The best ruin bars in Budapest


The best ruin bars in Budapest

The best ruin bars in Budapest

Most of the calls shabby pubs either ruin bars they are not exactly in ruins; your offer of leisure and gastronomy it is more versatile than its name suggests, although it is true that some of them maintain a certain punk irreverence. These are the five essentials, although not the only ones.


A good skeleton and simple makeup is the best beauty secret and it is applied in this open-air bar. Protected by the bare structure of a building with all the doors and windows ripped out, those responsible for this terrace they can barely touch what's left of it for security and government licensing reasons.

Just a blank neon light shaped like the letter A , symbol of the place, presides over the place, a pile of bricks among which tables and chairs are distributed in its central patio. With a varied gastronomic offer close to the food truck, there are those who visit it as a cocktail bar, with people of all ages at its tables. And there is enough space to organize from time to time projections and concerts inside.


Ruined but true


With a clear Jewish reference ( Mazel Tov means "congratulations" or "good luck" in modern Hebrew ), it is one of the shabby pubs most recent in the area and also one of the least respectful of that taste for improvisation with which these places were born. In fact, it's actually a restaurant, a sophisticated design one that opened a couple of summers ago. In addition to a menu with dishes from the Middle East, the place also functions as a cultural center, which marks the difference with respect to the rest of neighborhood bars . It is conveniently connected to cultural organizations in the Hungarian capital, such as the Budapest Jewish Summer Festival , of which it has been the headquarters since it opened its doors.

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov


The Raven Club, which is what this bar is called in Hungarian, occupies a plot of land on the roof of what was once a popular shopping centre. Since they took control of the place a group of Budapest nightlife gurus , has lost its dilapidated appearance to give way to a much cozier pub that in its interior plant hides one of the techno clubs hottest in town.

As a curiosity: his outdoor terrace e coexists with a gigantic symbol of the Spar supermarket on one of its sides, a detail that remains in the memory of everyone who visits it. In it they also celebrate, when the weather allows it, movie screenings and electro-themed parties. Remember that it does not open on Mondays.


The nickname comes to him for an incontestable reason. Szimpla Kert is the first official ruin pub in Budapest ; the oldest of all. Unlike newcomers like Mazel Tov, he was born with a strong punk identity, from the ruins of communism, and has stayed that way.

It is a very large building. full of visitors who give it life and without much interest in interior decoration. You can have a beer on a tattered sofa, on a clean wooden table or in a bathtub full of cushions. It is the closest thing to the most famous squats in Europe, as Berlin's Kunsthaus Tacheles. always look at the ceiling , because you can hang everything from it, from a stuffed animal to a motorcycle. The entrance is in such an aged state that no one would think that it is one of the most beloved entertainment spots in the Hungarian city. Don't pay attention to his name ( the simple garden ) because this site is anything but simple.


Punk spirit in Budapest


It is so big that you can get lost in it, but also discover an unexpected surprise in each room you enter. Like Szimpla Kert, the decoration is pure chaos; a monument to the Diogenes syndrome . As fashionable as it is, the prices of its drinks are still cheap and nightfall is the opportune time to pay a visit, just when it blooms the most.

Probably the one with the vibe more youthful and international of all the bars that we have mentioned, for the good and for the bad.

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