How to behave at a music festival


Maybe until the next day you remember something

Maybe until the next day you remember something

Music. It varies a lot from one festival to another. Above all, from one festival of jacks to any other. The groups that only know each other in London score double on the posters, but there are also the modalities "walking deads reunited", "I bought a barrel organ", "we met the day before yesterday on Facebook" and “attitude and mustaches” . Then, put the hipster group of the month at the top, in very big letters, and you already have the poster.

Humanity. There is part of the humanity of a festival that is disguised as a stuffed animal. Then there is another one that puts her girlfriend on a piggyback ride in the middle of the concert. There are tall festival buddies who can get you to go home thinking that M83 is a head that makes electronic music. And there are festival mates like my friend Iñaki who spend 40 minutes lying on their backs on the ground without breathing. Good for seeing the concert behind them, bad if you're wandering around.

VIP zone. Sounds good, but it's been turning into a ghetto with beers a penny cheaper, swimming pool with piranha breeding environment and just twice as many people as in the normal zone that if they try to dance they kick their girlfriend.

Clothing. Buying your ticket early is fine, but choosing your clothes three months in advance leads you, when you arrive at the festival, to the fact that: a) you have gained weight, b) it has gone out of style. You must wear sunglasses at night. This year transparencies are in, which, combined with last year's shorts with pockets out, are to blame for most of the emergencies at the Red Cross post. For torticollis.

Beverage. One of the parallel activities of todofestival is: strain a bottle in the enclosure. Depending on how empowered the bouncer is, the result can end in “go back to the starting square”, “lose a turn”, or “go from bubbly to drunken coma in one roll”.

Food. You ask for anything and the communal griddle makes sure that you won't be able to tell a chorizo ​​from a chicken breast.

Flirt. A festival is the ideal testing ground for experimenting with social relationships. You can try new techniques such as "constant stress" or "I found the yeti but I won't know until tomorrow morning". Festival loves unite a lot, until months later, after eight hours by train to Lugo, you realize at a cafeteria table with candles that you have nothing to talk about apart from “the festival was cool” . For the rest, nobody catches at a festival, that's a myth. Except with the yeti, which are two myths that counteract each other.

Dance. On rubble, on glasses, on the platform, in a container, on stage, on top of the feet of the person next door. They will be the holes of your life.

Mobiles. New mobiles already come with a device that discharges the battery just two seconds after losing your friends . Now there are booths that charge you two euros, so you will only be lost for an hour. A wasted hour is nothing at a festival, it's a concert by The XX or a lazy description of life in the village of a girl who seemed interested, but was just killing time, like you. It is best to organize a system of meetings every hour , but you have to stay at some solid meeting point. Don't stay in balloon three because in the middle of the festival a girl with boots and a hat is going to take balloon three home.

Friends. Discarded the flirting thing if you're not much of a Yeti, the best thing about a festival is friends. There are those that you bring from home, of which you discover new facets at festivals, such as sleeping naked even if you share a bed. And then there are the new ones, a well of surprises. Well for how they drink . At the very least, at one point in the festival you're going to kiss them a lot and at another you're going to lose them completely.

Sleep. Normally you sleep on the floor. But it is compensated by the mixed communal showers. It is of special anthropological interest to visit them in a festival with goths. Everyone has a story to tell about that festival where they ended up setting up shop in the DJ area and surrounding areas. The desire of a person to sleep in a hotel is inversely proportional to the possibility of gaps , fractures and other festival accessories.

Toilets. If you could bring it home-made for two or three days, you would save yourself some trouble.

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