5 towns to feel Huelva


Huelva is how you live on the Costa de la Luz.

Huelva, this is how you live on the Costa de la Luz.

Welcome to the Costa de la Luz, to Huelva of the Sierra, to that perfect combination between sea and mountain.

Didn't you know that a third of their lands belong to Natural spaces ? It's not crazy considering you're lucky enough to be here Doñana Natural Park and the Odiel Marshes.

Huelva must be felt, embraced, found in its streets, squares and markets. Huelva is culture, ancestral customs and rich gastronomy, it is that territory that drinks from the Atlantic, the Guadalquivir and the Guadiana, the one that feels the pilgrimage of the Dew with true devotion...

You want to meet her, right? We invite you on this tour of five of its most beautiful municipalities.

Ayamonte is the gates of Portugal.

Ayamonte, at the gates of Portugal.


The Guadiana river bathes this municipality of Huelva that, although it is a city, we have wanted to add in this small guide. Why?

Ayamonte, almost at the gates of Portugal, is a place that awakens all the senses. First for its gastronomy : tapas, more than a dish, are a way of life . From this region of Huelva are famous tapas such as the stripe in paprika , the cuttlefish meatballs , the tuna with onions and the coquinas in their sauce.

In addition to visiting its historic center and monuments, such as the Parish of Angustias , you cannot miss its coast: Isla de Canela and Punta del Moral are two of its most popular beaches.

Riotinto mining town.

Riotinto, mining town.


Mining has been key in the development of this town in the interior of Huelva. Its lunar landscape, the red water river, called Tinto, and the largest open mine in all of Europe, the short watchtower , make him a town that you must visit if you get to Huelva.

If you are thinking of visiting it, you should visit the mining train located in the Riotinto Mining Park, an authentic trip on a 19th century railway to discover the 5,000 years of history of its mining activity.

You can't miss the Bellavista neighborhood , built in the same century, which housed the British colony that managed the Riotinto mines.

The Broken Huelva.

El Rompido, Huelva.


This town of fishermen's houses It is another of the most picturesque in the province. You will find one of its largest and most beautiful landscapes in the Natural area of ​​La Flecha . your beach is a sandy tongue between the Piedras River and the Atlantic that changes at the rhythm of the tide.

It is here that you will also find Nueva Umbría beach, a perfect place to disappear if you like virgin and quiet beaches.

El Rompido is also known for its routes for hikers, as it is close to the Doñana Natural Park, Isla Cristina and the Odiel Marshes.

Moguer the town of poetry.

Moguer, the town of poetry.


"I will take you Moguer to all countries and to all times, you will be for me, my poor people, despite the achievements, immortal". These are some of the innumerable verses that the Nobel Prize for Literature, Juan Ramon Jimenez , he dedicated Moguer to his town in his work.

That is why Moguer is also the town of poetry. Today, the Juan Ramón Jiménez Foundation collects all this literary heritage in its house-museum.

But he is also the town of the strawberries and cakes of the confectionery La Victoria.

In Moguer there is also the Santa Clara Monastery and a 14th century castle, among other historical monuments. But if there was a milestone in the town, it was the construction of 'The girl', the Columbus caravel, also called Santa Clara in honor of the monastery.

For all this, Moguer was declared Well of Cultural Interest and recognized within Columbian Places.

Aljar Huelva is also green.

Alájar, Huelva is also green.


We have already warned you that Huelva is wild and rugged , the proof is in Alájar , this beautiful municipality located at 837 meters altitude . In its village of whitewashed houses and red roofs, from between the 16th and 18th centuries, is the Rock of Arias de Montano.

In this natural monument he retired to rest Benito Arias Montano , theologian, humanist and Spanish polyglot writer. Here in his honor is the bust of him, in addition to the Hermitage Ntra. Mrs. Queen of the Angels , one of the most important pilgrimage centers in Andalusia.

If you visit Alájar you will have to go up to the viewpoint of La Peña to contemplate the views of the entire town. It's tradition!

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