Unsuspected Valladolid: seven places you would not expect to find


Valladolid unsuspected seven places you would not expect to find

The castle of Olmedo


The **Santa Clara Monastery is to Tordesillas** what the Alhambra is to Granada… or even more. And not only because it is the quintessential monument of a city full of history, but also because of that unexpected look One thousand and One Nights so irresistible. It is not unreasonable to find displays of Mozarabic art in these latitudes ( Tordesillas is not Reykjavik ) but still seeing it so decontextualized and radiant makes quite an impression. Of course the trending topic of your visit are the Golden Chapel ceilings where the eyes are lost among so much detail and decoration. It is the only vestige of its former palatial use while the Arab Patio and the old baths they also mean a trip further south of Sierra Morena. To put the brakes on the flying carpet trip a bit, his gothic church, one more exaltation of a universal style, easy, for all audiences and precious, although that does not mean that the movement between styles gives it an extra point.

Santa Clara Monastery

Santa Clara Monastery


In Olmedo have insisted on making the Golden Age fashionable. In fact, **they just need to open a Twitter account (in verse, I'll leave the idea there) ** to the prolific playwright Lope de Vega . The native 'Fénix de los ingenios' had already done them a favor centuries before by placing a gentleman and a play in this town. The fact is that, taking advantage of this creative decision, a few years ago the Palace of the Knight of Olmedo taking advantage of an old mansion of the place. This space has been dressed in technology and robotic puppets in order to create a route through different rooms where the history of this work is represented and honors are paid to its creator. More than the result itself (quite playful), the most curious thing is to see how with a little ingenuity you can create a different attraction capable of attracting a very varied public. the barnyard comedy Located in its courtyard, it completes this commitment to the most futuristic past.

Corral of Comedies

Corral of Comedies


The Mota Castle (Medina del Campo) is one of those classic defensive silhouettes that adorn the passage of the A-6 road through these lands . Yes, it is true that its appearance on this list, a priori, does not seem fair since it is one of the tourist headliners in the province. But knowing him is not a display of amazing curiosities. The first and most obvious is that it is a bastion that was never taken and whose defense seems more iron than that of the Bad boys of Detroit. Its walls, battlements and moats have so many tricks and impediments that it is said that even Da Vinci himself studied and praised his plans.

However, sneaking inside means mixing the classic medieval epic corners with curious episodes of contemporary Spain . And it is that in its cold rooms the General headquarters of the Francoist Women's Section , a complete social aberration that gave the castle a different touch. Going through its different social areas, the visitor comes across curious designs of Luis Martinez Feduchi , architect of the mythical Capitol building in Madrid and author of furniture and chairs of dubious taste but of considerable aesthetic value. A demonstration that between the hard walls you can find winks of modernity.


Enter through the doors of the spa enclosure Salinas Palace it is to come across a superb building from before, with a noble and splendid appearance and certain eclectic winks. But everything is in order, with that atmosphere that surrounds it so _ Grand Budapest Hotel _ where there is no shortage of decked-out ladies or smiling receptionists. This aesthetic choice is justified by its centennial age and as a wrapper for a unique mother liquor in Spain.

Its resemblance to the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander is not a hallucination since its architects (Javier Bringas and Gonzalo Riancho) are the same. But between treatments and pastel details appears an amazing hermitage in your garden . It is the one known as Millennium Chapel , a temple remodeled in 2001 by the artist Cristóbal Gabarrón that is full of avant-garde details. Crossing its doors is trying to find faith among so much contemporary and histrionic display of high artistic value. One more curiosity among the pine forests in the south of the province.

Salinas Palace

This wonderful building hides the best waters


Uruena It is a most curious little medieval pill. This town not only stands out for some monuments for Romanesque fetishists like the hermitage Our Lady of the Annunciation or by its walls and castle. Added to this heritage attraction is the fact that it is a Villa del Libro, a label that only it has in Spain and that includes it in a select small townships club those who love a good book and a good library. This translates not only into little shops with cute shelves but into an interactive center called e-LEA Miguel Delibes where this recognition is maximized with a museum and different areas that claim reading. As it should be.

Our Lady of the Annunciation

Our Lady of the Annunciation


Once in the capital, it is worth dedicating a few hours to the ** National Museum of Sculpture ** because in its buildings there are not only carved volumes from all periods and the occasional outstanding painting. There is also architecture . And the good one, perfectly combining two very different eras that makes getting lost in its galleries a zigzag between the showcase and the wall, between the object and the forms. The blame for this 'old man' amalgam lies with the studio Nieto Sobejano , specialists in these processes of modernization without artifice and guilty that the St. Gregory's College and surroundings have been able to become an exciting exhibition space.

National Sculpture Museum

National Museum of Sculpture in Valladolid


It is true that there is nothing like Pompeia and Herculaneum in the world, but this does not mean that the merit of the site of Beacon . It is not the classic set of ruins scattered on a plain, but rather a fairly juicy and interactive interpretation center where you can find all kinds of information, panels and models on how the Romans lived. If you pay attention, you even envy that luxurious and exclusive lifestyle, something that can be 'lived' touring the great noble villa with which a visit is finalized that is a very different approach to the classic archaeological tourism.

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Olmedo Castle

The bastion that was never taken

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