall, to Moron de Almazan, that he keeps one of the most beautiful Renaissance squares in Castilla y León.

Another key town on this route is Fuentetoba at the foot of the call Peak Fronts, whose ascent is recommended for hiking fans. With Villaciervos, Fuentetoba is one of the towns from which **the most engravings have arrived. **


Among the activities scheduled for the Becquer Year , highlights the Souls Festival, an event that is celebrated throughout the province of Soria during the All Saints Bridge. **

During its duration, numerous events will take place: the night of the Celtiberian Samaín , in the ruins of Numancia; Death in the Three Cultures, in Ágreda; the Songs of the Souls of Tajueco; or a visit to the funerary dolmen of Tierras Altas.

Festival of Souls

Festival of Souls

Although if there is an event that no one should miss, that is the famous parade of giant templar souls and the subsequent theatrical reading of the legend of The mount of the souls on the banks of the Duero, in Soria capital.

A painting exhibition with romantic and 19th-century works -carried out by the Bécquer brothers-, an exhibition of period costumes, a literary fair dedicated to the world of poetry to be held in August The Campos de Castilla Train or a Becquerian vermouth are other experiences planned.

For more information about the municipalities through which the routes run or to consult the complete program, visit this link.

'Procession in Noviercas' Valeriano Domínguez Bcquer

'Procession in Noviercas', Valeriano Domínguez Bécquer

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