L'Ametlla de Mar: the sun continues to shine in this small town in Tarragona


Ametlla de Mar.

Ametlla de Mar.

I love summer , I admit it. I am addicted to the sun, to the energy that it transmits to me and to how its rays slip through my pores ( always protected with sunscreen , I swear) . Explore coves, wind the road in search of a seafood town and the perfect temperature.

If something has always caught my attention Tarragona coast is the stillness of its beaches , the peace what is breathed in their villages where it seems that time has stopped . I don't know about you but for me it's sometimes necessary to stop and feel that the city hasn't made me that old yet.

That's how beautiful l'Ametlla de Mar is.

That's how beautiful l'Ametlla de Mar is.

An addictive sensation, that you will experience in few places, the same one that you feel when you see the raging sea from its cliffs. Those that take on a very special color when the sun goes down: the perfect symphony between the green of the pines, the orange earth of the rocks and the blue; the one that is turquoise on the edge and almost dark at the bottom.

What I am going to share with you now is a place that I have started to grow fond of. Things of destiny have been put in my way and I have nothing more to thank for that l'Ametlla de Mar and I have met.

Autumn is drawn as the perfect time of year to return, a return with fewer degrees of temperature, ah, but here the 28 degrees no one takes them away from you in September or being optimistic in October! And throw you a jacket to give a walk surrounded by olive trees at sunset. That is living.

This is another of his great secrets or for me a most virtuous gift: a walk with my dogs running between oblivion and rocks.

Speaking of his history... this seafaring town came to life a century ago when Alfama wanted to expand its fishing area and its Valencian sailors landed in the cove , located in the Sant Jordi area, where you will now find one of the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean , Sant Jordi beach .

The Llotja.

The Llotja.

The Valencian settlers they made this marine redoubt that was already inhabited grow, since in the 20th century there is already data of a minimum population with a church . Around 1900, many of the caleros, as they were known, they went to the Costa Brava and to do the Americas.

Years later the population recovered and became what it is today, a town of 8,000 people that still has its sights set on the sea and fully dedicated to tourism.

In fact, there are a few mandatory visits if you pass through here: "The port with its typical marine atmosphere, the auction at the Llotja de l'Ametlla , the entry and exit of the fishing boats and also its diversity of coves and beaches”, they tell Traveler.es from the Tourist Office.


L'Ametlla de Mar It has a great tourist offer, from its 30 beautiful coves and beaches , five of them with the ADEC award, to sports, marine activities and for the best palates.

But we will start with your treasure (or mine) which are its coves and beaches . If I like this place for something, it's because offers options for those of us with dogs ; there are several beaches that you can go to in high season. Take note: Cala Bon Caponet Y Cala del Cementiri.

30 coves and beaches to enjoy beautifully.

30 coves and beaches to enjoy beautifully.

Personally, I love to end the day walking from the town of l'Ametlla to l'Estany Podrit, don't be scared by the name because nothing is rotten here. Is a virgin beach with posidonia that goes into the road and in which a small pool of clean but calm water is created, perfect for dogs to take a dip at the end of the day.

Tarragona boasts (and can) of having one of the warmest waters in the Mediterranean , for that reason you will be able to swim until well into October. If you want to do it as God brought you into the world, we recommend the Torrent del Pi beach , if you are looking for something wonderful Sant Jordi beach and Cala Pepo and with family Cala Forn and Cala Vidre . These last four are all together so it is convenient to visit the 18th century defense castle located on Sant Jordi beach and take a walk to admire them all.

My favorites are the stone beaches because they have something that makes them special and makes you show your wildest side. L'Illot is simply perfect , although difficult to access but from the cliff to see that island of pines and that turquoise sea, is priceless. you won't find a better place to snorkel In addition, you will be accompanied by the native birds that are very nice.

L'Ametlla is a neighbor of Perelló, Calafat, Las Tres Calas and the area of Cap de Santes Creus . It is in autumn, when the heat gives us respite, **the best time to get to know its coast from the GR92 trail**, the longest route in the Mediterranean because It covers Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and reaches Andalusia.

It was inaugurated at the Olympic Games in Barcelona and, from there, in 1992. It starts in Portbou and continues along the Catalan coast showing the best of its landscapes in 561 km . Of course it passes through Tarragona in several sections.

Around here there are several of them: from the Hospitalet de l'Infant to l'Ametlla de Mar, some 22.4 km in almost 4 hours , or from l'Ametlla de Mar to l'Ampolla, which are 14.62 km in just over 4 hours . You will only have to follow the white and red signs leaving the sea on your left.


- Tuna Tour : diving activity to meet the largest tuna in the Mediterranean and swim among them.

- Hiking and trekking routes: route of the olive trees, archaeological route, historical route...

- ** Fish market tapas route:** from November 30 to December 9.

- Gastronomic Days of "l'Arrossejat i de la gamba blanca" : from October 5 to October 10.

Rice with lobster at La Llotja restaurant.

Rice with lobster at La Llotja restaurant.


If we have brought you here for something, it is because you are going to leave very happy after trying their delicacies. Fish and shellfish are famous throughout the area. Remember that l'Ametlla is very close to the Ebro Delta . So do not leave here without trying mussels, red tuna, lobster, rice dishes and paellasTake note these are the places to eat yummy:

**- The Llotja **

Opened in 2002, this restaurant offers signature cuisine by Marc Miró . His philosophy is to provide impeccable service, so there is only room for 25 diners . Your star dishes? marinated sardine with smoked oil, raspberry vinaigrette and toast with tomato confit, rock octopus with creamy potato and allioli, and the Sauteed baby squid with confit onion and ink oil.

Also the espardeñas with Iberian bacon and pistachio oil, and the Balfego tuna . You can't miss the Rock fish broth rice with lobster.

**- The Molí dels Avis **

Do you want to try the tuna What have we talked about so much? This is the address you should write down.

**- The Mouth **

Traditional restaurant next to the port where you can try some of the most characteristic products of the area. I prefer your mussels.

**- Mare Nostrum **

Paellas and fresh fish at a good price.

**- Can Maura **

If you are going to put on your boots, book in advance.




- ** Hotel Atmella de Mar .** 4-star hotel located in les Rocks Daurades , one of the quietest areas of l'Atmella. It is ideal to go with the family as they have numerous activities.

-Figuerola Resort & Spa. Located about 30km from l'Ametlla de Mar, in Vandellos , is the ideal place to go as a couple and enjoy the perfect tandem of sea and mountains.

**- Hotel Mas Mariassa. ** It is a charming hotel 30km from l'Ametlla de Mar in the town of pratdip.

- Camping Ametlla de Mar. In Tarragona it is very common to go camping, there are numerous options: for those who drive their own motorhome, for tents, bungalows and glamping.

Village of l'Ametlla de Mar.

Village of l'Ametlla de Mar.

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