A toast to small pleasures


Larios Campaign

Let's recover our Mediterranean spirit.

Two words: blessed summer . It can be affirmed, without fear of being mistaken, that these three summer months have been a breath of fresh air. More than a breath, almost a hurricane. Rarely have we embraced our traditions, everyday life, details, life with such longing..

They say that the best essences are kept in small jars and this peculiar return to reality has sentenced those words. Great aspirations are always protagonists when really it is the little things that should take the credit. Insignificant fragments that, excuse the redundancy, are the meaning of everything.

It has always been the daily pleasures that have made us feel good day after day: sharing some tapas with friends, experience new cocktails with our favorite gin and tonic or dance toasting no matter how or where. Suddenly, those details that we had been enjoying for so long were paused, but precisely at that moment we give them the importance they deserve . Now summer has come and with him the desire to recover them, which are not few.

'Recover' is a word that has acquired its own personality this season. Not only for the summer, but for those things that make us so ours. However, it is true that summer has the power to unite the five senses in one. It can be seen, smelled, touched, heard and tasted. And it tastes Mediterranean, but above all, Larios 12, with botanical and citrus touches that emulate that summer on the palate. whoever tries it.

There has been no better occasion to reconnect, with others and with ourselves, with what we are . It is the ideal moment for to spend the holidays in the town or to look at the city with different eyes , To enjoy our cuisine and our liquors , and that everything is sponsored by laughter.

It is a good time to reconnect with the family and going to those scheduled meals that now seem to pass too quickly while we clink bubbly glasses. For long movie sessions at home, or to end long evenings in the usual bars asking for our usual gin . a few days to get nostalgic winding alleys and remembering adolescence.

Larios Campaign

Shall we toast to this summer?

But we also recover the opportunity to get away with friends , to put the bikini and the towel in the suitcase, to reconcile with our beloved beaches . Perhaps that is one of the most anticipated reunions. The salt entangled in the hair, the chill when putting the feet in the icy water, running and splashing, and also throwing sand.

Then the best part. Gather around a table in those little blue and white tinted houses , so typical of our Mediterranean, witness of the anecdotes that are going to happen during the following hours. As a good habit, the towel around the body so as not to wet the chair and in front, one of those eternal after-meals that make you think that time has stopped.

And someone getting up and bringing three, four glasses loaded with ice to toast and, above all, sharing, which is what it is all about. It is time to open a bottle and when we think of those heated hours after lunch, we are only able to evoke our favorite gin and entertain ourselves while we prepare those classic gin and tonics.

And that gin would be Larios 12 and it is not a matter of chance, it is that it oozes Mediterranean in every way . Premium, like our summer, and wrapping life well lived, with ingredients that dance between wild juniper berries and nutmeg, but above all, in citrus fruits such as lemon and orange.

Larios Campaign

A chin chin for the little pleasures that make us happy.

Then those cocktails will become the protagonists of a clink caused by the swinging of the glasses , for the chin! chin! behind which desires, laughter, battles and promises are hidden. The promise to continue enjoying those little pleasures that so much represent us.

It is at that moment when you realize that Mediterranean is not just a concept . Mediterranean is a spirit, it is an attitude, but also red sunsets, gastronomy and a large handful of destinations that we are looking forward to going through one by one.

Thus, in company see the sun set on each of them, from the beach or the mountain , and enjoy those serene and light-filled nights, and also those storms that last three seconds and make you soaking wet. And finish, as we have said, toasting, with our drink and favorite people, for hundreds of good reasons but, especially, for delighting us with those little details that make us feel so good.

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