Montserrat: curiosities, routes, myths and legends


May the telluric forces be with you

May the telluric forces be with you


The Monastery of Montserrat was founded in the year 1,025 in a place of magic so special that it is almost impossible not to capture all your attention. On the one hand we have the Plateresque-style building, full of interesting sculptures, a large square with impressive views and an exceptional basilica nave loaded with decorative and ornamental elements, a delight for architecture lovers. In addition, its exceptional library stands out, with more than 250,000 volumes.

On the other hand, the characteristics geomorphological features of its seductive and abrupt environment . Implausible and whimsical natural sculptures are what make up this landscape, caused by erosion, tectonic movements and the multitude of sediments that were deposited over the years. Did you know that this entire area was occupied by a river delta more than 50 million years ago?

The Montserrat monastery has become a religious landmark that brings together every year thousands of pilgrims . And it is not surprising, since the black virgin, known as "The brunette" , Montserrat has always been linked to spirituality.

Montserrat in all its splendor

Montserrat in all its splendor


Such a place could not be exempt from legends and mysteries. For example, it is said that such was the shock and suffering that originated after the death of Jesus, that this great mountain emerged from the subsoil as a sign of protest, or perhaps, of sadness.

Plus. Do you know what 'The Liars' are? They are two small sources of water that flow freely inside the mountain. They are so called because even after many days of drought, water gushes out of their cracks, suggesting that there may be a large inner reservoir.

It is also commented that the interior of this mountain is hollow, through which telluric currents fluctuate causing a manifestation of ionized energy. This would produce almost magical effects abroad. Perhaps it is responsible for allowing those meditative states and alterations of consciousness that are experienced in the vicinity of the mountain?

The capricious forms of Montserrat

The capricious shapes of Montserrat


In the highest part of Montserrat, known as the Cavall Bernat , it is said that evil itself appeared to a woodcutter. The devil lent him a strong horse (named Bernat, in fact) in order to help with the tasks in the field. In exchange, the devil only asked him to receive a horse with the same qualities as Bernat after ten years.

After that time, the devil returned to collect the debt from him. The woodcutter's wife realized the situation and quickly began to pray to the Virgin for help. It seems that her prayers were heard and a great light appeared causing the devil to flee, leaving behind a large stone pointing skyward.

Knight Bernat

Knight Bernat


The drums resonate in different war stories that roam these lands. For example, the one that talks about a group of French soldiers who rested at the foot of the mountain preparing for battle. Then, some stones fell on them and some of them bounced off their drums, which caused the alert of the Catalan soldiers who took the opportunity to attack from the rear.

Another version is the cunning of a young Catalan who was playing his drum all over the mountain ; due to the large number of cavities that exist in it (remember that it is believed to be hollow) it caused a deafening sound that reverberated with such violence and force that it made the French troops believe that a large number of Spanish soldiers were lying in wait... causing his escape. Good drums! Although... f Finally, Montserrat was razed to the ground in 1811 by Napoleonic troops.

The whims of rocks and their rumbling sounds

The whims of rocks and their rumbling sounds


Legend has it that La Moreneta was found in the 9th century by some shepherds who came to it guided by a great light. They say that the Bishop of Manresa ordered that it be transported to his city, but during this transport (and here comes the legend) the figure grew heavier as it moved away from the cave (It seemed that he wanted to stay and finally got it).

It is said that it was Saint Luke who sculpted the wooden carving of the Virgin of Montserrat, in the image of the mother of Jesus. Saint Peter would be in charge of bringing it to Rome, but during its transfer it was hidden in said cave to prevent the Muslims from stealing it.

the brunette

the brunette


It is said that this area is very prone to sightings of lights, a phenomenon that has been resonating in Montserrat since the 1970s, when some people claimed to have been abducted by aliens. In fact, every day 11 of each month , meetings are held between lovers of ufology in Montserrat to try to make... contact.


In true Indiana Jones style, in 1940 Adolf Hitler's III Reich, commanded by Himmler, came to this place in search of the Holy Grail. Himmler asked the only German-speaking monk, Andreu Ripoll, to show him the way to Montserrat's impressive library. Himmler's objective was to find any kind of information about Perceval (King Arthur's knight), with the idea of ​​obtaining the occult powers capable of helping them win the war. After hours and hours, Himmler left the place, not knowing to this day what he could find.

Himmler and the Holy Grail at Montserrat

Himmler and the Holy Grail at Montserrat


After so much mystery, mysticism and religion, the only thing we need is time, time to reflect and assimilate all this intake of information.

The best way to do it is taking a relaxing walk along some of the fascinating routes that surround this natural environment of the Montserrat Monastery, with a maximum height of 1,236 meters (where the Pla del Ocells viewpoint ) . Its incredible views are well known and its clear days are famous, from where you can even see the Pyrenees or Mallorca, a spectacular sight worthy of being admired.

Keep your eyes open and get ready to discover more curious things about this place.

** Camí dels Degotalls :** a total of 3.20 km ideal to enjoy with the whole family. Its easy access will make this route a relaxing walk accompanied by endless views.

holy cave : another interesting route full of tradition. It is the walk of only 2.70 km from the Montserrat Monastery to the Holy Cave. Easily accessible route full of interesting sculptures such as the Montserrat Monumental Rosary dating from the years 1896 and 1916. This chapel is a perfect pairing between that capricious nature of unlikely shapes and the most daring architecture that give this complex an impressive surreal landscape. According to legend, the image of the Virgin of Montserrat was found in the year 880, which led to the construction of this monastery.

Upper station of the funicular from Sant Joan to the Monastery : if we want to climb slopes and walk a little more than 7 km. this route can be yours. The starting point is the funicular at Plaça del Monestir to get to Sant Joan, from here forget everything and get ready to get to Saint Jeroni from where truly unique views of Montserrat and Catalonia can be seen.

Be that as it may, now you have no excuses to take a trip to this interesting mountain and its monastery: it's up to you, and only you, to discover all these stories firsthand.

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