What is it like to travel in a private jet?


Elvis and Priscilla Presley on their private jet

Elvis and Priscilla knew it

Not having to endure tedious security checks, drink a glass of champagne (or as many as you need), fly in ultra-soundproof cabins... Have you ever wondered what it's like to travel on a plane just for you?

We have traveled the Lisbon a Nice to tell you in first person the experience of flying through the sky in a private jet. And put to choose, We have chosen the same company that has led Nadal to try to win his eleventh Roland-Garros.

Philip of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth in a private jet

Philip of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth also knew

Eternal security controls at airports, stewardesses and hostesses who kill you with their eyes when you spend 100 grams with your luggage, … Never before has it been so easy to catch a plane and probably never before so insufferable…. But for those who can afford it, There are very different ways of traveling.

What is it like to fly in a private jet? Is it really that different from first class on a commercial flight? How rich do you have to be to afford it? And the million dollar question, Will the average citizen one day have access to this exclusive way of traveling? We tell you everything.


The private aviation industry has experienced significant growth in recent years (with a growth of 7.5% in 2017, according to the EBAA -The European Business Aviation Association -) .

New fortunes arising from the technological boom have helped revive the sector, "but also a new way of interpreting luxury", as Carsten Michaelis points out to Traveler.es , Director of Sales of ** NetJets , the world leader in private aviation ** : “The new luxury is being able to control the time That is what most of our clients are looking for”.

In the case of Netjets, it only takes 15 hours to prepare a jet at the nearest airport, ready to set off towards the requested destination. When we talk about business trips, time is of vital importance, “We take our client to the meeting place and once there we wait for him until he finishes. There is no pressure of a specific schedule”, they point out.

dogs yes thank you

dogs yes thank you


We start our journey. Flight time: 11 am. Recommended arrival at the airport: 10.30 am. "Actually" - they tell us - “It is only necessary to be 15 minutes in advance but as a precaution we ask our clients to try to arrive 30 minutes before” , tells us a person in charge of the Netjets company, with whom we made our trip.

Only 15 minutes? We arrive at the security checkpoint and I begin to place my belongings religiously following the strict rules learned in my many years of flying: separate computer on a tray, plastic bag with liquids that in no case exceed 100 ml, belt off, jacket on the tray, boots, I take them off or I don't take them off... The security agents look at me perplexed…there is something I am doing wrong but I can't figure out what it is.

Finally they explain to me: “Just leave your luggage on the carousel, you go through the detector and that's it”. It is done?" “What if I brought a bottle of gin?” "No problem". “What if I carried a 50 kilo suitcase?” "no problem".

The only limitation in terms of luggage is that it fits in the cabin of the plane. Alcohol or perfume can be worn, regardless of size. In the United States, in addition, you can travel with firearms, yes, with your license in order.

In 5 minutes we are on the plane: a Challenger 350 of the company Netjets with capacity for nine people . The feeling of ascending the stairs recalling the often-seen image of celebrities glamorously boarding their private jet is priceless.

Interior of one of the NetJets planes

Interior of one of the NetJets planes


Very comfortable leather armchairs, cashmere blankets, Evian water, a welcome glass of Ruinart champagne... no detail is left to chance.

And that includes adapting to different user profiles. Business meeting? satellite Wi-Fi, possibility of holding video-conferences, seats that turn into beds to arrive at the destination as fresh as possible, ultra-quiet cabins so that the noise of the engines does not bother us while we work... In vacation mode? A well stocked bar , ipads, an entertainment system with movies that can be viewed from any digital device...

“Customization is a key element of our service”, they continue. That includes meals. The company has several menus supervised by a chef but they can be adapted according to the client's preferences. Of course flying like this is a pleasure.

Anything to criticize? The bathroom, which is still a small claustrophobic cabin and no… there is no shower . This would imply transporting thousands of liters of water, which is logistically unfeasible. Oh, and the wifi doesn't work too well.

Mick Jagger in his private fiefdom

Mick Jagger in his private fiefdom


“As much or more”, Carsten Michaelis tells us without hesitation. There are three reasons that support this statement:

In the first place, the planes that make up the fleet of these companies they are generally newer than those of commercial airlines. In the case of Netjets, 40% of its planes are less than 3 years old.

Another important factor is the experience of the crew: as a norm in this industry, pilots accumulate more flight hours than in non-private aviation. (In the case of Netjets, these must have at least more than 3,000 flight hours compared to the 1,500 required for commercial airlines).

And as a final variable, the personnel dedicated to operations. Every time a client requests a private flight, a complex machinery is set in motion to ensure impeccable logistics, which includes guaranteeing the highest security standards. In the case of our flight up to 40 people have been involved in the preparations!


To fly in a private jet, there are several modalities.

1. Buy yourself the plane. To purchase, for example, a Falcon 2000DX you need about 40 million dollars. And that just to start talking, because the cost of the crew, gasoline, maintenance, etc., would have to be added to the price of the aircraft.

Angelina Jolie or John Travolta are some of the celebrities who own their own private plane.

NetJets a plane where you need it

NetJets, a plane where you need it

two. Being a co-owner, the so-called fractional ownership. The American company Netjets was a pioneer at the end of the 90s in this type of “sharing economy”.

Buying 1/16th of a Phenom 300 would cost around $545,000. , according to data provided by Netjets. Would the cheapest option that entitles you to 50 flight hours.

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal they have in common something more than being the two best tennis players in the world: they are both co-owners of a plane in the Netjets company.

3. Jet card or prepaid cards in which flight hours are charged. Every hour of flight would come to cost between 5000 to 7000 euros depending on the type of aircraft. According to this, our flight from Lisbon to the south of France, approximately two hours away, would cost about 12,000 euros. For a total of 9 passengers this would be equivalent to 1333 euros per person. A quick search on the internet shows that the price for this same journey in first class is 890 euros, that is, 30% less.

Netjets also sells this type of product: its most economical proposal is the Premium Light Jet Card (for a Phenom 300) with 25 flight hours and costs 179,000 euros.

Hugh Hefner didn't have a private jet he had his 'Big Bunny'

Hugh Hefner didn't have a private jet, he had his 'Big Bunny'


Not long ago, air travel was an unattainable luxury. for most mortals until the arrival of low-cost radically changed the landscape. do Will we witness a progressive democratization of private aviation in a similar way to what happened in commercial?

In countries like the United States, a much more mature market in the field of private aviation, this is already a fact. Companies like Jetsuite or Blade They offer ways in which it is possible to fly in a private jet at prices similar to those of business class and without the need for any initial investment.

In Europe there is still a long way to go but Alternatives are beginning to emerge, such as Surf Air, which offers a subscription model similar to that of Netflix or Spotify: for 1,750 pounds per month (£58 per day) You can fly as many as you like from London to a number of international destinations.


We landed in Nice. Disembarkation is done in the same way: quickly and efficiently . The suitcases? "The bags wait for the customer, never the other way around", is the lapidary phrase of the flight commander that perfectly sums up the essence of this experience: service + convenience + time savings.

Mind you, our plane landed an hour and a half late. And it is that Not even private aviation is exempt from strikes by air traffic controllers….


If your dream is to travel by private jet and your bank account does not allow it… The company ** Private Jet Studio rents private jets for photo shoots** for those who want to live the experience of getting on a private plane or, above all, become Instagram stars.

A two-hour session reaches 200 euros ; This is what this study located in Moscow proposes. They also have makeup artists. to achieve a look tailored to the occasion.

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