Pizza Cartel: eating Naples from Madrid is possible


Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

On a gastro route through Italy... from Madrid!

There is a long list of aspects to highlight Italy . This country leaves no one indifferent. However, **if we have to stick with one thing, that is its gastronomy**. It is quite unlikely that there is a person who does not like pizza.

Willing not to judge anyone (we will turn a blind eye), **Pizza Cartel, the new restaurant of the Generator Madrid **, is not only an **ode to pizzas **, as it may seem. In this space there is also room for **tasty hamburgers and delicious desserts**.

Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

Pizzas, hamburgers, starters, desserts... Which Italy do you want to try?

As if it were the yellow brick road, **when you go down the stairs of the hostel**, you still don't know that, at the bottom, you will probably find **the recipe for happiness**. Take a seat and enjoy a trip through Italy without leaving the site.

Despite the clear origin, **the place could well have come from the coolest neighborhood in New York **. Exposed pipes, vintage chairs and black tiles make up a industrial air mixed with hints of the 50s, but also the 80s.

Restaurant Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

At Pizza Cartel you can breathe Movida Madrileña.

This decoration also **celebrates the castizo **, with details that recover **the punk aesthetic of the Movida Madrileña ** and with a colorful mural baptized as urban odyssey . The latter, work of the artist Isra Páez , intends to represent the agitated rhythm of the capital.


Let's stop with flourishes and let's eat . Before launching yourself into the pizzas, from here a recommendation: food “to share” (assuming you want to do it) . A ** focaccia, burrata or fingers** to whet your appetite. **A sure hit? The nachos**, that one guacamole not easily forgotten.

**And now, the main course: the pizzas **. Rarely has the love of food brought so many people together. So much so, that each of us has your own preferences when eating it (see the war for and against the pineapple). If you have not had the pleasure of traveling to Italy, you may not know that there are three types: Roman, Neapolitan and Sicilian.

Nachos from the Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

We share?

In this case, in pizza poster you will embark on a sentimental relationship with Naples. "The Neapolitan pizza is different for having a higher hydration and a thick edge, as well as for having few ingredients" says the chef. This would be a direct and concise presentation, the reality is even more delicious.

The offer is simple, not too long, so as not to beat around the bush. On the one hand, classics such as the Capricciosa, the spicy Diavola, the Quattroformagi or the Margarita which, curiously, is the most demanded (sometimes, happiness lies in simplicity).

They are joined by Pancetta, San Daniele or the house: Generator . The latter with homemade tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Parmesan and Taleggio, mushrooms, fresh sausage and truffle sauce , for her inveterate lovers. An explosion of flavor that she conceived with local tastes in mind.

Gold medal without a doubt to the Parmigiana , another of the most popular. Provolone and basil, along with ham and aubergines, topped with Parmesan cheese , bring together the best of Italy, moving you in the blink of an eye.

Parmigiana Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

We'll stick with the Parmigiana!

The pizzas have minimum fermentation of 24 hours and most of the products are directly imported from Italy . Example of this is the Fior di Latte cheese , made with whole cow's milk and responsible for the mythical scene that keeps us attached to our portion by means of a thread of melted cheese.

The culprit of our delusions because of this delicacy is Valeria Catalano, pizza chef of the restaurant . Hailing from Sicily, she's been attached to pizzas for ten years , cooking them in Germany, Australia or Spain . It could be said that she spreads love wherever she goes.

Interior Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

A piece of Naples sneaks into the heart of Madrid

sweet life

We have already been warning you that at Pizza Cartel you can also enjoy a **wide variety of hamburgers**. However, we hope you have left room in your stomach because **you can't pass up the desserts either**. The good things make you wait.

A sweet pizza? Yes, perfection exists. The protagonist is the Nutella and the companions the berries or strawberries . This dessert is only suitable for true sweet tooths.

Cheesecake Pizza Poster Generator Madrid

Nobody becomes bitter by a candy!

But if traditions are your thing, **the brownie, the chocolate cake or the cheesecake** could be one of your options. We have **a clear winner: tiramisu**. Far from being the typical gooey dessert, it is creamy and light in equal parts. We would even be able to repeat.

Italian gastronomy has done it again , has conquered us in the best way: eating. What is clear is that **there is a new Little Italy in Madrid** and it is cooking in the back room of the Generator.

Address: Calle de San Bernardo, 2, 28013 Madrid See map

Telephone: 910 47 98 01

Half price: Starters: €5 / Pizza: €9 / Desserts: €4

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