Genalguacil, the town-museum that you should know



In the middle of last December the Association of the Most Beautiful Towns in Spain made its verdict public: 11 new municipalities were added to the existing list.

And with it increased our desire to leave the big city and escape –even if it was for a few days– to these rural paradises that fight daily to stop depopulation and that have an authentic architectural or natural heritage of those that remain in our retina impassive over time.

Among this successful selection, Genalguacil monopolizes much of the attention. The reason? Decades ago its inhabitants decided to differentiate themselves from the rest of the offers in the area to become a town-museum where the streets have been transformed into open-air art galleries and many of its houses are artists' workshops or spaces where you can witness the most cutting-edge cultural projects.

Do we discover it as soon as the opportunity presents itself?


Genalguacil, a surprising town full of art in the Genal Valley (Málaga)


It was almost in the middle of the 90's when from this town in the province of Malaga they decided to launch an initiative that meant a turning point in the trajectory of this enclave that presents a stepped terrain and a natural beauty worthy of the Genal Valley area.

“In 1994, the town launched some meetings of artisans who created their pieces and placed them in different parts of the municipality, turning the streets into an open-air museum. The main objective of this artistic project was to combat the depopulation experienced since the 1950s and which was becoming more and more worrying,” they tell from Genalguacil Pueblo Museo.

“Little by little, with the support of different institutions, the meetings turned towards contemporary creation, until today they became one of the most important artistic events in our community. All this work is done by the town and its inhabitants”, they add.

A decade after those meetings came the Museum of Contemporary Art, which houses traveling exhibitions of the global art scene.


Also, in the last decade other initiatives have been born such as Arte Vivo (an extension of the Art Encounters), Lumen (with its first edition in 2019, it is the only activity that is not carried out in the summer but in a timely manner during the rest of the year and translates into a dialogue of art with the people of the town) and a recent line of individual projects (The last to land and will soon be launched).

"All of them have come with the intention of strengthening Genalguacil's link with contemporary art putting the national and international focus on this destination in the province of Malaga. Art against depopulation. Art for the repopulation” , they comment from the association.

And of course we must not forget that creativity is located at street level, so the visitor will always be able to contemplate his art regardless of the time of year in which we find ourselves.


Genalguacil: pure art


Despite the endless activities mentioned a few lines above, the Art Encounters are the main reason for the existence of this town-museum, the pioneering project and the one that arouses the most interest among professionals in the sector.

“The Art Encounters are a biannual event (even years) where, during the first 15 days of August, around 10 artists settle in the town to produce their projects which, once completed, are exhibited in one of the rooms of the Museum of Contemporary Art or in each of the outdoor locations chosen for them”, they comment from the association itself.

Intense days where strong ties are experienced between scholarship artists, residents of Genalguacil and visitors who come to this town to be part of this whole creative process. Also, activities for children and adults, workshops and a varied program where musical theater performances, movie screenings and even morning aerobics classes are the order of the day.


Genalguacil, one of the most beautiful towns in Spain

“As for the selection of artists, it is carried out by a jury of experts that changes every year. Months before, a public call is opened and interested creatives present their proposal. Last year 2020, with 209 projects received from 18 countries, we broke our own record”, they add from Genalguacil Pueblo Museo.

This latest edition has been without a doubt the most complicated and enriching of all those that have taken place to date. The uncertain panorama and the health crisis made it a complicated decision to continue or not with the Art Encounters. But where the rest see a difficulty, they see a challenge.

“Thanks to the professionalism of the artists and the commitment of visitors and neighbors, everything went as planned. During the rest of the months we have had moments that we have seen each other with mobility and time restrictions, but we have taken advantage of these occasions to improve certain aspects internally and that everything was ready when the time comes to open our doors again”, they tell from the foundation.


"Art against depopulation. Art for repopulation"


The inclusion of Genalguacil within the network of Most Beautiful Towns in Spain for this 2021 it has come as a breath of fresh air for a year in which tourism has been so punished. “It was a real privilege to be part of this selection and we know that it will be a very positive tool for the town, to make it known and to stop depopulation. In the end, the effort of all these decades has been worth it,” the mayor of Genalguacil, Miguel Ángel Herrera, tells

In addition to its wide cultural offer, Genalguacil can boast of having endless attractions that go beyond art. With the presence of two of the cleanest rivers in Spain –the Genal and the Almarchal– and a natural area populated by chestnut trees, cork oaks and Spanish firs It is presented as the perfect claim for nature lovers. A unique location that in the words of its mayor: "translates as true paradise."

And to taste the traditional gastronomy of the area? In the same town options like the restaurant Las Cruces, Casa Mateo, El Patio or El Refugio They are a sure hit. In nearby towns such as Gaucín, Platero & Co, La Fructuoso or El Ático await us. An authentic piece of the south in every bite!


Contemporary Art Museum


Initiatives like these do nothing more than help combat the exodus that has plagued the rural world for decades. Since 1994, numerous artists have passed through Genalguacil and some of them have even decided to stay and live or buy a house in the town.

“After fifty years losing inhabitants, since 2019 we are increasing the population by 4% per year” , indicate from the Genalguacil Pueblo Museum association itself.

“I would invite people not only to visit this wonderful town, but also to come and live in it. For artists who want to promote their work, it is much easier because this is already a living exhibition throughout the village. There is no better way to make yourself known”, indicates its mayor.


art inside and out

names like Benjamin Ramirez, Ross Russel, Carlos Re, Marie-Isabelle Poirier, and Patrick Fossey They are the clear example of creators who have decided to buy a house here or have set up their workshops where they develop a large part of their work. “Thanks to all the work we have done for more than 25 years, We have managed to get people from the other side of the world to come to Genalguacil, buy a house and unconditionally get involved with the project. There is nothing more rewarding!” , they comment from the association itself.

Do we let ourselves be conquered by art in all its versions?


A destination where… stay to live?

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