Reposted, sourdough biscuits with a Mediterranean flavor (and heart)


The irresistible biscuits from Reposted.

The irresistible biscuits from Reposted.

Lemon and orange or laurel; lavender and blueberries; pear, hazelnut and chocolate; blackberry and herbal infusion... These ingredients sound like the description of the perfect mediterranean perfume , with country notes, essences of childhood memories but with biscuit flavor . Herbs and fruits that ignite the magic with which he elaborates every day Rachel Rodriguez with Reposted, a business in which the sourdough pastry shines with its own light.

"I think I'm the only one who makes cupcakes entirely with sourdough ", she tells us from her workshop near the Gate of Toledo, in Madrid , in which every day she bakes the creations that supply coffee shops like Dot Café throughout the week, San Francisco Workshop , Agrado Café, Pavlov's Dog or La Malaje restaurant. "There are ancestral recipes for sponge cakes with bread dough or similar things but I wanted to have as a differentiating element, and to get a little out of the line followed until now by other businesses, to avoid the use of Anglo-Saxon flavors".



For Rodriguez, the Spanish market does not need more red velvets or brownies . "They are very rich but personally I wanted to do something with which I could identify myself. I am from Alicante – that is why he is fascinated by cinnamon, anise, lemon and apple cakes – and I think here in Spain we have a spectacular gastronomic tradition and culture but that we have not managed to apply it sufficiently in desserts. It is very easy to find sites that make their own recipes but sweet is something that are usually depersonalized ", she concludes.

That is why she is passionate, and madly, delving each season into mediterranean ingredients that make their biscuits recognizable at first bite, with products such as almonds, citrus fruits, herbs, lavender or bay leaves, and that result in mixtures that combine pear, hazelnut and chocolate; fig and liquorice or raspberry, nectarine and lime.

"I always fall in love with new flavors for a matter of novelty. It's like when you meet someone for the first time and you freak out," she says between laughs. "But I have two that are super special: one is the lavender and blueberries , which is the best seller. It's one of those things that came about by chance and suddenly hits the ground running. It's a very rounded flavor that draws a lot of attention and works very well," he explains. "And on the other hand, the cake that I love the most is the lemon and laurel ... it's an explosion of flavor! I think they're both the ones I've been with the longest and the ones I love the most," he concludes.

cletaapp, the sustainable bike messenger service with which Reposted delivers at home.

@cleta_app, the sustainable cycle messaging service with which Reposted delivers at home.

His story as a confectioner began when he lived in Berlin. "Being pregnant there was not much to do during the winter, so I dedicated myself to make cupcakes at home , I used to make cakes to entertain myself. When I returned to Madrid and had to take care of them and combine it with an 8-hour day, I realized that I needed a change. Being a pastry chef is something vocational because, literally, you spend your time between flour and sugar", she jokes.

After working in a company that made artisan biscuits for places like the Panic bakery, or the bike cafe , the time has come to Reposted . "I had been consuming sourdough bread for some time and I was making about three hundred artisan biscuits a week, which I was very good at, and that was when it occurred to me to try to make a production entirely from sourdough". The reason? I consider it to be sourdough bread tastes better and more digestive and better quality... And why not do it in the sweet section? ", she explains to us about a process that many prefer to avoid to save time. It is the same difficulty to make it with or without it, but preparing the dough and waiting for it to be ready requires slower processes.

The collaborations with other brands and producers They are a fundamental part of her vision. "I have had sponge cakes with flavors like strawberries and anise, in a tribute to Silvia, from brutal jams ", she tells us why she likes to meet people who innovate and who do different things, which is why she has adopted a hive a Trasmonte . "Taking care of what we eat is also taking care of the origin where it comes from. I have pending experiment with honey and I thought it was cool to do it with an adopted hive. It will not be a very extensive honey production, so it will be limited products."

Reposted only attends to orders from cafeterias and individuals via home delivery. " We do not have a physical store but everything will go. Currently, I have a business model behind closed doors and to order, so I know everything that is being sold in advance and the risk is lower. I have two girls and this is perfect because it makes it easier for me to have a more flexible schedule. But, little by little, I notice that the time is coming make the leap to having your own physical point of sale".

At the moment, it is the specialty cafeterias, some of the most cutting-edge in Madrid, that function as its showcase. "I believe that the quality of specialty coffee it is very well associated with the quality of the product that I make and that helps not to undermine the quality of the coffee". Try it, you will see that you are not wrong.

Rachel Rodriguez

Rachel Rodriguez

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